Be My Strength

Everything is just a means to an end

Everything is just a means to an end

When Lawyer Yun and his assistant arrived at the Imperial City main police station, they demanded to see Luo Yin and Ye Tian immediately. One of the policemen brought them to the inspector who was in charge of the case.     

"According to the latest law, whatever that was alleged by Ms. Zhen has hit the limitation period. You have no right to take my clients in!" said Lawyer Yun angrily as he slammed his hands down on the inspector's desk.     

Inspector Yu Jian Hao who was looking at a file looked up at him. With a calm voice, he said, "Mr. Luo and Mr. Ye are not under arrest. We merely invited them over to assist our investigation."     

"Then where are they?" demanded Lawyer Yun.     

Inspector Yu sighed. He knew who Lawyer Yun was and that man could be annoying if he wanted to. Even though he was friends with a few lawyers, he still hated the profession. The lawyers were always so demanding!     

He placed the file he was reading aside and stood up. After stretching out, he said in a bored tone, "Follow me."     

Luo Yin and Ye Tian were placed in separate rooms. Inspector Yu opened the door to Ye Tian's room and said, "Your lawyer is here to pick you up."     

Lawyer Yun pulled Ye Tian aside and asked sternly, "Did you say anything?"     

"They didn't ask me anything."     

"What?" Lawyer Yun frowned. When he went to the room where Luo Yin was kept, he got the same answer from the latter.     

Lawyer Yun found it weird as he thought, "Why would they bring them in if they are not going to ask questions?"     

He then turned to Inspector Yu who was talking to a colleague of his in a hushed tone. They were discussing a file that was just sent to them.     

"I'm sorry, but the circumstances have changed. You cannot take Mr. Luo away," said Inspector Yun as he walked in and cuffed Luo Yin's hands.     

"Argh! Lawyer Yun?" asked Luo Yin as he looked at his lawyer nervously.     

"What are you doing?" asked Lawyer Yun as he demanded an answer.     

However, Inspector Yu ignored him as he said to Luo Yin, "You are under arrest for the suspicion of 8 counts of **** and 10 counts of assault and battery. You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law. You have the right to an attorney. If you cannot afford an attorney, one will be provided for you. Do you understand the rights I have just read to you? With these rights in mind, do you wish to speak to me?"     

He then glanced at Lawyer Yun and smirked, "Advice your client now."     

"Do not say anything!" Lawyer Yun warned Luo Yin. He then turned to Inspector Yu and said, "You just told me that Young Master Luo Yin is not under arrest."     

Inspector Yu handed him the file that his colleague had just passed to him. While Lawyer Yun was going through it, Inspector Yu said, "Inside the file, you'll find complaints that were filed overseas by 8 different women who claimed that they were raped by Mr. Luo at 8 different locations and time over the past 6 years. All of the complaints were made overseas, but you'll also find an arrest warrant signed by Supreme Court Judge Rong which allows us to investigate the cases. The US DOJ has also agreed to let the trial be done here. They would be sending their own investigators over shortly."     

Lawyer Yun went through all the documents and cursed inwardly. Meanwhile, Ye Tian smiled inwardly as he looked at the file and the panic look on Luo Yin's face.     

Left with no choice, Lawyer Yun and his assistant remained at the police station as Inspector Yu was about to begin the interrogation.     

Meanwhile, Ye Tian decided to go back first since he could not help Luo Yin with anything. While he was in the cab, he murmured, "They are more efficient than I thought. I thought it would take them a while longer…"     

He thought about it before smirking, "Little Kai Xin and her new husband must have planned everything beforehand."     


When Ye Tian arrived home, his dad was waiting in his room. Mr. Ye had a dejected look and he seemed tired as he asked, "Why?"     

"Why what, Mr. Ye?"     

"What are you trying to do?"     

"I didn't do anything…"     

Mr. Ye stood up and when he raised his hand, Ye Tian closed his eyes and flinched slightly. However, what he felt was not punches and slaps, but a warm hand on his cheek.     

When he opened his eyes, he saw that in his father's eyes, there was an inexplicable sense of sadness and disappointment.     

Ye Tian was confused by his father's behavior. Most of the time, Mr. Ye just wanted to get rid of him. In a confused tone, he asked, "Mr. Ye?"     

"He won't let you go…" murmured Mr. Ye as he looked at his son's eyes. As Ye Tian grew older, his features started to change and the only thing that reminded Mr. Ye of his wife was his son's eyes.     


Mr. Ye sighed. He knew that there was no way his nephew would leave his son alone. Back then, when he betrayed them, it was because of his sister that DX did not get rid of the Ye Family.     

With what had happened, even his sister would not be able to do anything to protect Ye Tian.     

He pulled his hand back and placed both hands in the pockets before saying sternly, "You'll leave tomorrow morning. Pack your things."     

"I can't…"     

Mr. Ye glared at him as he said sternly, "Don't argue with me! The car would pick you up at 4 a.m in the morning and send you to an undisclosed place. A helicopter would pick you up from there. Keep on moving. I've set up a new identity for you in Singapore. You'd be safe there."     


Mr. Ye ignored him and walked out of the room before he closed the door behind him.     

As he watched the closed door, Ye Tian sighed. He then glanced at the photo of his mother that was on his desk, and for the first time in his life, he wondered if he had made a mistake. Up until then, he had thought that he did the correct things.     

"Everything is just a means to an end," thought Ye Tian.     

After a while, he murmured, "As if Du XiAn would let me leave… The house is probably surrounded by his people by now…"     

However, as he looked at the only photo that he took with his father, he smiled gently. It was Ye Tian's most important possession.     

In that photo, his father was standing a distance away from him and both of them were expressionless. They took that photo when Ye Tian was eight and he won an award from the country after he won an international public speaking event.     

As it was a major award for a child, Mr. Ye had attended so that people would not talk badly behind his back. However, just as he was about to leave, a reporter asked for a family photo. That was the one and only time the father and son ever took a photo together.     

As he recalled the reason why he took this path, Ye Tian clenched his fists tightly and whispered to himself, "No. I didn't do anything wrong..."     


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