Be My Strength

I can be your left hand

I can be your left hand

Ghost rolled his eyes at him before grabbing the hot dog that was resting on top of the popcorn bucket.     

The game started shortly and as predicted, it was quite brutal, especially when the players started fighting each other. Ghost could not help but to get into the atmosphere as he cheered for the teams. He did not care which team scored but he would just cheer for them.     

When those behind them gave him dirty looks, Callum would glare back at them and sneered, "Shut your mouth or I'd tear it out to be used as pucks!"     

This went on until the two were escorted out by two guards because Callum threw his drink at a big burly man and his friends who called Ghost 'an idiot' despite Callum's warning.     

"You idiot! I can't even enjoy the show fully!" groaned Ghost. He was really interested in the match and he wanted to watch the entire show.     

Callum shrugged before pointing out, "Look, the whole point of watching a live ice hockey match is to get into a fight. If you leave an ice hockey match without getting into any fights, you might as well don't attend."     

"Bullsh*t!" exclaimed Ghost as he leaned against the wall next to their car.     

"Oops, here comes trouble..." murmured Callum as he pointed at the burly man who was walking towards their direction with four of his friends.     

Glancing at Ghost, he asked playfully, "How good are you with your fists?"     

"Good enough to break your bones if you sit on me again..." warned Ghost as he glared at Callum.     

Callum smirked as if he was daring him to do it. The burly man approached them and without a word, he swung his fist at Callum who ducked it easily before kneeing the man in the stomach. Before the man could even react, Callum slammed his left elbow down on the man's back causing him to sprawl across the tar ground.     

He then turned to the man's friends and goaded, "What are you guys looking at, you wuss?! There's like four of you and you are afraid of us?"     

Pointing to his crotch in an obscene manner, he shouted, "Grow some balls, you bloody r*tards!"     

The burly man who was clutching his stomach on the ground yelled, "Get him, you idiots! At least get the smaller one!"     

The 4 men split into two teams. Two of them moved towards Ghost while smirking at each other. They thought Ghost was the weaker one. However, while it was true that Ghost was weaker than Callum, he was still well-trained in martial arts.     

When one of them tried to kick Ghost, he stepped aside and used his right hand to slam a fist into the man's stomach. Since his left hand was lame, he had been doing strength training for his right arm. As a result, despite looking lean, his right arm packed double the strength of what would be considered normal for a man his size.     

In fact, his punch was so strong that the man bowled over and fell onto the ground.     

The other man grabbed a wooden stick from the pile of thrash nearby and tried to land a sneak attack on Ghost but he managed to dodge the wooden stick that was headed for his head. With a well-aimed kick, he kicked the wooden stick away from the man's hand before landing a kick on his head with a back roundhouse kick.     

The man flipped over before landing on the ground with a loud "thud"!     

"That was way too easy..." thought Ghost annoyingly as he looked at the two men who were lying unconscious on the floor. He wanted more!     

When he looked at Callum, the latter was sitting in a relaxed manner on top of the two men who attacked him. Both of them were unconscious and stacked upon each other to form a 'chair' high enough for him.     

"You took way too long," said Callum with a grin as he folded his arms.     

Ghost ignored the subtle insult and murmured, "I barely had enough fun..."     

Up until now, he had to practice secretly and he never allowed himself to fight with someone other than Butler Douglas. When he was fighting earlier, he found himself thoroughly enjoying the exhilarating feeling of being able to do whatever he wanted.     

"True..." murmured Callum before he nudged one of the unconscious men lightly with his foot. With a sigh, he said, "I doubt they can last another round with us...Let's just go get dinner...If you want, I know of a place where we can get better opponents, but it would have to be on another day..."     


At the restaurant, Callum watched as Ghost talked animatedly about the match they just watched and how he felt when he punched those men.     

"Ah, I need to fight more often..." said Ghost before he turned to the waitress to thank her when she placed a plate of steak in front of him. Callum did the same thing to the waitress that served him as well.     

"If you want, I'd call you whenever there's a good match going on."     

"Yeah...But I still won't date you! I don't play for the same team..." said Ghost as he cut into his medium rare steak.     

"Well...Alright then...But we can still be friends..." grinned Callum. However, there was no way he was going to be "just friends" with the man sitting opposite him. He had to play the game well. No one had ever escaped his charm before.     

"Good..." murmured Ghost before he took a bite of the steak. It was obvious to him what Callum was planning. However, he decided to let it slide since his mood was good.     

After a short while, Callum asked, "You used to play the piano beautifully. Why did you stop?"     

Ghost froze for a second before he returned back to his steak, "I got bored of it..."     

Callum looked at him quizzically and that was when he recalled the injury on Ghost's hand. Looking down at his plate of steak guiltily, he apologized.     

"You don't have to apologize..." said Ghost.     

"Is there no way that you can play again?"     

Ghost shrugged.     

"Wait...You can't play with your left hand but you can still play with your right hand, right?"     

"It's not the same. Anyway, forget about it. It won't feel the same to play with only one hand."     

Callum looked at him before saying seriously, "I can be your left hand."     

When Ghost looked up at him, Callum continued, "Whatever you can't do, I'll help you. I'm pretty good in piano...I'm sure that I won't be that far behind you if we were to play duets..."     

Just when Ghost thought that Callum was being serious, the latter winked and said in a softer tone, "I can also help you with other matter as well..."     

Ghost glared at him before throwing a piece of bite-sized steak at the infuriating man! Callum managed to catch it with his hand. With a grin, Callum slowly placed the steak into his mouth before saying, "Thanks, honey. The steak is delicious!"     

Leaning forward, he whispered, "...Especially since you are the one who fed it to me..."     

"This guy is incorrigible!" thought Ghost annoyingly before he turned his attention back to his dinner.     

After another moment of silence, Callum asked, "Aren't you interested in the story of how I broke my leg?"     


"I told you that before. It was during the twins birthday," said Callum with a pout.     

"Not interested."     

Callum raised a brow at Ghost as he asked, "Are you sure? Did I tell you that it happened during the kidnapping incident?"     

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