Be My Strength

Twins Birthday (12)

Twins Birthday (12)

DX kept rushing around as he tried to look for Kai Xin. He checked every room and he tried to call her on her mobile but she did not picked up.     

Frustrated, he could only pray that wherever she was, she had someone with her.     

"President Du, I saw the woman who was with you earlier..." A guard replied when DX asked whether he had seen Kai Xin. Once he told DX her whereabouts, DX immediately ran over.     

He gave up on all propriety and ignored everyone who tried to talk to him.     

His mind was fully occupied with her safety. He was also worried that Kai Xin might be scared if she saw those bastards.     

DX had seen how scared she was when she was in the same room as Shangguan Xing and he never wanted to see such an expression on her face ever again.     

"I'm coming, Kara!" thought DX as he ran towards her direction. At that moment, he cursed the size of the mansion and wished he lived in a small cottage instead.     

As he ran, he passed by Ghost who was rushing towards her as well but since his mind was occupied, he did not pay any attention to him.     

When DX found her, her back was towards him as she waved goodbye to one of the staff.     

Just as he was about to call her, he saw Ye Tian at the corner. He was between DX and was walking towards her.     


The latter was less than 10 feet away from Kai Xin. DX ran passed him.     

When Kai Xin heard heavy footsteps coming towards her, she turned and was immediately pulled into an embrace.     

Even though she did not see the person's face, she recognized him immediately from the familiar scent and body build.     

"DX? What's wrong?" asked Kai Xin. With a chuckle, she added, "I was only away for a moment."     

She tried to push away from him so that she could see his face but he held her tightly as he murmured, "Don't look..."     

"Why?" asked Kai Xin worriedly. She heard the urgency in his tone.     

"Turn and go out the door. Don't look back..." whispered DX. He heard the sound of Ye Tian's footsteps getting closer to where they were standing.     

Kai Xin frowned, "Du XiAn, you are scaring me..."     

"Listen to me!" hissed DX. He did not want her to see or even hear the bastard's voice.     

Kai Xin was startled by the tone of his voice. She thought of obeying him but her natural curiousity refused to budge.     

Just as she was thinking about what to do, from under DX's arm, she accidentally glanced at the window. When she saw the face that was reflected in the window, she froze.     

When he felt her getting tense, DX realized what she was doing and he immediately block her view with his arm.     

In a soft voice, he said, "Don't look! Turn and go. I will handle this..."     

She looked up at him and when she saw his face that was filled with worries, she relaxed.     

He knew.     

He knew and he still tried to protect her.     

"Does this means that he is choosing me?" thought Kai Xin.     

With a smile, and in a hushed tone, she asked, "When did you find out?"     

"Not too long after you told me the truth..."     

Kai Xin wrapped her arms around his waist and asked softly, "DX, you won't leave me right?"     


His hug on her was so tight that she felt as if she might actually suffocate from it. She patted him on the back to reassure him and whispered, "I'm fine. Let me deal with this."     


"DX...Please...I have to be the one to deal with this," pleaded Kai Xin as she looked straight into his eyes.     

When DX saw her eyes, he wavered. There was no hesitation or any fear in her eyes.     

Even though he was reluctant, he eventually nodded.     

When he released her, she took his hand. With her head held high, she walked with him while Ye Tian walked in their direction.     

As they passed each other, Kai Xin remained strong and unlike before, she did not tremble at the sight of her tormentor nor did she feel sick.     

One second later, they heard Ye Tian calling out, "Cousin XiAn..."     

Despite DX's hope that she would continue walking, Kai Xin stopped in her tracks and thus forcing him to acknowledge his younger cousin.     

Ye Tian sauntered over to them. He glanced at Kai Xin for a second before giving her a smirk.     

He then turned to DX and said, "Cousin XiAn, it has been a while. I see you found yourself a new woman...She seems pretty interesting..."     

"Thanks for coming to the twins' party..." DX said gruffly. It pissed him off that he was related to such a vile man.     

He wanted to tear the man apart but he had to restrain himself. DX wanted to find the man's weakness and hit him where it hurt the most.     

"No problem...It's quite an interesting party...," said Ye Tian. As he looked at Kai Xin's exposed chest, he added, "...I heard that your woman here gave Auntie and Qiao Qiao a night that they would never forget."     

When he saw Ye Tian staring at her, DX pulled Kai Xin behind him and said, "She's a little mischievous...Anyway, Xiao Tian. We are a little tired. Please excuse us."     

They turned but just as they were about to leave, Ye Tian called out, "Kai Xin, is that you?"     

Kai Xin who was walking behind DX pulled him to a stop. When he looked at her, she nodded.     

Turning around, she faced Ye Tian and smiled, "I did not realize that you can recognize me in this set-up."     

Ye Tian smiled and replied, "Of course I could. After all, we do go a long way back."     

To DX, he added, "We knew each other QUITE WELL when we were in high school..."     

Kai Xin felt it when DX's grip on her hand tightened. Sensing that he was about to burst from anger, she gave his hand a squeeze to reassure him before continuing the conversation with Ye Tian.     

"Yeah, it felt as if we have known each other for far too long..." said Kai Xin. The smile never left her face.     

To outsiders, it would appear to be sincere but DX could tell that she was faking it.     

"You know, it has been a while since I made my last visit. Maybe I should pay Kai An and your mother a visit..." said Ye Tian as he scratched his chin.     

He then pretended to glance at his watch and added, "Look at the time...My father said we would only be here for a short while. I think it would be best if I go and meet him. See ya soon, Cousin XiAn...Kai Xin."     

Once he was gone, she felt as if she lost all her strength and she had to lean against DX for support.     

"You did well..." murmured DX as he helped her to the nearest couch.     

He felt so proud of her. She never wavered and her voice was strong when she talked to the man who tormented her.     

While she was seated, he knelt in front of her and looked upon her fondly while she rested her eyes.     

When she finally opened them to look at him, she felt shy when she met his gaze and with a slightly reddened face, she mumbled, "You are going to burn me one day with those eyes of yours..."     

Instead of looking away, he caressed her face gently before leaning forward to give her a kiss.     

After a few seconds of their lips meeting, he took her hands in his and whispered, "How did you become so strong?"     

She smiled as she replied, "Because you are here with me..."     

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