Be My Strength

It does seem bigger

It does seem bigger

DX woke up to the sound of the alarm and quickly reached across Kai Xin to turn it off.     

Before he placed it back, he accidentally saw the message from Ghost which was displayed on the notification menu.     

[ Thanks for the night, Daisy. I'm home now. - G]     

"G... Ghost... Luo Guang Ying... What are you trying to play here..." thought DX angrily before he placed the phone back on the nightstand.     

Glancing down at Kai Xin who was still deeply asleep, he gently caressed her cheek as he said in a hushed tone,     

"Kara...If you are going to use me, please let me know, OK? Don't do it behind my back... and don't...Don't rely on another man..."     

As if she heard him, she stirred in her sleep. Following a soft moan, she mumbled, "DX...You are too hard..."     

When he realized what she was dreaming about, he blushed before a smile slowly appeared on his face.     

"You don't want me when you are awake but you are dreaming about me now. My little minx, you are quite an enigma..." thought DX before he kissed her on the forehead.     

She suddenly pushed him away and kicked off the blanket as she mumbled, "Hot..."     

With a sigh, DX went to the cabinet and took a thinner blanket. When he got back, the original blanket was laying down in a crumple on the floor.     

Before he placed the thinner blanket over her, he took a quick scan all over her naked body.     

Like before, her belly was slightly raised. It did not look like it grew since the last time he saw it. However, her breasts definitely grew a little.     

He cupped her breasts and nodded to himself, "I can't be wrong. I've been playing with these two for years..."     

"What are you doing, you perverted man..."     

He glanced up and saw Kai Xin looking at him with her brow raised. She was smirking while she waited for a good explanation from him.     

When she was still asleep earlier, she felt someone touching her tenderly and to her surprise upon opening her eyes, she saw him frowning while touching her breasts.     

"You are awake..." said DX before he took his hands away from her breasts as if he was a teenage boy who was caught doing something naughty.     

"With you touching me all over my body, how could I not?"     

Sitting down on the bed, he asked, "Kara...When was the last time you had your period?"     

Even though she was wondering why he asked such a weird question, she still gave it a serious thought and answered him, "Two months ago? I can't be sure..."     

"And you didn't bother to check it out?"     

She shook her head, "My cycle is quite irregular. Didn't I tell you about it before? Last year, my period probably came once every three months. Why?"     

DX recalled her mentioning it before. However, her body condition was definitely different from back then.     

With his hand resting on her tummy, he asked, "Did you not realized that your tummy is slightly raised?"     

"Are you calling me fat?" She growled as she swatted at his hand that was resting on her.     

Yet, when she rubbed her tummy, she noticed that it was indeed somewhat raised. Glancing down, she frowned, "It does seem bigger..."     

"Do you think..."     

Knowing what he was about to say, she shook her head and laughed, "Du XiAn. I know that you are extremely proud of your prowess but even the mightiest sperm in the world could not win against the power of the birth control pills."     

Still doubtful, he frowned at her and said, "I think it would be better if we check it out, OK? We will go to the Hospital Imperial. It's the best in the country."     

"No!" snapped Kai Xin.     

When he looked at her with a curious gaze, she replied softly, "No... No hospital... I don't like the smell..."     

Ever since the abortion, she rarely made any visits to the clinics much less a hospital.     

The only time in the past ten years was when she snuck into Hospital Imperial to visit Little Lyle. Even then, she vomited the moment she was out of the hospital.     

Pulling the blanket over her face, she pleaded in a soft voice, "Please don't make me go to the hospital...I really don't like the smell..."     

"They smell like death..." thought Kai Xin sadly.     

Pulling the blanket away, he sighed when he saw her sad face. Leaning down, he kissed her on the lips softly before saying,     

"It's alright then. We won't go to the hospital. I think that there would be some OBGYN at the twins' birthday party tomorrow. One of them is a close friend of mine. I'll ask him to take a look. He is also well-versed in the Traditional Chinese Medicine so..."     

When Kai Xin had a look of hesitation written on her face, DX took her hand and said softly, "Pregnancy or not, you are easily tired nowadays. I'm worried about you. Just get a check, OK?"     

She looked at him and pouted, "Can't we just use a pregnancy stick and skip the doctor?"     

"No. It's better if we get it properly checked out. Even if we used a pregnancy stick, I would still make you go to a doctor." said DX sternly.     

If there was even a slight possibility that she was pregnant with his child, he did not want to take a chance with it.     

Furthermore, pregnancy stick might show a false-positive or a false-negative result. Whatever it was, it would be upsetting for her.     

With a sigh, Kai Xin relented. She recognized that tone of his. He rarely used it on her and whenever he did, she was not allowed to argue back.     

She stood up and went to the mirror. As she checked out the reflection of her tummy, she thought, "There's something that is not worth arguing about..."     

From the mirror, she saw DX getting out of bed and walking towards her.     

As he wrapped his arms around her, he patted her belly softly and murmured, "I hope there is a little Kara in here..."     

Still worried that this might be a mistake, Kai Xin looked at their reflections and asked, "DX...What if I'm just fat? I don't want you to get your hopes up..."     

He turned her around and kissed her on the lips. Unlike the previous kiss, this one was more possessive as he placed a hand on the small of her back and pulled her closer towards him.     

After a long while, he finally released her and said, "If she is not in yet, let's start and be serious about making one..."     

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