Be My Strength

I won't judge you

I won't judge you

When Kai Xin returned to work, Song Qiao was courteous and humble when she talked to her.     

She even defended her when the other colleagues were talking behind the former's back.     

Kai Xin's guts told her that Song Qiao was dangerous. Song Qiao was nice to everyone but she seemed to be especially nice towards her. In fact, it was the kindness that tipped Kai Xin off.     

When she asked Phantom before, he warned her before that Song Qiao was a dangerous person.     

During one of their calls, Phantom warned her, "I cannot confirm this, but whenever she has a rival...Said rival would suddenly quit or transfer or worse, injured...Stay away from her."     

However, since she was unsure of her intention, Kai Xin decided to play along and go with the flow.     

On Friday, when Song Qiao asked Kai Xin to join her and Ki Hong for lunch, she agreed. After a short round of discussion, they went to a nearby Chinese restaurant to have a proper meal.     

When Ki Hong gave Kai Xin the prawns that she peeled, Song Qiao smiled at them.     

"Oh my, Mr. Ki! Why don't you peel for me as well? We do work together!"     

Ki Hong smirked, "Ms. Song, you are an independent woman. Meanwhile, Kai Xin is very lazy. Ignoring the fact that she's PROBABLY very good at what she does at work, outside of work-related matters, she's hopeless."     

Song Qiao laughed softly at his description of his friend.     

Annoyed, Kai Xin picked up a piece of chicken and stuffed it into Ki Hong's mouth.     

"Shut up and eat," warned Kai Xin.     

Ki Hong spat the bones out on a napkin before asking, "Why? Afraid that people might find out about your bad habits?"     

"Don't make me kill you."     

He laughed softly but he did not say anything else. After all, he just wanted to tease her and not to make her angry.     

Near the end of the lunch, Song Qiao suddenly pointed out, "The two of you would look really good together."     

"You think so?" asked Ki Hong excitedly and he placed an arm around Kai Xin's shoulders.     

Looking at his best friend, he grinned, "I told you we would look good together. See, even Ms. Song can tell."     

Kai Xin scoffed, "Don't think too highly of yourself. She said we would look really good together. If she has seen me with my boyfriend, she would say that we look great together."     

When he heard her, Ki Hong pouted, "Do you have to bring him up?"     

Song Qiao gave Kai Xin a tight smile before asking, "So, Ms. Zhen has a boyfriend? Is he from work?"     

Kai Xin gave her a gracious smile as she replied, "Maybe it's because of the nature of my work, but I prefer to keep my relationship status private, Ms. Song."     

"Of course. I understood that."     

In Song Qiao's mind, an evil thought was forming,"Let's see if he would still want you once I'm done with you."     

Meanwhile, as she watched Ki Hong chatting with Song Qiao, Kai Xin smirked, "She probably knows about it…"     


That night, when she went home, Kai Xin nearly tripped over a drunkard who was sleeping outside her house. Curious, she stood there wondering whether to call the police.     

On one hand, he seemed quite suspicious with his hoodie on. On the other hand, the guards here were strict and it would be hard for the average people to enter without any identification.     

Just as she was thinking about her next move, the man moved and when he looked up, Kai Xin frowned when she recognized him.     


Ghost smiled stupidly at her before saying, "My dear Daisy...Did you miss me?"     

She took a quick glance around the place before helping him up. This was the second time he appeared here and it did not seem as if he made any preparation before coming over.     

"Damn it! You stink!" groaned Kai Xin when his face was near her.     

With an arm around her neck, he used her for support. Even though he was smiling, there was a sad undertone to his voice when he asked, "Did you miss me, Daisy?"     

Given that he was obviously upset about something, Kai Xin held back her insults and asked, "What happened to you? Why are you here?"     

"I want to see you…" slurred Ghost before he clocked out.     

"Urgh!" groaned Kai Xin as she tried to keep him upright.     

Glancing around again to make sure that there was no one around, she quickly opened the door and dragged him in with her.     

When she entered her house, her brother was getting ready to leave. He looked down at the man that Kai Xin dragged in.     

"I love you and all, but I'm not going to jail for you..." said Kai An with his hands raised up.     

Rolling her eyes at his comment, she hissed at him, "Don't be an idiot!"     

Kai An placed his bag on the floor before asking, "Who is he?"     

"A friend. Stop watching and help me!" groaned Kai Xin as she tried to drag Ghost into the living room.     

Feeling sorry for his sister, Kai An took over and carried Ghost over instead.     

After he placed him down on the couch, he smelled his jacket and groaned, "He stinks…"     

"No shit, Sherlock." Kai Xin cursed before heading to the washroom to get a wet towel. When she got back, Ghost was sitting up and staring at Kai An.     

To the latter's dismay, Ghost reached out to cup his chin.     

"Daisy...Why is your face so square? And rough?" asked Ghost while he pinched Kai An's cheeks.     

Annoyed, Kai An slapped his hand away. He turned to look at Kai Xin and demanded to know who the man was.     

"Like I said, just a friend," replied Kai Xin. Then she grinned and added, "Don't get upset just because you have a squarish and rough face."     

Kai An cursed while he walked back towards his own room.     


Kai Xin glanced down at the man and asked softly, "What's wrong..."     

"I brought you snacks from Japan..." said Ghost with a silly grin. He fumbled about shortly before taking out a strawberry mochi from his packet.     

Handing it over to her, he said solemnly, "I thought you might be hungry..."     

Kai Xin was confused as Ghost's eyes were a little unfocused. It was as if he was unsure about something.     

She had so many questions but she doubt that he could answer them when he was in such a bad shape. With a sigh, she took the mochi and placed it on the coffee table before thanking him.     

"Great..." Ghost smiled before he laid down with his head resting on Kai Xin's laps. With his eyes closed, he murmured, "Eat well...Don't be...Don't be hungry..."     

When Kai An came back, his jacket was gone and he was wearing a different T-shirt.     

He was thinking of going out but when he saw Ghost sleeping with his head on his sister's laps, he snapped, "That's it! I'm staying home tonight! I'm not leaving you with a weirdo."     

Looking at Ghost, Kai Xin said softly, "Kai An…"     


"Don't tell anyone about him and don't let any of your friends visit while he's here."     

He gave her a curious glance but did not say anything.     

When she did not hear anything from him, she sighed, "Don't ask me why."     

"I didn't say anything.."     


"Mum might say something."     

"I'll deal with her later."     

With Kai An's help, they managed to remove Ghost's beer stained shirt for him.     

However, Kai An protested when it came to the lower part, "I am NOT removing another man's pants."     

"Are you afraid of your own masculinity?" teased Kai Xin.     

Feeling a tad mischievous, she narrowed her eyes at her brother as she asked, "My dear older brother...Are you secretly in the closet? You know...I won't judge you..."     

Kai An was about to retaliate with random insults when he decided that it would be unwise. She would just twist and turn his words.     

To Kai Xin's disappointment, her brother gave her a boring reply.     

"Call it whatever you want. I won't win you in an argument anyway. But no matter what, I am not going to remove a man's pants!"     

"But...If you don't do it…" sighed Kai Xin. She lowered her hand towards the direction of Ghost's crotch and pouted sadly, "...Then I would have to do it."     

The idea of his innocent sister looking at another man's junk grossed him out. Without saying anything else, he picked Ghost up and threw him over the shoulders.     

Before he went into his room, he glared at his sister and pointed out, "You owe me one!"     

Kai Xin laughed inwardly at the thought of Ghost being naked before her brother.     

She cleared her throat and tried to maintain a serious face before saying, "While you are at it, wipe him down as well!"     

She bet that every neighbor surrounding their unit probably heard a very loud F-bomb followed by the sound of a door slamming.     

When Kai An was busy with Ghost, Kai Xin heard someone unlocking the door.     

A soft feminine giggle could be heard and curious with what made her mother giggled like a young woman, she kept her eyes locked towards the direction.     

To her surprise, An Qi Yan returned with a man walking closely behind her. Their hands were interlocked together as they chat about something private.     

When she saw her daughter who was staring with a smirk on her face, An Qi Yan immediately released her hand and shifted her eyes away from Kai Xin.     

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