Mark of the destiny

Epilogue- Family 1

Epilogue- Family 1

It was the most beautiful night. They kissed, they nestled into each other's arms; they confessed their love for each other, however, a swarm of emotions took over Suyin. Tears stream down her cheeks as she kept on apologizing over and over.     

"Shhh...It's alright, love. All's well that ends well. Now that we are together, I'm already forgetting those bitter moments." Wang Shi whispered, holding her in his embrace and running his fingers through her wet, tangled hair.     

She looked up from his chest, catching his eyes blood red. "I-I thought we would never--"     

"Shhh....I've got you--This is over-- Don't say--" he couldn't finish, his throat painfully tightening. The same fear he had faced as well. But seeing the compassion and love in her eyes, now it seems worth it.      

Peaceful silence engulfed them. They forgot the world around them by lying in each other's arms. Her wet body burrowed into him, both clutching each other tightly as if life depends on it.      

Don't know how much time passed, none broke the hug.      


  "Don't." Wang Shi tightened his grip around her waist when she jolted up. "Those annoying people will interrupt this moment. Let them stay outside."      

She blinked her swollen eyes. "Among those annoying people are your parents and a pregnant woman."     

"And a whining child who knows his game too well. Wanna bet he's the one banging the door."     


"Obviously to coax his angry ducky?"     

That made her laugh. "And I won't let myself melt by his cute pout. Nope. Not this time. He was really harsh on me--" he gave her a knowing look. She slapped his shoulder. "--hey, I will. Believe me." his only reply was an expressionless face that silenced Suyin, and she dropped her head on his shoulder.     

Something feels off. She wasn't able to keep herself awake.     

He stroked her back. "Suyin?"     

She hummed.     

"You are cold," he touched her neck and cheeks with the back of his hand, "Because of your wet clothes your body is losing heat faster." Sighs, "Even my clothes are damp, it won't help either."     

She felt a thawing in her heart, the warmth of being cared by someone and being held in his arms. "Nothing that a hot water bathe won't fix."     


He scowled at the door and then concentrated back at her. "I'll prepare you a bath. You better not catch a cold."     

"I can do that. Open the door first. Let them in." He made a face, and she lightly slapped his cheek, "GO!" Though she asked him to go, her own sounded weak to her own ears. She wanted to spend more time like this but alas....     

Heat pulsated through her when he scooped her up in his arms, carrying her over to the bathroom and turning the faucets at a set temperature.      

Suyin stripped out of her black dress and stepped into the bathtub in her undergarments, moaning at the touch of warm water against her feet as she sat down on the edge of the tub. She kept her face straight, suppressing the smile, understanding why he was rooted. "The door, Shishi!"     

He sighed, looking at his own wet clothes, his gorgeous woman, and then at the bathtub spacious enough for the two. But another bang on the door broke that dream of his. "You are a bully. Come here," he said, leaping at her to squeeze her cheeks into a fish pout and snatching one last kiss. "I'll remember this."     

And he left....     

"Don't forget to give me clothes. With undergarments." she reminded from the bathroom.     


Embarrassment. The only word that's apt to describe Wang Shi's face when he opened the door to see his entire family standing. Waiting. A stupid knowing smile on their faces.      

"Dad! What happened to your lips?" can anything be worse than this? The first question to pop out of Honey's mouth turned Wang Shi downright flushed.      

With great efforts Wang Shi looked up, only to find everyone holding their smiles in. "Shut up, everyone." he looked down, "And you. Mind your own business."     

"Whatever." Honey bends his body at awkward angles to get a peek inside the room. "Where's duck-- mom?"      

"Bathing." Honey's eyes narrowed when Wang Shi blocked his way. "She doesn't want to meet you."     

"As if I'll believe."      

"You have no other option."     

"Dad, are you looking for a fight? Move aside, this is very serious. I have to have to talk to her."     

"Get an appointment, brat. She's mine."     

"Grandma, Grandpa, look what dad is doing!"      

"Shishi!" Liu Jeilan said, exasperated at the way her son was troubling her grandson.     

"Mom-- hey--"     

Honey snatched the opportunity and crawled his way inside from the space between Wang Shi's long legs. "Ducky is mine. Stay out. Don't forget I'm her first love."     

Wang Shi "..."     

The family broke into a peal of laughter.     

Junjie was the first to move, walking with open arms "Congratulations, brother. Finally Annabelle is yours." he ducked when Wang Shi showed a slap. "Sorry, sorry...." hugging him the next moment.     

Jianyu gave a thumbs up, jerking a tear from his eyes, and Wang Shi opened his other arm for him.      

"Hey, you guys forgot about me." Jin had just stepped out from the elevator and saw them hugging, sprinting to join them. "Congrats brother. I'm so happy for you." Junjie the messenger had shared the auspicious news at the family WhatsApp group. It was a celebration!     

Liu Jeilan held her husband's arm, smiling in between tears. She had never seen her son this happy that his eyes were reflecting his happiness. As a mother, what else could she wish for? "He's just like you. Stubborn. Finally, he got her."     

Wang Huang, "And I can see you aren't angry anymore."     

"You see our son's smile? That's all I care about. Besides, I realized, Suyin is really the one Shishi and Honey deserve. She's perfect for our family. For my kids."     

"If it's done, I'm waiting." Xiu Mei reminded and Wang Shi kicked his brothers away, welcoming her. "Yayyy! Cheers for SuShi."     

"SUSHI?" Junjie asked.     

"Suyin+ Shi= SuShi."      


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