Be My Strength

Twins Birthday (15)

Twins Birthday (15)

DX and Ghost stared at each other for so long that Callum started to feel uncomfortable.     

"Are you OK?" asked Layla.     

Even if it was DX, she found it odd that he had such an annoyed expression on towards a junior. Except for when he was dealing with members of his family or his close friends, he was usually quite reserved and tended to hide his emotions.     

Looking at Ghost, she wondered what that man had done to him. As far as she knew, the eldest grandson of President Luo was a good-for-nothing playboy who spent his days drinking and whoring around.     

"Is he one of Kai Xin's ex-partners?" thought Layla curiously. From DX's expression, it seemed like that was a possibility.     

Unable to take the tension any longer, Callum stepped in between them and asked, "XiAn, have you met Guang Ying before?"     

"In one way or another..." said DX as he stared at Ghost who had a bored look on his face. Rolling his eyes, Ghost pretended to yawn before looking away.     

Looking at DX from the corner of his eyes, he thought, "Since he already knew, there's no point for me to hide..."     

"What happened to her?" asked Layla as she stepped forward to look at Kai Xin. She had recognized her protege from the moment the latter stepped onto the stage.     

"She fell asleep. It's no big deal," replied DX just as Kai Xin moaned softly before wriggling a little in his arms. He shifted her slightly so that she felt more comfortable in his arms.     

"No big deal? Does this happens a lot then?" asked Lyle softly as he looked at her worriedly.     

"Don't worry too much..." DX answered his son in a low voice. Turning to Callum, he said, "Get Phillip, William, and Tiffany to wait outside my room. I have something to discuss with them. Ask Han Ye to bring them up."     

He then took a quick glance at Ghost before saying to Callum, "As for him...Tell President Luo that we will send his eldest grandson back later. You will personally keep him company until I call for him. If you dare to fool around and lose sight of him, I'm going to make sure that you eat nothing but plain congee for a month."     

Callum looked at Ghost for a second before turning back to DX. He felt the animosity between those two and he wondered what happened to them. When he looked at Lyle to see if he knew anything, the boy merely shrugged and gave him a puzzled look.     

Frowning, Callum asked DX, "Why? Do you know Guang Ying personally?"     

In an icy tone, DX asked, "Guang Ying? Do you know him that well to call him by his given name?"     

For some reason, Callum's face reddened slightly. Muttering a curse, he pulled out his phone to call his sworn brother's friends.     

"Mr. Luo, let's have a man to man talk later," said DX before he turned away.     

"What if I don't want to?" replied Ghost. He was clearly annoyed at being taken captive when he was here as a guest.     

Without looking at him, DX asked, "Do you think you have a choice here?"     

When Ghost was about to reply, DX interrupted him by turning to Lyle and said, "Get a tray and fill it with a glass of water and some light snacks. Then bring it to my room. She might get hungry when she wakes up later."     

Lyle nodded and together with Quinn, they immediately went to prepare the stuff.     

As for Layla, she wanted to follow DX up to his room but the latter told her to help him mingle with the guests.     

"If they asked about my whereabouts, tell them that I have an urgent matter to attend to," said DX before he left the kitchen.     

By the time he arrived outside his room, Han Ye was already there waiting with Dr. Phillip, William Tan, and Tiffany Tang.     

"Phillip, where are those little monsters of yours?" asked DX while he nodded at Han Ye so that the latter opened the door for him.     

"They are my nephews, you jerk!" snapped Dr. Phillip. When he saw DX raised an eyebrow at him questioningly, he sighed, "I passed them to Old Mo. They are HIS problems now!"     

When he noticed the woman on DX's arms, he smirked, "Do you really have to knock her out to get her into your bed? You are getting old, my friend."     

DX ignored his remarks and looked at William Tan and his wife.     

"William, Tiffany. Please stay here for a moment. Once I'm done with Phillip, we will talk more."     

The two nodded.     

Looking at Dr. Phillip's unkempt look, DX shook his head disapprovingly before saying, "I need your help. Come in and close the door behind you."     

When DX was not looking, Dr. Phillip rolled his eyes. As he was closing the door, he also cursed inwardly, "Is that the attitude of someone asking for help? You bloody President Du."     

As if he heard him, DX turned around and with his eyes, he dared Dr. Phillip to say the words out loud.     

When the doctor pretended to cough, DX smirked, "Just as I thought..."     

He gently lowered Kai Xin on the bed before placing a kiss on her forehead. With a soft voice and as he rubbed her shoulders to warm her up, he said, "Kara...Wake up..."     

After a few seconds, Kai Xin's eyelids fluttered and when she heard DX's voice again, she slowly opened her eyes.     

"Did I fell asleep again?" She asked as she rubbed her eyes sleepily.     

She was merely joking about the mansion being too big and that it was painful to walk inside while wearing high heels. To her horror, DX carried her up and despite her protest, he refused to let her down. Feeling tired all of a sudden, she was lulled to sleep by the motion after a short while.     

"Yeah. Don't worry about it. I've brought someone for you to meet" said DX with a smile before he stepped aside so that Kai Xin would see Dr. Phillip clearly.     

When she saw him, she narrowed her eyes at him for a second before gasping and pointing at him, "You are the pervert!"     

"Huh?" Dr. Phillip frowned as he tried to think of where they met before.     

In the meantime, DX was staring at him as if he wanted to skin the man alive. Dr. Phillip gulped as he glanced nervously between his friend and the woman who was calling him a pervert.     

"What do you mean, Miss? I don't think we've met before!" asked Dr. Phillip as he not so subtly stepped away from DX.     

Kai Xin laughed, "We met at a bus stop a while back. Although, honestly...I thought you were a creep back then."     

Dr. Phillip frowned for a second before going 'Ohhhh'. Having remembered her, he then laughed, "Oh. The little one with the hickies. Have you been out conquering other men since then?"     

Before she could say anything else, DX smiled at Dr. Phillip and declared, "I'm her only man now,"     

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