Be My Strength

Twins Birthday (24)

Twins Birthday (24)

Song Qiao paced around the guest room that the guards took her to. She was furious about being humiliated by a stranger in front of so many people.     

"Who is she..." thought Song Qiao nervously as she tried to narrow down the potential suspects.     

When she was unable to figure it out, she got angry and in her anger, she picked up a teacup from Roberto Cavalli's Garden of Birds Collection before throwing it across the room.     


The beautiful china teacup broke into multiples pieces while the tea it contained spilled all over the marble floor.     

"It should have been me standing in his arms!"     

Song Qiao glared at the broken teacup and wished that it was the woman that was broken into multiple pieces. In fact, she felt pity that the life of such a beautiful teacup ended because of another woman.     

"That bitch!" cursed Song Qiao as she trembled with unbridled fury when she recalled what had happened earlier. Picking up her phone, she gave Ye Tian a call.     

The moment he picked up the call, she asked, "Did you know what just happened at the twins' birthday party?"     

"Well, hello my love. I've just arrived at the party...but yes, I have heard about it. The guests are still talking about it now," said Ye Tian as he smiled politely at a man that Luo Han previously told him to network with.     

Song Qiao frowned, "I thought you are not invited?"     

Knowing that this might take a while, Ye Tian excused himself from his companion and walked to an empty corner before replying her,     

"Our dear Old Madam Du sent a personal invitation once she realized your President Du's 'mistake'. Anyway, why are you so angry? Shouldn't you have expected this outcome? After all, I told you previously not to underestimate her."     

"What do you mean?"     

Ye Tian sighed, "Qiao Qiao...For all your achievements, sometimes you can be really dense. I've already told you who K was and how protective Du XiAn was of her. Do I have to link everything up for you?"     

Song Qiao finally understood what Ye Tian was talking about as she gritted, "Zhen Kai Xin!"     

She had expected her to be dressed in her persona 'K'. Even the guards said that she was dressed as a man.     

Song Qiao scolded herself inwardly for not anticipated this. She had thought of ways to deal with 'K' but she did not expect Kai Xin to come in a completely different persona!     

"Is she trying to openly take over my position?" Song Qiao murmured angrily.     

Ye Tian laughed softly when he heard her, "Qiao Qiao...That position of yours is quite unstable. Maybe you should consider upping your game."     

"Shut up!"     

Curious to see what Song Qiao would do, Ye Tian grinned evilly as he hinted, "Du XiAn just went back to his room. Why don't you do something about it?"     

"You are saying..."     

As he nodded at a young politician who was waving at him, Ye Tian said, "You have some friends who are attending the party as well, right? Find a way to get them to snap some photos. His room is right above the staircase so it shouldn't be that hard to take some naughty photos...Should I continue?"     

Song Qiao understood what Ye Tian was suggesting.     

If she managed to get that kind of photos out, it would force Du XiAn, a man of principle, to do something about it. It was an unspoken rule that a woman's virtue and reputation must be protected at all cost.     

She quickly hung up the call before giving one of her close friends a call.     

Clearing her throat, the moment her friend answered the call, Song Qiao faked an excited tone as she said, "Mina, I think I saw your favorite idol earlier!"     

A loud shriek caused Song Qiao to wince and pulled the phone a few inches away from her ear.     

Even though she had expected it from her friend, given the occasion, she had hoped that the woman would control herself a little.     

Unfortunately, she had no idea how crazy a fan Mina was.     


"If it was really him that I bumped into earlier, and if I'm not wrong, I overheard him earlier saying that he was about to leave in 10 minutes," lied Song Qiao without batting an eye.     

She knew how stupid her friend was and she hoped that the woman would be of some use.     

Song Qiao quickly touched up her make up and adjusted her dress.     

Given the fact that she was brought to the second floor by the guards upon Old Madam Du's order, no one paid any attention to her as she made her way towards DX's room.     

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