Be My Strength

Twins Birthday (13)

Twins Birthday (13)

Callum was done scanning the rooms in the upper floor and when he could not find Kai Xin, he rushed down the stairs to check at the kitchen area.     

That was when he saw a man with grey hair standing near an open window while staring towards a direction.     

The sudden heavy gust of wind brought the silk curtain up and it wrapped itself around Ghost before it fell down.     

"Goddess?" thought Callum as he slowed down his pace.     

The person he was looking at currently had the same look as his goddess. Loneliness. Abandoned.     

He slowly crept up behind the person.     


When Ghost saw that DX managed to get to Kai Xin on time, he sighed in relief. At the same time, he scolded himself inwardly for his stupidity.     

"You should have saved her! That was your window of opportunity! Why did you stop running?!" thought Ghost angrily.     

He watched as the three talked about something and after they went their own ways, he sighed in frustration.     

When he turned, he was startled by the appearance of Callum.     

"Goddess?" asked Callum softly as he looked closer at Ghost's face in order to find the resemblance.     

Ghost sighed as he thought, "He's still as dumb as before..."     

Callum went wide-eyed when he saw the person's face clearly.     

"Luo Guang Ying?"     

Ghost nodded as he greeted him, "Good evening, President Shenlong..."     

Callum had brushed shoulders with him every now and then but he had never talked to him before.     

He blinked rapidly before he asked Ghost bluntly, "Do you...By chance, did you attend Imperial High?"     

Ghost nodded, "Yes. For a short period of time."     

"Do you know how to play the piano?"     

Ghost laughed softly, "I think 99% of the people here know how to play the piano."     

Callum frowned as he thought about his words. He then sighed when he realized that he was right.     

Disappointed, he turned around and saw that Luo Yin was walking towards them.     

The two nodded in acknowledgment of each other's presence as they greeted each other.     

After a brief chat, Callum excused himself. As he walked away, he pulled out his phone to call Old Mo.     

Callum was supposed to be watching over Luo Yin's movement but with the latter watching him, it would be hard.     

Thus, he asked the old butler to keep an eye on the Luo brothers. Since Old Mo was a staff, they would not pay so much attention to him.     


Once Callum was away, Luo Yin draped his arm around his eldest brother's shoulders and smirked, "Guang Ying...Are you trying to stand out again?"     

"No. I would not dare to go against your order," said Ghost meekly.     

He pretended to look over Luo Yin's shoulders so that the latter thought he was waiting for their grandfather to save him.     

Ever since Ghost found out about the truth of his mother's whereabouts, he wanted to go all out but Phantom stopped him.     


"We don't know if your mother is alive or dead!" said Phantom over one drinking session at AVENGE.     

"If she's alive, she would have come for me," snapped Ghost before he downed another glass of whiskey.     


"I know, I know..." sighed Ghost before he cursed angrily at his own helplessness. He lied down on the couch and thought about every possibility.     

If he was to openly retaliate now, Luo Yin and Mrs. Luo would realize that Ghost knew about his mother.     

He doubted the possibility of his mother being alive. From what the dead bastard in Japan told him, she was already severely weakened from the abuse when she escaped.     

Even if she managed to escape the place of her confinement, it would be unlikely for her to survive in the huge forest.     

"Don't worry too much for now, G. I'll figure out a way to send the search parties in without raising any suspicions...As for you, stay low and gather your strength. Secure your inheritance before you act..." said Phantom.     


Back at the party, Luo Yin took a quick glance around to make sure that no one was watching before picking up Ghost's damaged left hand.     

With all his might, he squeezed it so hard that the latter paled from the pain.     

When Luo Yin noticed Old Mo was standing nearby as the latter talked to a member of the staff, he immediately released his brother's hand.     

In a low voice, he smiled as he said, "I'm just reminding you in case you forget about your last punishment."     


Almost 16 years ago, after Young Callum went back home, he was unable to stop thinking about the pianist.     

When he started to ask around to see if anyone knows anything, the news of his search reached Young Luo Yin's ears.     

He was curious. As far as he recalled, his eldest brother was perpetually friendless.     

"Why would Shenlong Xun looked for him?" thought Young Luo Yin as he watched Young Callum checked out every classroom in his floor.     

When Young Callum stopped outside Young Luo Yin's class, he took a quick peek inside before sighing in disappointment.     

"That's the last classroom..." thought Young Callum.     

He was about to leave when Young Luo Yin called out, "Hey, are you looking for someone?"     


"Why don't you tell me? Maybe I can help..." Young Luo Yin asked with his usual smile that managed to charm the pants off everyone.     

Young Callum hesitated for a while before nodding, "Actually, I'm looking for a girl. She had grey hair when I saw her. I think it might be a wig. She looks really pretty and she is an amazing pianist."     


Young Luo Yin scratched his head before continuing, "...That's not a lot of description for me to help you out with. Where and when did you meet her? Maybe there was an event that day?"     

Young Callum told him about how he found the pianist locked up in the attic.     

When he heard that, Young Luo Yin's lips twitched. He had no doubt about it. Instead of a girl, the person Young Callum saw was his brother.     

That day, he had been in a bad mood after he received a scolding from his father early in the morning.     

Together with Young Ye Tian and two of their friends, they stripped the uniform of Young Ghost.     

In order to further humiliate him, the boys took some photos of Young Ghost.     

"If you want us to delete it, then get down on your knees and beg like a dog," said one of the boys, Romeo, while the rest cheered him on.     

Left with no choice, Young Ghost nodded. He got down on all four and begged, "Please...Please delete the photos..."     

"Where's your bark, doggy?" said another boy, Zack, before he kicked Young Ghost at the abdomen causing him to topple over.     

Fighting through the pain, Young Ghost pushed himself up and barked before begging, "Please delete the photos...Masters..."     

The boys laughed and Zack asked, "Luo Yin. Is this really your brother? He's fucking pathetic!"     

"He's just a bastard born from a prostitute that my father paid for," Young Luo Yin spat at Young Ghost. He hated being associated or being compared with him.     

"Well, since our little doggy did it..." Romeo patted Young Ghost's head before continuing, "...We should delete the photos..."     

"Not so fast..." said Young Ye Tian. He had been watching the entire time so when he spoke, the rest quieted down.     

He turned to Young Ghost and said, "If you want us to delete the photos, then be like a good dog and lick my shoe."     

He lifted one of his feet up. He sighed when he realized that he was wearing a new pair of shoes.     

"Oh well...This works as well..." said Young Ye Tian while rolling his eyes.     

Young Ghost stared at him in horror but he knew that he had no way out. If those photos were sent out, his future would be gone forever.     

Thus, he swallowed whatever was left of his pride and with his fists clenched, he licked Young Ye Tian's shoes while the rest of the boys laughed their heads off.     

After they deleted the photos, they forced him into the attic.     

"He must have found a female uniform in one of the boxes..." thought Young Luo Yin as he looked at Young Callum.     

"So, do you know anyone with that description?" asked Young Callum impatiently.     

Young Luo Yin shrugged, "Not a girl...But my brother has a head of grey hair. I doubt he's the one you are looking for."     

"Of course not! I'm looking for a girl! What's wrong with you! " snapped Young Callum before he stormed off.     

Once he was gone, Young Luo Yin dropped his smile.     


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