Be My Strength

What about mummy?

What about mummy?

DX thought about it for a while. He knew what it was like to stand out because of one's parents.     

Growing up, even in his school that was filled with children from rich and prestigious families, he had always felt the pressure of being constantly watched by others.     

The fact that Jack and Lyle were illegitimate children was well-known and the children were taught the ways to handle themselves should there be anyone who dared to make fun of them.     

So, Lyle's question was probably related to DX's 'male' lover rather than their background.     

"Did someone picks on you because of my…" DX cleared his throat before continuing, ""     

Lyle shrugged, "They tried..."     

While keeping his eyes on the road, DX placed a hand on Lyle's head before saying, "You are a good boy. Don't worry about this. I will settle it soon."     

Lyla glanced at his father before asking, "Dad?"     


"Do you really like him?"     

"You mean K?" DX smiled, "Yeah..."     

"More than us?" asked Lyle. He had a feeling that his father was completely smitten by that 'man'.     

DX sighed, "Lyle…"     

Glancing down at his fingers, Lyle asked in a meek voice, "What about mummy?"     

As if he did not hear his son, DX suddenly spoke,     

"Your birthday is coming up. Let's throw a party this year and invite all your friends."     

Lyle sighed when he realized that his question went unanswered. Still, he said, "Dad, you know that I don't like big parties. Grandma would definitely invite all those annoying adults!"     

"You would like this one. We will have a Halloween style themed party, and I will make sure that your Grandma doesn't go overboard with her invitation. Don't worry about her."     

When they arrived at the Du Mansion, the servants who had been on standby immediately rushed out to carry the things in.     

Even though they offered to carry the children back to their room, DX chose to carry Jack and Qhuinn by himself. After all, they were his.     

Once he placed the children down on the bed, he turned to Lyle and said, "You should sleep soon or you would be too tired for school tomorrow."     

When DX turned to leave, Lyle reached out and grabbed his shirt, "Dad..."     

Sitting down on the bed, DX looked at Lyle's solemn face. He ruffled his hair before saying,"You are an exact carbon copy of me, aren't you?"     

Lyle blushed and shrugged, "I think so. Do you not like it?"     

He gently knocked his son's forehead before replying, "Of course I love that my son looks like me. But even if you don't, I would still love you just the same."     

Lyle sat next to his father and said, "You are only saying that because I am here."     

"Lyle, I don't know what that…" DX stopped himself in time. He had to constantly remind himself that the person was the twins' biological mother.     

He took a deep breath before continuing, "...that woman told you before but I'm sure if your mummy is here, she would say the same thing."     

Lyle looked down at his toes as he mumbled, "Why didn't she come and see me?"     

"I know she wanted to see you, but she had her reasons. You have to give her time to deal with her own problems first"     

Lyle glanced up at DX and with watery eyes, he asked, "Dad, are you really going to be with K? What if Mummy comes back? Why don't you be with her? She's better than that K in every way!"     

DX stood up, "Lyle, we will talk about this another time."     

Before his son can say anything else, he walked out of the room and closed the door behind him. While on the way to his room, he sent a message to Kai Xin,     

[ Are you still awake? I would be staying at the hotel tonight.]     


While DX was dealing with his son, Kai Xin was getting scolded by Phantom over her reckless action the other day.     

"How could you go in without any backups? You could have at least tell me about it so that I can send someone to watch over you!" snapped Phantom as he glared at the unapologetic woman sitting opposite him on the couch.     

"I can handle him!"     

"What if something happened to you?! Have you thought about that?"     

Kai Xin frowned, "Phantom, I'm sure of my own strength."     

"Really?" taunted Phantom. He sneered, "Do you want to go see Ye Tian or Luo Yin now? Since you are so sure of your own strength, I'm sure you can handle them as well!"     

Kai Xin stood up angrily when she heard him. She clenched her fist and asked angrily, "Why are you being so mean today? If I said I can handle him, I can handle him!"     

For the first time in his life, he yelled at her, "Then why can't you handle Ye Tian and Luo Yin! Go! Go see them now!"     

As they glared at each other, she snapped, "Because John did not make me feel as if I am still a child!"     

Kai Xin sat back down on to the couch as she sighed in frustration. She understood why Phantom was angry but she was frustrated with the way he kept treating her as if she was a ceramic doll that would easily break.     

"When I see those bastards, all I can think about was how strong they were and I would be unable to move. With John, I'm not afraid at all."     

Phantom turned away from her as he tried to control his emotions.     


He sighed and turned back to her, "I'm sorry I yelled at you. I was worried."     

Kai Xin frowned, "Did something happened to Ghost? Where is he? He didn't bother me lately."     

Phantom shook his head and replied, "Don't worry about him. He's still alive and well."     

Just as she was about to ask further, a message came in.     

When she saw the message, she smiled involuntarily. Phantom saw her and knew that it was DX.     

With a smile, he waved and said, "Go…"     

She nodded and quickly picked up her bag. Before she left, she said, "Tell Ghost to call me when he's free. I will see you soon."     

Phantom watched as she went to the lower floor. He took out his phone and sent a message to Ghost.     

Shortly thereafter, Ghost came into the room smelling like booze and woman. He glanced around before asking, "She left?"     

"I just told you that she left. Why are you avoiding her?"     

Ghost groaned as he plopped down on the couch, "Why are you such a busybody nowadays?"     

Phantom wheeled to the fridge and took out a bottle of mineral water. Throwing it at Ghost who managed to catch it, he asked, "Is it because of President Du?"     

Ghost ignored him as he drank.     

"Ghost, answer me."     

Ghost glared at him, "None of your business, Phantom."     

Instead of engaging in a fight with him, Phantom used another tactic. With a sad voice, he lamented, "I thought we are a team. Guess I am wrong. I am merely another pawn in your grand revenge"     

"Ahhh!" yelled Ghost. He hated it whenever Phantom did that.     

Throwing the empty bottle on the floor, he snapped, "Yes, it's because of President Du! Are you happy now?! I hate seeing her so happy! I hate that the main reason for her smiles was because of that man!"     

Ghost kicked the couch angrily as he snapped, "I hate that I am so powerless! I hate that I cannot escape!"     

Turning to Phantom, he growled, "Find that bastard out for me! I'm tired of being chained like a dog!"     

"What are you going to do?"     

Ghost glared at him, "Keep out of this."     

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