Be My Strength

You big meanie!

You big meanie!

"Ouch!" cried Kai Xin as she rubbed her head.     

Glaring at him, she snarled, "You big meanie!"     

"It's disrespectful to the God! If grandpa is here, he would have caned you!"     

Little Kai Xin grabbed Little Alyssa's hand and ran.     

When they were a distance away, she turned back and shouted, "Kai An farts in his sleep!!!"     

Little Kai An blushed when the kids laughed at him.     

He turned to Little Kai Xin and threatened, "You wait until we get home!"     

Little Kai Xin laughed as she took Little Alyssa's hand and ran to the large oak tree behind the temple.     

"Is it OK? What if he hits you?" asked Little Alyssa worriedly as she watched Little Kai Xin climbed up the oak tree.     

"Nah, he wouldn't dare. I'm his baby sister! Come up!"     

She offered her hand to Alyssa and pulled her up so that they were sitting on one of the branch.     

Little Ki Hong came running over.     

He threw a pack of candies at Little Kai Xin and before he ran back, he shouted, "That's for you guys! Come join us when you are done eating!"     

After he left, Little Kai Xin gave all the candies to Little Alyssa.     

"Don't you want some?" asked Little Alyssa as she unwrapped one of the candies.     

"Nah, I don't like candies."     

She took out two of the mochi that she managed to pocket earlier and gave it to Little Alyssa.     

"Have you had one before?" asked Little Kai Xin.     

Little Alyssa shook her head, "Mum bought it for me once but Dad ate it."     

"Try it! It's good!"     

"But Kai An said God would be angry if we eat his food."     

While she was climbing onto a higher branch, Little Kai Xin asked, "Do you think that the Earth God loves children?"     

She nodded, "All the Gods love children."     

Lying down on the branch, Little Kai Xin asked again, "Since Earth God loves children, do you think that he wants to see the children starve?"     

Little Alyssa frowned as she thought hard, "I supposed no."     

"See! He wouldn't be mad at us for eating then."     

Little Alyssa nodded. Her new friend's logic seemed solid. Just as she was about to take a bite, she stopped and tried to give it back to Little Kai Xin.     

"What's wrong? Don't you want it?" asked Little Kai Xin as she glanced at the mochi.     

"But you are hungry. That's why you took it right?"     

Little Kai Xin laughed, "I'm not really hungry! I am smaller than the rest of them. If I wait until the Earth God is done eating, all the best stuff would be gone!"     

When Little Alyssa hesitated, Little Kai Xin said, "Just eat it. I ate a few earlier so I'm kind of stuffed!"     

Little Alyssa nodded and ate it.     

When she took her first bite into the soft dough texture, she nearly cried. It was the best food that she had ever eaten in her entire life!     

The two sat on the tree for a while before joining the rest in a game of hide and seek.     

Since she was brought in by the Zhen siblings, the rest of the kids were friendly and respectful towards her.     

They included her in the games and conversation.     

To Little Alyssa, it was the best night of her life and when they were about to leave, she felt sad that the night had to end.     

She snuck away from the group and ran back to pray to the Earth God.     

Placing the pack of candies on the table, she clapped her hands together and prayed,     

"Dear Earth God, in exchange for the candies, can you please make Kai Xin be my friend forever? I would give you more but they are all I have..."     

When Little Kai Xin saw that Little Alyssa was not in the group, she jogged back to the temple and shouted, "Alyssa! Quick! We have to go back now!"     


The cab stopped at the traffic light.     

As she watched the light turned to orange, Kai Xin sighed when she thought about the change in Alyssa's personality.     

"She used to be cute and endearing... What happened to her..." thought Kai Xin as she watched the cars whizzed past her.     

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