Be My Strength

The food is so bland

The food is so bland

Ghost waited for Callum to bring him proper food but Callum took forever.     

When he called him earlier, Callum said that he was making a feast but Ghost swore that he heard minor explosion in the background.     

He also heard pots falling over and someone was shouting in the background.     

When he hung up the call, Ghost was worried that he might not have a house to return to once he was discharged.     

Suddenly, a middle-aged nurse came in and said, "Mr. Luo, it's time for your snacks…"     

Ghost sighed, "The food is so bland…"     

"It's tea time so I think you'd like the snacks," said the nurse as she placed the tray on his table.     

When she saw the laptop on Ghost's lap, she scolded him, "You're here because you overworked yourself. Aren't you going to stop? That man, earlier. He was so frantic when he asked for your room number. Aren't you going to pity him?"     

"Which man?" asked Ghost before he placed his laptop aside.     

"The young man who came to visit you in the afternoon…" said the nurse as she stood akimbo next to Ghost's bed.     

Ghost smiled. As he glanced at the variety of snacks that the nurse brought in, he asked, "Isn't he stupidly cute?"     

"He's quite alright. Not as good looking as my son though," said the nurse with a huge smile.     

As Ghost ate the chocolate pudding, he asked, "You have got a son?"     

The nurse nodded as she checked his IV drip, "Yeah. He's studying to be a doctor now. He's my biggest joy and pride…"     

Ghost smiled.     

As the nurse tidy up the room a little, she asked, "What about you, Mr. Luo? Have you been making your mother proud? You know, you only got so little time on Earth..."     

Ghost was stunned for a moment before he replied, "I hope so…"     

He then glanced at the nurse before saying, "She passed away a long time ago…"     

The nurse felt guilty. She looked away for a second before looking back at him and said softly, "I'm sure she's very proud of you."     

Ghost smiled but he did not say anything.     

Instead, he just focused on his chocolate pudding while he looked at the news. The nurse quietly left the room.     

The news was reporting on the progress of Luo Yin's trial and he could see Mrs. Luo sitting at the bench as she watched the trial.     

The first day of the trial was yesterday so this news was just a follow-up.     

To expedite the trial, the Du Conglomerate sponsored half of the expenses.     

To avoid accusation of witness tampering, Ghost had used Luo Corporation's money to sponsor half of it.     

All the victims were flown in to give their statements and they were kept in protective custody under the care of the Nakamura family.     

As Ghost watched the news intently, the nurse earlier suddenly came back with another serving of chocolate pudding.     

With a kind smile, she said, "There's extra chocolate pudding. I was going to eat it myself but... This is for you. Don't overwork yourself again."     

Before Ghost could reply, she quickly ran off from the room. When Ghost watched her running away, he chuckled. He figured, if his mother was alive, she would be as frantic as the nurse.     

His mother used to get overly anxious whenever he was sick. She would always end up as sick as he was.     

As Ghost started to eat the chocolate pudding, he suddenly stopped and looked at the chocolate pudding.     

"It tasted a little different… Different batch?" thought Ghost.     

This batch of chocolate pudding tasted the same as the one that he had with lunch. It was the first one that he just had that was a little off.     

He did not notice earlier because he was hungry.     

"Should I call someone?" thought Ghost as he narrowed his eyes.     

He hesitated for a moment but since he was quite hungry, he did not think too much about it. Once he was done, he went to the toilet to relieve himself and to clean himself up.     

When he stepped out of the toilet, he suddenly felt a little dizzy. It was as if the room started to spin around him slowly.     

"Something...not right…" thought Ghost as his view became blurry.     

He felt uncomfortable and he tried to grab hold of his phone that was on the nightstand next to his bed.     

However, his head was spinning and his view was too blurry. He grabbed the air instead before he fell onto the floor.     

As he tried to get up from the floor, someone came in and propped him up. He looked at the man who was holding him up but he could not recognize him. He was wearing a black mask.     

Another masked person was standing in front of him as he held a recorder in front of him.     

"I'll see you soon."     

The voice sounded familiar… but who?     

Ghost felt so tired all of a sudden as if his body had completely run out of energy.     

As the man who was holding him carried him out of the ward, one of the nurses asked, "I'm sorry, but who are you?"     

The man who was walking in front of Ghost lifted his shirt slightly. When the nurse saw the gun, she gasped and immediately took a step backward.     

The middle-aged nurse who talked to Ghost earlier came out of a corner with a tray of food and bumped into the masked men.     

When the man cursed and attempted to hit the nurse, Ghost used his remaining energy and pulled the man's hand as he snarled, "If you touch her… I'll… I'll kill you…"     

The man laughed and slapped the middle-aged nurse so hard that she landed on the floor.     

The poor nurse started to cry as she held her stinging cheek. The other nurses wanted to help her but they were too afraid to move.     

The poor nurse could only try to climb away from him.     

The man then looked at Ghost who was glaring at him and with a heavy Russian accent, he scoffed, "What can you do to me?"     

"You!" Ghost tried to raise his hand but he was completely out of energy. His body felt like lead.     

The man who was in front of them earlier said sternly, "Enough! We've wasted enough time!"     

Ghost looked at the poor nurse and he felt very angry at himself.     

Before long, he fell asleep under the influence of the drugs that were secretly mixed into his chocolate pudding.     

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