Be My Strength

Phantom did what?

Phantom did what?

At the same time, Ye Tian was at Luo Yin's house and they were both watching the live report in Luo Yin's room when Luo Yin's parents barged into his room.     

His parents were watching the live report while they prepared for Luo Han's speech for the voting day.     

When they heard their son's name coming out from Kai Xin's mouth, they were shocked.     

"You idiot!" yelled Luo Han at his son who were lying on bed with bandages all over his body. If his wife had not hold him back, he would have thrashed his son for throwing his political career away.     

He had warned Luo Yin numerous times to keep his misdeeds low and to be smarter so that he would not get caught.     

Even if he was not the one who did it, his son's action would directly affect him and the public would sway away from voting for him. If he could not raise a good son, how could he be trusted with raising the nation?     


"The two of you! How could you be so dumb to get caught! I told you to tell me about everything and I would settle it for you. How come I've never heard of this incident!" yelled Luo Han as he glared at both his son and his nephew.     

He could not believe that of all people, Ye Tian would do such a mistake. He knew that his son was dumb but his nephew had always been smart. How could they let something like this out?     

"You!" snapped Luo Han as he glared at his son. He pointed at his son and snapped, "Isn't that Lee Xue the only girl you touched?! Why is that Zhen Kai Xin saying that she's your victim?!"     

"We were just messing around… Besides, she chose to keep quiet about this… So... I was worried that you'd get angry so I didn't tell you and we just covered it up ourselves…" mumbled Luo Yin as he glanced at his father guiltily.     

Luo Yin then glanced at Ye Tian and asked angrily, "Didn't you say that all the surveillance cameras have been erased and that no one else knew about this? How come she has an evidence?"     

Luo Yin had been in a bad mood ever since his grandfather took away his inheritance and the right to manage the company.     

Then, there was this.     

"Well, I've erased all the evidence. I've no idea where they got their evidence. Maybe it's just a hoax," said Ye Tian nonchalantly.     

He had an idea where the evidence came from but he had no intention of telling them yet as he wanted to see their reactions.     

To him, it mattered not. Even if he had to go to jail, he would only go after the Luo Family was completely destroyed.     

"This is all your fault!" snapped Mrs. Luo as she glared at her husband's nephew. She had never trusted him.     

Ever since he was a boy, Ye Tian smart. In fact, he was too smart to the point that it  scared her.     

Furthermore, given what she knew about him, she was even more afraid that he would harm her son one day. Ye Tian had always been teasing them but her husband and son was blind to it.     

It was impossible that with his intellect, he was always behind Luo Yin in class. He was always either less than 5 marks away from surpassing Luo Yin or he was at the bottom of the class.     

Only Mrs. Luo knew that Ye Tian was playing a game his whole life. However, she had no idea how crazy he was.     

"Stop it, Yan Xi! Xiao Tian is not at fault! He was still young back then!" said Luo Han as he shook his head at his wife's foolishness.     

"How long are you going to defend him? If it's not because of him, my dear Xiao Yin would have never done something like this!" snapped Mrs. Luo. She tried to move towards Ye Tian but Luo Han pulled her back and slapped her.     

"MUM!" yelled Luo Yin before he turned to glare at his father angrily.     

As Luo Han glared at his wife who was holding her stinging right cheek, he pointed out angrily, "Xiao Yin did everything on his own accord! He was old enough to know the consequences of his action!"     

"Xiao Yin was old enough but Ye Tian was still young! Aren't you being openly bias, Luo Han? Exactly who is your son here!" yelled Mrs. Luo as she cried.     

"Shut up!" yelled Luo Han. He raised his hand but when she flinched, he immediately pulled it down.     

When they heard Lawyer Yun's voice coming from the TV, all of them turned their eyes to the TV.        


DX patted Kai Xin on the top of her hand before standing up to face the lawyer. His caring action were captured by the cameras.     

Not only was the live report being broadcasted on national TV, but it was also broadcasted online by all major news network.     

Among those who were watching, were girls who had been hurt before.     

They had been silently watching the live report right from the beginning and they began to tear up when they saw how caring DX was.     

There was never a hint of distaste or displeasure when he looked at his wife. There was only love.     

It gave the girls hope that one day, they could find someone who could accept their past.     

DX looked around the ballroom and when he saw Han Ye nodding at him, he turned to the lawyer and said, "My witness is here."     

In a loud voice, he said, "Mr. Lu ZiYan, please come in."     

Just as he said that, the main door was opened wide and Phantom was wheeled in by Ghost who was wearing a mask.     

Without wasting any time, the reporters immediately started to take photos of the two.     

"Why is his stature so familiar?" asked one of the people who was sitting at the guests area.     

"Who?" replied his friend.     

"The guy pushing the wheelchair."     

"Now that you mention it, he's quite familiar… That hair of his… I wonder why."     

A reporter suddenly hissed loudly at his colleagues, "You d*umba*s! Focus on the guy on the wheelchair! I just googled it! He's Lu ZiYan!"     

His colleague rolled his eyes as he said, "Yeah, we know. President Du just mentioned his name."     

Another reporter from another station hissed loudly, "No, you idi*ts! He's LU ZIYAN, the Thousand Hands God! He was the kid who shocked the entire nation when he won the hacking competition more than a decade ago!"     

A reporter who was sitting nearby gasped, "F*ck! No! I remember now! I used to cover him when I just started my career in tech news! But he retired not long after the accident!"     

"Well, no s*hit, Sherlock! He lost his entire family! I heard that he gave up hacking after that!"     

They watched as Ghost wheeled Phantom onto the stage. When Phantom saw Kai Xin, he was unable to meet his eyes and he told Ghost to turn him so that he was facing the audience.     

When DX gave him the microphone, Phantom thanked him before he turned to the audience.     

"Good afternoon, everyone. My name is Lu ZiYan… I'm the witness that President Du was talking about earlier"     

DX had been trying to meet up with him but Phantom kept rejecting his invitation. He knew what DX wanted from him but he was afraid.     

He was afraid of what Kai Xin would think of him. It was only after DX sent him a message a couple of days before that he decided to attend.     

The content of the message was : You've already hurt her once. Are you sure you want to continue closing your eyes?     

He knew that DX knew something and that the only reason why DX had not mention anything to Kai Xin was not so much to protect him but to protect his image in Kai Xin's mind.     

In the end, the one who would be hurt would be her and DX would rather that she be kept in secret than to open up the cans of worms that would undoubtedly hurt her.     

If it was not because of the leakage, DX would close an eye and not dig out the truth about Phantom. At least not until Kai Xin had safely given birth to their precious baby...     

"Mr. Lu, what sort of evidence do you have?" asked Lawyer Yun as he narrowed his eyes at the disabled man.     

"A lot, actually," said Phantom.     

He took a deep breath before he admitted the truth that he had been keeping in his heart for almost 13 years, "I'm one of those who participated in the heinous act that was done to Zhen Kai Xin."     

"What?" gasped everyone as they looked at each other. Even Kai Xin gasped as she stared at the back of Phantom's head. She looked at Ghost but he avoided her eyes.     

"What do you mean, Mr. Lu? Ms. Zhen only mentioned three names and your name is not in it," asked a reporter eagerly as her colleagues continued to take close up shots of Phantom.     

"Because she couldn't remember me…" said Phantom as he held gripped the wheel on his wheelchair tightly. He gulped and with a guilty voice, he added, "I was the one who brought her to them."     

Thankfully, Kai Xin was sitting down at the moment or she would have collapsed from the news. In her mind, she was thinking, "Phantom did what?"     

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