Be My Strength

An Xin is gone

An Xin is gone

After DX left the room, Kai Xin turned back to her food.     

Her father was discussing with Grandma Zhen on the latest contract he managed to score for his business.     

The Zhens Family became comfortably rich after her grandfather sold their land for Mr. Zhen to expand the family business.     

Kai Xin remembered that there was a time when they were living in a simple house and there were days when food was scarced.     

She recalled that no matter what the best was always given to her brother first.     

After all, he was the first born male and her grandfather was a strict traditional man who preferred having male heirs.     

From the moment she was born, her needs took a back seat because she was female.     

Even though she was upset about the unfairness sometimes, she was generally fine with it.     

Besides, her brother would shared all his toys with her and he would helped her with her studies.     

As the conversation around the table drones on, her thoughts drifted back to the old days.     


When she was 9, her father brought Little An Xin back during the year end school holidays.     

By then, her father had openly declared his infidelity and he wanted Little An Xin to integrate herself with the rest of the Zhen Family.     

The first time she saw An Xin, Kai Xin had been curious about this girl in a frilly dress and bright smile.     

"Kai An, Kai Xin. This is your youngest sister, An Xin. Be nice to her, " said Mr. Zhen as he placed the cute little girl down from his arms.     

Little Kai Xin had expected her younger sister to be more like her. However, she was disappointed by the truth. Little An Xin was a little princess.     

She would cry whenever Little Kai Xin touched her with her dirt-covered hands, and she would cry whenever Little Kai An refused to pay attention to her.     

An Qi Yan who had completely given up on her husband allowed him to do anything he wanted.     

For Little Kai Xin to be strong enough to stand on her own, An Qi Yan allowed her to speak freely even though it angered her husband and her father-in-law.     

Mr. Zhen and Grandpa Zhen would always scold Little Kai Xin, "You are a girl! Look at how you speak! You are such an embarrassment to us."     

Whenever Little Kai Xin got upset because of the words, An Qi Yan would hug her daughter and told her,     

"Don't care about your father and grandfather. I think your argument makes sense. Someday someone would listen to you."     

An Qi Yan knew that Little Kai Xin did not like to do the typical girl stuff and thus, despite her husband's objection, she allowed her to run around the village with the other kids as long as Kai An was with her.     

Mr. Zhen wanted the girls to play together but An Qi Yan saw how unfair he was towards Little Kai Xin.     

Whenever they fight, as long as Little An Xin cried and pointed the finger at Little Kai Xin, he would believe her words and blamed Little Kai Xin.     

"Dad would never believe me," said Little Kai Xin when An Qi Yan asked her why she did not tell her father the truth.     

With a sigh, An Qi Yan patted her daughter's head and warned, "Don't let her put you in a difficult situation."     

At only 9, Little Kai Xin barely knew what her mother was worried about. However, she promised her that she would be careful.     

One day, her parents were both out and only the kids and their grandparents were at home.     

Little Kai Xin had been bored and wanted to go out but Little Kai An was lazy.     

Little An Xin then told her that she would go out with her. At first Little Kai Xin refused but her younger sister kept begging her.     

Eventually, she relented. She was really bored and wanted to do something.     

Little Kai Xin thought that her mother would be fine with it since she had someone with her and so, she agreed to go out with Little An Xin.     

They went to a neighbor's house and asked the twin boys if they wanted to play together.     

Then the four of them went to a recently abandoned house.     

The boys and Little Kai Xin were playing sword fighting with the sticks they picked up along the way.     

Little An Xin refused to join because she said that it was a boyish. She merely sat by the side and played with her doll.     

"Your sister is so weird." said the older twin, Danny, as he dodged an attack from Little Kai Xin.     

"She's a princess." replied Little Kai Xin replied and quickly blocked the attack from the younger twin, Kenny.     

"Don't bring her out next time. She's such a downer. Bring Big Brother Kai An. He's fun!" said Kenny.     

Little Kai Xin did not say anything. She was conflicted. She found Little An Xin to be boring as well but she was still her sister.     

She looked over at where Little An Xin was sitting and realized that she was gone.     


She cried out when she received an attack from Kenny.     

"First rule of war. No distraction." said Kenny as he lifted his 'sword'.     

"Stop it!" snapped Little Kai Xin as she pushed him aside. Looking around, she said worriedly, "An Xin is gone."     

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