Be My Strength

Stop being angry with me, OK?

Stop being angry with me, OK?

"I'll get the kids ready... And regarding Luo Guang Ying, I'll tell the men to keep an eye on him...Alright..."     

Han Ye hung up the phone call with DX.     

Last night, he received a message from a bodyguard that he secretly planted on the same floor as Kai Xin's unit.     

When he saw the photo that the bodyguard sent, he immediately forwarded it to DX.     

Unsurprisingly, the man changed his schedule arbitrarily and returned earlier than expected to protect his woman and probably stake his claim.     

"Love has the ability to turn even the calmest man into a green eye monster." thought Han Ye with a chuckle.     

As he made his way towards the presidential suite as Hospital Imperial, he greeted the doctors and nurses as if they were old friends.     

Standing outside the door of the unit, he took off his coat and his tie before knocking.     

Without waiting for a response, he entered after 3 seconds.     

The moment he stepped in, his face was full of smile. Placing his coat and tie neatly on the couch, he went to the window to open the blinds.     

"Yue Xue, do you know? President Du told me that he is going to propose to Ms. Zhen. Remember her? I told you before. Zhen Kai Xin. He's utterly in love with her..."     

When he went to the next window, he continued, "...She's a pretty nice woman, but uhm... She can be a bit troublesome..."     

Chuckling, he gave the person on the bed a wry glance before continuing, "...I think she has a man on the side. Maybe not a lover, but President Du is not happy with it."     

Rubbing his chin, he asked, "...Do you think that beneath his cold mask, President Du is actually a man filled with insecurities?"     

When a sudden chill hit him out of nowhere, he shivered and asked in a low voice as he looked around the room nervously, "Do you think he heard me?"     

Turning around, he asked with a sigh, "Yue Xue, did you hear me?"     

Sleeping on the bed was an unconscious woman who was covered by thin layer of silky blanket.     

Her skin was so pale that it seemed as if she had been stuck indoors for years. In fact, she looked as if she would fall apart at any moment.     

Han Ye went over and kissed her on the forehead.     

With a smile, he said softly, "Of course, they are each others' first love...Can you imagine that? The scary President Du met his first love so late in life!"     

As he gazed at Wu Yue Xue's pale face, he asked softly, "Not everyone could be like us right?"     

Pushing the strands from her long bangs away from her face, he whispered lovingly, "I miss you, my dear wife...Did you miss me too?"     

The soft sound coming from within the room caused Han Ye to look at the thing that was making the sound.     

He hated that thing for what it represented but it was the only thing that was keeping her alive.     

It was the latest and most advanced life support machine that he bought from Japan.     

In addition to the life support machine besides her, Wu Yue Xue was wearing a breathing apparatus while various tubes were hidden underneath the bed cover.     

He bent down and lifted her head slightly as he adjusted her pillow. With a smile, he asked, "Yue Xue, it's not as noisy as before right?"     

When there was no reply, he sighed and patted her head gently before replying to his own question.     

"Yeah, it's softer now. Now, you can sleep better without all the noise. I know how much you hate those background noise."     

Holding her hand, he frowned when he realized that her hand was cold, "Are you feeling cold? Hold on! I'll get another blanket for you."     

He went to the cabinet and picked out a light blue comforter.     

As he gently placed it over her body, he said softly, "Can you tell? This is your favorite blanket. See, I'm such a nice boyfriend. It is still so clean even after 10 years. So, you should really wake up and award me with a kiss..."     

When she remained unresponsive, he looked at her with deep sorrow reflected in his eyes.     

In his mind, she was still the young girl who would follow him around all the time with a bright smile on her face.     

Clenching his fists, he tried to push out all the sad thoughts. He wanted her to see him at his perkiest moment.     

However, when he sat down next to her bed, he was unable to mask the sadness in his voice as he asked, "Yue Xue... When are you going to wake up? It has been 10 years...Are you still angry at me?"     


Roughly 12 years ago, Han Ye was a fresh graduate who wanted to make a mark of himself.     

Straight out of university, he managed to get a job at a good company that was recommended by Wu Yue Xue.     

Eager to prove himself and to provide a better life for both of them, he worked so hard that he eventually neglected his wife.     

One day, he returned home after a 14 hours long shift, and found his wife was sleeping on the couch.     

As he was about to carry her into the room, she woke up.     

When she saw him, the first thing she did was to start a fight.     

"Yue Xue... It's not like I stayed at work for nothing. I have a lot of things to finish," said Han Ye as he let out a frustrated sigh.     

They had been arguing almost every night for the past 6 months and he did not know how to comfort her.     

He had told her the truth but she did not want to listen.     

"WORK, WORK, WORK! ALL YOU CAN THINK ABOUT IS YOUR WORK! WHY DON'T YOU MARRY YOUR JOB THEN?" shouted Wu Yue Xue, before she threw a pillow at him.     

They were high school sweethearts and the moment he graduated, he had asked for her hand in marriage.     

On paper, they were officially married. However, due to financial difficulties, they kept postponing the ceremony.     

Mostly because he wanted to give her a grand wedding that she could be proud of. That was one of the reasons why he worked so hard.     

As he watched his beloved woman crying out her frustration, he went over and hugged her tightly before saying,     

"Yue Xue... If I don't work hard, how am I going to prove to your parents that I am worthy of you?"     

"Why do you have to prove to them? If I say you are worthy, then you are worthy!" Wu Yue Xue cried louder as Han Ye hugged her.     

Despite her hitting him on the back repeatedly, he never let go or even loosened his hug.     

"I know... But I just want your parents approval because I know that deep down, they means a lot to you," explained Han Ye as he rubbed the back of his wife.     

She did not retort back because it was true.     

It was already hard on her when her parents refused to attend the signing ceremony, and she secretly wished that they would attend their wedding ceremony.     

Coming from a more well-off background, her parents never liked Han Ye because they did not think that he could provide for their baby daughter.     

She wanted her parents to approve of Han Ye and thus, she told him about this company who paid their employees well above the normal rate.     

However, once she saw how hard he worked, she regretted pushing him into accepting the contract.     

"If it means that I would be unable to see you most of the days, then I would prefer to live a more simpler life...I don't like it when you leave me alone... " said Wu Yue Xue as she sobbed against his chest.     

"Yue Xue... Just a few more years...I promise you. I'll be a great man that you will be proud of!" said Han Ye as he wiped away her tears.     

His beloved Wu Yue Xue was quite a crybaby. However, it did not mean that it was easy for him to see the tears on her face.     

Unfortunately, in less than 2 years, he lost her to an accident.     

He was promoted to a managerial position and spent even more time at the office.     

When he forgot about their 10th anniversary, Wu Yue Xue had enough of it. Angered, she went out for a drive.     

Unfortunately, she met with a reckless man who was driving under influence.     

She tried her best to avoid his car but when they were near about to make a right turn at the curve, the car rammed into hers from the side.     

The culprit suffered from a light injury but she lost total control of the car she was driving in and it crashed into the divider before flipping over.     


As Han Ye watched over her body, he murmured sadly as he massaged her hand.     

"Yue Xue... Stop being angry with me, OK? I have left that company for so many years now. I have never forgotten anything about us since then. Your birthdays, your likes and dislikes. Our anniversaries...Why won't you wake up?"     

Holding her hand tightly in his, he placed his forehead on her hand as he continued, "I promise you... The moment you wake up, I'd marry you immediately! We will have a grand wedding..."     

Looking up and with a smile that did not reach his eyes, he continued, "...At a church, with white roses decorating every bench. I'll buy you the grandest wedding dress so that you will be the most beautiful bride ever...and heels! You love heels, don't you? We will get a pretty one as well... With pearls on them... "     

Still, there was no response. For the past 10 years, she just kept sleeping without any care in the world.     

His heart ached and he wanted to cry, but all his tears were long gone. Now, all he could do was to wait patiently for her to wake up.     

Meanwhile, just outside the room, a trainee nurse who was walking by saw the scene through the door that was left ajar.     

When she saw a nurse who was her senior, she asked in a hushed tone, "What happened to the woman in there?"     

The senior nurse took a quick glance at Han Ye and Wu Yue Xue.     

With a sigh, she replied, "Brain dead. She had been that way since her accident more than a decade ago...We tried telling Mr. Han that she would never wake up ever again because of the complete loss of brain function. However, he refused to listen. He thinks that she is just taking a long nap and that she would wake up soon..."     

The young nurse gasped when she heard that.     

Brain dead means that the patient was considered to be legally dead as there was no way she would ever wake up again. How could she when she lost all functions of the brain?     

Normally, the easiest thing for the family to do was to let the patient go. It would be hard for the family, both financially and emotionally, to keep a dead person alive.     

The young nurse shook her head as she wondered how he kept holding on after so many years.     

As she watched Han Ye bent over to caress Yue Xue's face, the young nurse thought, "He must really love her to suffer for so long..."     

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