Be My Strength

I was just a boy back then

I was just a boy back then

In a small village in Japan that was located far from the hustle and bustle of city life, a man wearing a sunglasses got out of a van.     

He glanced around and took in the beautiful scenery. Small, quaint houses spread out from each other and divided by rivers.     

Flowers decorating the little bridges that connected the houses to each other.     

"Sir, should I pick you up later?" asked the driver in Japanese.     

Taking off his sunglass, Ghost replied in Japanese, "No need. Just do as plan. The remainder of the money would be banked into your account once everything is completed."     

He waited until the van was out of sight before moving towards his destination.     

Ghost stood quietly behind a tree while he kept his eyes at one of the houses that was right across the bridge.     

Unlike the other houses, this house lacked any kind of decoration. The paint was falling off and the lawn was overgrown with weeds.     

Ghost closed his eyes and listened to the sound of the wind. He had chosen this day to execute his plan for one main reason.     

There was an annual harvest festival that was being held at the next village and most of the people in the village left for the festival early in the morning.     

Ghost scouted out the houses within the vicinity and once he made sure that everyone had left the area, he started to prepare himself for what was about to come.     

He heard shouting from the house he targeted.     

"It's about time..." thought Ghost as he hid behind the tree.     

He saw a young woman running out of the house with a little girl following right behind her.     

Right behind them was a fat man who was holding a thick cane as he spewed profanities at the mother and daughter.     

He pointed to a part of his shirt which was wet as if stained by something.     

"You little bastard! You can't even do a simple thing right!"     

When the kid saw the cane, she fell down in fear as she begged for forgiveness. She did not mean to spill the coffee on her father. It had been two days since she last had something to eat. When she was carrying the coffee to her father, she felt dizzy and fell down.     

Knowing the futility of begging, the woman immediately shielded the girl with her own body right before her husband hit her with the cane.     

In Japanese, she cried out in pain as she begged her husband to stop, "Please stop! She is just a child! She is your child!"     

"My child?!" yelled the man as he continued to whack her with the stick.     

He laughed, "You are just a whore that I bought from your parents! Who knows who fathered that little bastard!"     

"Daddy…" The little girl shivered in fear as she watched the blood that was flowing down her mother's forehead.     

However, she was too afraid to move. Her father was an unforgiving man and he would definitely kill her if she tried to say anything.     

Once the man had enough, he threw the stick on the ground and spat on his wife and daughter.     

Before he entered the house, he snapped, "Go and buy me my lunch now, you bitch!"     

"I-I don't have the money..." said the woman meekly as she held her bruised arm that she suspected to be broken.     

The man picked up a stone and threw it at her. She was too afraid to dodge. It would be worse if she tried to protect herself.     

The stone hit her in the face before it landed on the ground with a soft 'Thump'.     

Seething with anger, the man yelled, "Go fuck a man and get some money then! Do I need to teach you the basics?!"     

With tears and blood running down her cheeks, the woman nodded as she limped across the bridge with the child.     

The little girl was crying quietly as she held onto her mother's hand. She kept glancing up at her mother.     

Even though she was young, she knew what kind of job her father forced her mother to do everyday.     

"Mama... I can go and beg for some money. Don't do it..."     

The woman was badly injured but in order not to scare her child, she patted her daughter's little hand and with a smile, she said, "It's ending soon…"     

Rubbing gently on the marks on her daughter's wrist, she told herself that she did the right thing.     

She would never have any regrets.     

When she saw the man with the bright red hair who was waiting at the end of the bridge, she sighed in relief as she thought, "He's here..."     

As she walked past him, she gave him a discrete glance and nodded before walking away.     

As promised by the man, there was a white van waiting for her down the road.     

When Ghost approached her at the market yesterday, he asked for her help in exchange for freedom.     

Worried that this might be her husband's trick, she refused at first. However, the man's offer was too good.     

In exchange for a small favor, he would relocate them and provide them with new identities. In addition, he would give her enough money to start her life all over again.     

She cared not for the money. It was her daughter's safety she was worried about.     

If she continued staying with the hideous monster, he would one day sell her daughter out as well.     

Eventually, she agreed. Sometimes, the benefits were worth the risks.     

"Never mention to anyone that you have seen me. Someone would take care of you and tell you what to do once you are in the new town," said Ghost before he left her yesterday.     

Ghost watched as the woman and her daughter entered the van. Once the van drove off, he put on his gloves and made his way to the house.     

'KNOCK! KNOCK!'     

Hearing someone at the door, the man shouted angrily, "CAN'T YOU FUCKING OPEN THE DOOR YOURSELF?"     

Ghost smiled as he gently pushed the door open.     

When the husband saw a well-dressed young man in front of him, he sneered, "The whore is out. If you want to bed her, then wait for a while."     

"I'm not here for her…"     

"Then who are you here for?" The man frowned while drinking from his can of beer. No one ever visited them other than to buy his wife for a night or two.     

He had a thought and grinned evilly, "If you want the child, you would have to pay triple. She's still a virgin you know."     

Being in the same room as the vile man grossed him out, and Ghost looked at him in disgust as he pointed out, "Isn't she your child?"     

The husband downed the remaining beer before saying, "Who knows? Child of a whore. She could be anyone's kid."     

Ghost took a quick look around the house.     

Dried blood stains were everywhere. The poor woman was probably beaten to an inch of her life almost every day since she married this bastard.     

"I guess, rather than a disgusting scum who would sell his wife for a paltry sum, it would be better for the kid to acknowledge someone else as her father," said Ghost calmly as his eyes landed on the dog chain at the corner of living room.     

He had noticed the mark on the little girl's wrists and wondered what could have caused it. He knew now the reason behind those marks.     

Dumb as he was, the husband knew that Ghost was insulting him. Flinging the empty can of beer aside, he slammed his fist on the table before snapping, "What did you say?"     

There was a short pause as Ghost glared at him.     

When he realized that Ghost was insulting him in Mandarin, he narrowed his eyes and asked in Mandarin, "Who are you again?"     

Ghost smirked as he replied back in the same language, "Do you not recognize me, Mr. Zhang?"     

The man shook his head slowly. He had never seen this boy before.     

Ghost laughed, "Of course, you don't. I was just a boy back then. Maybe this name would help jog your memory...Su Yan Xi."     

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