Be My Strength

Dad's always too busy

Dad's always too busy

According to their arrangement, An Qi Yan and Sima Erden would be following Naomi Nakamura and Kai An. Meanwhile, Callum had left the house earlier as he would be picking up Ghost.     

They would be meeting at the designated restaurant at 7.30 p.m.     

As for DX and Kai Xin, they first went to Imperial Elementary to pick up the twins. When they arrived, the twins were waiting for them inside the school gate. Once the guards confirmed that it was their father, he opened the gate to let them out.     

They were already changed out of their uniforms and like their father, they were wearing matching dark blue suits.     

"Wow, aren't you boys dashing?" said Kai Xin as she glanced at the boys who were putting on their seatbelts.     

"This is our first official family dinner after all," said Lyle with a smile. When he glanced at Jack, the latter shrugged and murmured, "Yeah."     

"Great... Now I feel a little underdressed now," murmured Kai Xin as she glanced at her light blue maternity dress with flower patterns. She thought that it would be a simple dinner since DX told her not to worry about her dress.     

She glared at him as if it was his fault.     

With one hand on the steering wheel, DX took her hand. He then placed a quick kiss on the back of her hand before he smirked, "You're already a married woman. As long as I think you're beautiful, then you're beautiful. Don't forget that you're Madam President Du and that you're the only one who managed to catch the attention of this great one."     

As they listened to what their father just said, both boys went, "Eww! Dad! Don't! That's so cringy!"     

"What?" DX had a blank expression on his face as he pretended not to understand what his boys were saying.     

"We're glad that you love Kai Xin, but please. Stop! We are still young impressionable boys!" groaned Jack as he facepalmed himself. His father and Kai Xin had been more and more ridiculous lately with their public display of affection.     

"Well, I'm teaching you kids on how to make your future wives happy," said DX with a straight face.     

Both the adults laughed when the kids groaned louder.     

While DX drove, the twins filled Kai Xin in with what had happened at school. Jack who was usually more hyper was still a little reserved but Kai Xin was not that bothered about it. She knew that he needed the time to adjust.     

Lyle, on the other, was more reserved in nature but in front of Kai Xin, he kept talking. He would refer to her as "Mummy" all the time as if it was the most natural thing.     

Kai Xin smiled as she nodded at whatever it was they were telling her. She found it funny that the twins could have such contrasting behavior. Even their likes and dislikes were very different. They had their own personality and style, and even their growth was different.     

Jack's growth spurt had started and lately, he had outgrown Lyle by 2 cm, much to the latter's annoyance. While Lyle did not grow much in height, he was getting more muscular due to the amount of exercise that he did.     

At first, Kai Xin was a little worried about Lyle's physical growth but Dr. Phillip had reassured her that Lyle was just slower in growth because of his rough start in life. He told her that it was not that Lyle who was slow but it was Jack who grew faster than his peers.     

"So, Mummy, are you going to come to our school festival?" asked Lyle as he leaned forward in his chair.     

"Well, of course! I won't be missing it. Aren't you going to invite your father?" asked Kai Xin as she glanced at DX.     

"Dad's always too busy," murmured Jack as he glanced out the window.     

DX glared at his son and thought, "How dare this brat make me look bad in front of my wife…"     

He then cleared his throat before saying clearly, "I'll come."     

Jack glanced at his father through the rearview mirror and challenged him, "Are you sure about that?"     

DX nodded, "100%."     

Lyle grinned and looked at Jack as he said, "Jack, Dad has no qualms about breaking his promises to us. But since Mummy is going, he would definitely be there. I mean, he's definitely the type of man who cares more about his wife than his children."     

"Yeah, that's sad," sighed Jack as he played along with his brother.     

Kai Xin giggled at the twins' conversation and when she glanced at DX, she laughed a little at his reddened cheeks.     

"Looks like the twins are right," thought Kai Xin as she looked at him.     

"Stop that!" growled DX as he glared at the kids through the rearview mirror.     

However, instead of stopping, the twins started to tell Kai Xin about the times DX broke their promises. Kai Xin wanted to laugh but unfortunately, she was the reason for some of the times he broke his promises to the twins. In the end, she could only smile wryly.     

After a while, Kai Xin started to wonder if they went the wrong way and while she looked at the unfamiliar buildings outside, she asked DX, "Where are we going? I thought we are going to Restaurant of The East Dragon?"     

"I had to settle something near here. We will arrive soon," said DX as he turned into a corner. Kai Xin nodded. She was hungry, so she pulled out two packs of emergency chips that she kept in her bags. She gave one to the twins for them to share and she shared one with DX.     

DX stopped outside a house that was near the outskirt of Imperial City. The building was dark and it was covered by high walls. Kai Xin felt unease looking at it and when DX got out of the car, she pulled his sleeve and whispered, "Be careful…"     

He smiled and kissed her forehead before he left.     

After about 20 minutes, Kai Xin started to feel worried about it. She turned to look at the twins before she asked, "Should I go down and have a look? What's taking your dad so long?"     

Just as Lyle was about to reply, he and Jack both received a notification on their phone. They then glanced at each other before Jack said, "Dad's in trouble and he asked us to go down."     

"Wait. What? No! We'll wait outside here," said Kai Xin. She glanced at the door of the house. It looked so dark and with the door knocker that looked like a dragon was carrying a ring in its mouth, it looked scarily ominous.     

"There's no way DX would place the twins in danger…" thought Kai Xin. However, after another 10 minutes, she started to feel nervous. She glanced at the twins and said, "Call your Uncle Callum. If you can't reach him, call Mr. Han. Send him your location and tell him to come immediately. Say that your dad is in danger."     

She got down from the car and before she left, she instructed them, "Lock the door. No matter what, don't come down from the car. Do you understand me?"     

The twins glanced at each other before they looked at her. They nodded and Jack said, "Be careful, Kai Xin."     

Kai Xin ruffled his head before she closed the door. She watched them locked the car before she made her way to the front door.     

When she pushed it, the door was unlocked.     

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