Be My Strength

President Du's Birthday Party (15)

President Du's Birthday Party (15)

The area between her thighs was burning and she could not stop the moan that escaped her.     

"Fuck!" She cursed out as another wave rippled through her. She had trouble focusing and her breathing was getting shallower as she tried to maintain control over her body.     

"What the fuck did he gave me!"     

Glancing at the balcony door that was left ajar, she shivered as the gust of cold night air blew in. It was cold and hot at the same time, and what she was feeling now reminded her of that night at the hotel with DX and the bucket of ice.     

Her body buckled up involuntarily from the memory alone and she groaned as the ache worsened.     

Everything felt extremely uncomfortable as if there were millions of tiny ants crawling all over her sensitive body.     

Suddenly, she heard movements coming from beside her. To her horror, she saw Shangguan Xing slowly waking up.     

His first reaction upon waking up was one of confusion as he glanced around the unfamiliar room.     

He had no idea where he was and why he was naked. The back of his head hurts and he rubbed it as he tried to figure everything out.     

When he saw an almost naked woman cuffed next to him, his mind went blank.     

Slowly, as he managed to clear his head, an evil grin appeared on his face.     

"Well, well, well…" He laughed as he touched her arm gently, "Is this a surprise by the boys?"     

His touch made her nauseous and she gagged slightly. Kai Xin struggled against the cuff as she tried to get away from him.     

As she glared at Shangguan Xing, she tried to will the dizzy feeling away. With heavy breath, she cursed at him, "Don't you dare come near me!"     

"Oh yeah?" He looked at her questioningly. This woman actually dared to defy him.     

He chuckled and tried to sit astride her but before he managed to do so, she gave him a kick powerful enough to knock him off the bed.     

He landed on the floor with a loud 'thump'!     

"FUCK!" cursed Shangguan Xing as he rubbed his bruised buttocks. More than that, his ego was bruised! If words were to go out that he was kicked by a woman, he would be the laughing stock of his peers!     

Once the pain subsided, he climbed back onto the bed, angrily lock her feet down and got onto her.     

With all his might, he punched her in the stomach. "YOU BITCH!"     

It hurt badly but Kai Xin bit her lower lip to prevent herself from crying out in pain. At least the pain helped to clear up her mind.     

There was no way she would ever give him the satisfaction again.     

He slapped her and snarled, "You better behave or it's going to worse!"     

Out of nowhere, Shangguan Xing narrowed his eyes as he leaned down to look at her closely, "You look familiar…"     

Kai Xin spat at him, "Get. Off. Me!"     

With a grin, he wiped off the spit slowly, and in return for her action, he retaliated with another slap, only this time, he placed a great deal of strength into it.     


Kai Xin was caught off guard and cried out from the attack. The effects from the pill was making her weaker by the minutes and the slap had caused her to feel dizzier than before.     

He ran his knuckles down her throat and choked her slightly as he snarled, "You better behave or I'm going to make this harder!"     

He laughed evilly as he pushed himself against her underwear, and in a low voice, he crudely touched himself as he asked, "Would you prefer this hard thing instead?"     

He reached down into her bra and pinched her nipples through it.     

Humiliated, Kai Xin finally yelled out, "DX!!!!!!!"     

Shangguan Xing punched her again to make her stop. This time, the blow landed on her face and Kai Xin saw stars circling around.     

She felt the metallic taste of blood inside her mouth and spat it out before glaring at Shangguan Xing.     

Kai Xin tried to yell out again but her voice was a lot weaker now as she prayed for him to come quickly, "DX!"     

He laughed as he ripped off her bra and fondled her hardened nipples, "No one is going to hear you, you whore!"     

A flashback ran through her mind. 12 years ago, he had said the same thing to her as she tried to crawl away from him.     

Her body hurt from the initial abuse and she was afraid that they would really kill her, so she had cried out weakly as she slowly crawled to the door.     


Evil laughter echoed in her ears as she tried to wake up from the nightmares.     

A young Shangguan Xing had pulled her feet and dragged her back into the middle of the classroom.     

As he positioned himself between her knees, she had begged him to let her go and that she would not tell anyone but he had laughed.     

As he stared at the blood between her thighs and those that were smeared on her inner thighs, he got angry and he dug his nails into her thigh to make her cry out.     

When she merely groaned in pain, he punched her stomach until he heard her cried out in her raspy voice as she begged him to stop.     

Only then, he had told her confidently, "Why should I be afraid that you would tell? No one is going to hear your cries...or believe the words of a poor weak-ass thrash like you!"     

Back in the present, Kai Xin tried to keep her thighs clamped shut but her body felt weak.     

It was demanding to be filled but she refused to fall to the effect of whatever pill Ghost gave her.     

Drifting in between her memories of the past and the present, she shook her head as she cried weakly, "…" .     

He roughly shoved his hands into her panty and when he felt the wetness, he laughed, "You whore! So, you like to play rough huh?"     

Using her last ounce of strength, she cried out, "DX!!!!"     

Annoyed, he tried to muffle her voice by covering her face with a pillow while he used his other hand to rip her underwear apart before positioning himself inbetween her thighs.     

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