Be My Strength




By the time Kai Xin woke up, it was almost noon. She rubbed her eyes before she glanced around the room but she could not see DX anywhere. When she touched his side of the bed, it was cold. She then glanced at the clock and groaned when she saw that it was almost 12 p.m.     

She had slept for more than 12 hours. After the bath yesterday, they had spent the night talking. DX told him about his boyhood adventure with Layla and the rest of the Imperial Five - Du XiAn, Layla Rong, Dr. Phillip, William Tan, and Javier Tan.     

Kai Xin had laughed, "Imperial Five? I can't see you as part of something called Imperial Five!"     

When he patted her hand that was placed on his naked chest, he smirked, "We didn't come up with the name. It was given to us by the other students... Honestly, I'd prefer our gang to be called 'Du XiAn's Followers' while your mentor preferred, 'Layla's boys'."     

Kai Xin laughed. Layla's boys sounded like something that her mentor would say. DX's stories took her mind off the event in the afternoon and with that, she had fallen asleep in his arms.     

As she got out of the bed, she thought, "These pregnancy hormones are turning my life upside down."     

She then patted her belly and joked, "You owe me a big one, little girl. Remember, Du XiAn is mine, alright?"     

She yawned and put on her robe before she walked out of the bedroom. As expected, he was working. He was typing on his laptop at the dining table when she called out softly, "Hubby?"     

It seemed that he did not hear her and that was when she realized that he was on a phone call.     

"What do you mean someone saved him? He's injured? Settle it quickly! I want that bastard found!" snapped DX. While he was talking to the person on the phone, at the same time, he was typing on the laptop as well.     

Once he sent his email, he stood up and he placed the phone on his other ear before saying, "Yeah, get someone else to settle the compensation. I want everyone to be focusing on this case! If he runs out of the country, it'd be harder to find him!"     

Kai Xin was curious as to who he was talking to and she called out again, "Hubby?"     

DX was frowning but when he heard her, he immediately changed his tone. With a smile, he turned around to face her. He then hung up the call before he went to her and asked, "Why are you awake so early in the morning? You should rest more."     

"It's almost 12 p.m. You're going to spoil me," said Kai Xin. She then hugged him from the front and said, "What are you going to do if I continue to be like this after the birth?"     

"Well, I'm still going to love you. In fact, it would be better…" said DX. He placed a hand on her stomach before continuing, "... At least, when I get home late at night, you'd still be energetic enough for us to make another sibling for this one."     

Kai Xin pouted, "Are you going to keep impregnating me? I don't want!"     

DX laughed. He held her face in his hands and kissed her on the lips before asking, "Are you feeling better now?"     

She nodded.     

"Are you hungry? Anything you want to eat?"     

She thought for a moment before saying seriously, "Crab!"     

"Good thing I'm rich," said DX with a smile. He went to the intercom and once he was connected to Head Manager Han, he told the man to cook for them. After he hung up, he turned to Kai Xin and said, "He's meticulous and he'd make sure that everything is clean and untouched by others."     

Kai Xin nodded before she went back into the room to wash her face and brush her teeth. Once she was done, she went to the couch where he was sitting and sat on his laps. He was reading a contract on his iPad and she took the iPad from him.     

"I'm the lawyer. I'll do the checking," murmured Kai Xin. She went through it quickly and circled all the mistakes and underlined the clauses that DX had to read.     

When she felt his hand snaking into her robe and rested on her breast, she sighed in contentment. It felt good to have his warm palm so close to her heart.     

Meanwhile, since she took over the contract, DX's other hand was busy replying emails on his phone.     

She knew that he would be busy for the next few days. They would be a lot of emails coming in and with Han Ye being on vacation mode, DX had to filter all the emails that were directed to the CEO office by himself.     

Once they were done with their work, and while they waited for the food to arrive, Kai Xin looked at DX and asked, "Who was that earlier?"     


She glanced at his phone before continuing, "The one you were talking to on the phone. Who went missing?"     

DX thought for a second before answering her, "It's Ye Tian."     


DX sighed. He stopped playing with her breast and pulled it out of her robe.     

He was annoyed with his men's incompetence as he explained, "Since I can't find anything to pin it on him, I decided to let him go home for now. I've placed guards all around his house. As expected, he tried to make a run this morning. However, his car was intercepted by a large group of masked men and the people that I sent? Most of them were killed or injured when they tried to stop the masked men."     

When she heard him, she gasped, "Who'd it be?"     

"I'm not sure. I've told my men to look into it. Those masked men? They are highly trained and dangerous. Whoever hired them must be someone who had lots of money. As long as they are still in the country, I'd be able to find them. I'm just worried that they would smuggle him out of the country before I can find them. The thing is, I'm not sure if the men came to save him or otherwise."     

"Why did you say so?" asked Kai Xin.     

"According to my man, the masked men were shooting randomly as if they did not care about the safety of Ye Tian. In fact, my man said that while Ye Tian was trying to escape, he was shot by one of the masked men."     

"Is he-?"     

DX knew what she was asking and he interrupted her, "No. I don't think so. He was shot in the leg before he was taken away by them."     

"Alright…" said Kai Xin. She did not want Ye Tian to die so easily. However, she could not help but worry about it. After the revelation yesterday, who would dare to save Ye Tian? If the person who saved him wanted to cause him harm, then why? Why not just killed him on the spot?     

DING! DONG!     

When she heard the bell, Kai Xin immediately jumped up from DX and walked towards the door to open it. As DX watched her, he smirked and thought, "She's going to start waddling all the time soon…"     

He had not noticed it before but Kai Xin had been walking with a little waddle. It was just that she knew about it and had been consciously telling herself to walk properly in public. When she was at home, she would just walk in a more comfortable way instead of forcing herself to close her legs tight together.     

When she opened the door after looking through the peephole, she greeted loudly, "Hi, Head Manager Han!"     

"Good afternoon, Madam President Du," said Head Manager Han.     

Famished, Kai Xin pulled the food cart in and said, "Just call me Kai Xin or Ms. Zhen. Madam President Du sounds like a mouthful."     

Head Manager Han walked in after her and closed the door behind him. He went to DX and said, "President Du. I've heard of what happened. I talked to my old team at Shenlong House and they said they would look into it. But as far as they know, no one has contacted anyone from the Shenlong House for a kidnapping job. So, we are thinking…"     

DX interrupted him, "Foreign merc?"     

He did not even look at Head Manager Han. His eyes were on Kai Xin and he looked on worriedly as she tried to get the lobster meat out of one of the lobsters. She was never good at it.     

Head Manager Han nodded. With the Du Family's influence, not that many people would dare to take away the people that were wanted by President Du. The ones who did were probably either crazy, desperate for money or from a rival underground family. The other group would be foreign mercenaries who had no idea who they were messing with.     

Either way, Head Manager Han would have a lot of work to do.     

As he looked at Kai Xin, he asked DX, "President Du, it's unlike the Madam President to eat crab this early in the day. I thought she prefers porridge for breakfast?"     

DX glanced at him wryly before saying, "She's pregnant. It's normal for a pregnant woman, or so I'm told."     

Head Manager Han nodded, "Well, I hope that Madam President Du likes my cooking. If there's nothing else, I should get back to my work."     

DX nodded and waved his hand to dismiss him. Once Head Manager Han left, DX went to Kai Xin and sat next to her as he watched her eat. She had given up on the crabs that were cooked in the shell and focused on the Chilli Crab where Head Manager Han had removed the shells.     

After a while, she sighed and said, "Don't watch me when I'm eating. You're stressing me out."     

When she looked at DX, he smiled at the little dot of red sauce that was the side of her lips. Just as she was about to turn back to her food, he cupped her face and licked the red sauce off.     


He then kissed her lips and lingered there for a few seconds. When he parted, he said, "I forgot to reward you for your bravery yesterday."     

Kai Xin blushed slightly. She did not think that she was brave or anything but when she heard DX praised her, she felt a little happy.     

Suddenly, she recalled something and turned to him to say nervously, "My mum! She must be worried sick!"     

"Don't worry about it. I gave her a call earlier. I thought that you might want to sleep longer so I told her that we'd be back later."     

She sighed in relief, "Great…"     

After a while, she asked softly, "D-Did my dad call?"     

DX shook his head, "I didn't receive anything, and he didn't call your phone either. Maybe he didn't watch the press conference yesterday."     

As she continued to eat at a slower pace, she nodded, seemingly a little depressed from it.     


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