Mark of the destiny

Take responsibility

Take responsibility

"My greetings to the elders present here." Suyin bowed. "I-I-- Can I talk to Shishi for a moment, please?"     

None speak.     

The old man waved his hand at Suyin, giving a go-ahead, and then he waved at everyone, asking them to take their seats as if a soap opera was about to begin. All eyes at the center of attraction. Her.     

Suyin "..."     

'Guess this has to be done in front of everyone. Thank you, God. You just wait.'     

She breathed and turned to Shishi.     

"I-I had my fears. Uncertainties. Inhibitions. I know I have hurt you a lot because of all that. These past seven months you never stopped trying, and I never stop pushing you. What a blockhead I was. Dumb." her voice turned serious as she continued. "Don't know when your efforts broke all my defences. I found something far greater in you.... I found friendship. I found a new best friend that I never realised I needed.     

I don't have to pretend to be anyone or anything with you and can just be the wild, impulsive Suyin that I am. I enjoyed your company so much that slowly you became my habit. My necessity. My reason to smile. To laugh. To cry.      

Morning tea and conversations with you became an inseparable part of my life. Talking to you is easy, and you never judge. Your cheesy lines though make me cringe, they make me shy too. I smile at your smile. I feel touched when you ask about my day or check my fever."     

Her voice started to choke, and she stubbornly shook her head to jerk the tear from her eyes to continue.      

"I spent the last two weeks without you, and they were the most hellish of time I have ever faced. Life lost its colors. I had no one to tease me and look at me with a smile and say how beautiful I look. No one prepared a yummy breakfast for me. No one asked me how was my day. No one cared if I had my meal. No one cared how I got the bruise on my hand. No one.....I was alone. Living alone. I felt incomplete. Everything was a nightmare without you.     

Dammit, it's your fault. Look what you have done to this woman. Ten years of crush should have stayed as a crush. But you turned it into this. You even monopolised my dreams. Must you be so stubborn?"     

She sniffed, wiping her runny nose with the back of her hand.     

"In your absence, I realised how much I missed you. How much I want you. How much important you are to me. You are someone who invested yourself in me, saw me win, supported my vision, and loved me with all your heart. Yet the stupid me---" she sighs.  "Shishi, the fact is Suyin can die but cannot stay away from you. That's impossible now. I lost my heart to you. I-I want to be with you. Forever and ever."     

None spoke.      

Wang Shi stayed rooted at his place. His expressionless face scaring her.      

Junjie and Honey stared at her with jaw dropped, eye-popping out comically. They rubbed fists on their eyes, shook ears to confirm if that's really happening.     

Mrs. Wang held her husband's hand, both looking at Suyin fondly.     

Jianyu rubbed Xiu Mei's shoulder when she got emotional.     

Elder Wang grinned, giving her two thumbs-up. He even pulls down the oxygen mask and gave a flying kiss. "She's just like your grandma. Ha, i-it reminds me of our proposal--" he caught Wang Shi staring and pulls up the oxygen mask, pretending to go back to sleep.      

Of course, Wang Shi has every right to be like this. Seven months he tried, and she was a bitch.      

But would she give up that easily? Never.      

She took a step closer. "In the end we only regret the chances we didn't take, love confessions we never did, relationships we were afraid to have, and the decisions we waited too long to make. I don't want to be the one to be defined by this quote.     

I-I understand your anger. And I deserve it. I'm ready to be punished, whatever it may be. But I'm not ready to stay apart from you. Now that you have messed up with my heart, you have to take my responsibility. For the lifetime. No refund. No exchange. Mandatory love required. With passion I pursue and cling to you, because you have your grip on my life and soul, and I want to keep my heart close to you. Dr. Wang Shi, will you accept Zhao Suyin?"     

Everyone in sync, "SAY YES!     

No response.     

Embarrassed. Suyin looked at the old man with a crying face, pleading with her eyes.     

Honey pulled at Wang Shi's trousers. "Dad, say yes before her mind change. Let's seize this chance. Look, we even have witnesses. She won't be able to go back on her words."     

The old man pulls down his mask. "Honey dear, bring my stick. I have to knock some sense into someone."     

Wang Shi turned, pressed the button on the intercom to call Nurse Mia. "Give .5ml of Ativan to the old man." then he turned, grabbed Suyin's wrist, and walked out.     

The old man pulls down the mask for the nth time, "Hey, I want to hear it! Do it in front of me. Are you going to kiss?"     

Xiu Mei suppressed laughter. Jianyu came to the old man and fixed his oxygen mask. "The med Shishi ordered is a sedative. If you don't behave, I'll let the nurse sedate you. And then you won't get to see anything at all." that worked, and the old man turned into an obedient kid.     

Honey ran after them but was held by Junjie. He fit his fist, kicked his shoes in his stomach, "Let me go, uncle Juju. Dad is angry. I need to do something. Earlier it was mom, and now it's dad. Are they going to play this game forever? Dumb adults. I'm a thousand times better than them."     

Junjie whispered something in Honey's ears, brightening Honey's face like thousand light bulbs. "Oh, you are so cunning, Uncle. But I like the idea. Let's go."     

The next moment, the two were found standing outside Wang Shi's office, their ear against the door.      


Suyin caught the movement of steps and shadows from the little space under the door.     

That must be the worrywart Honey.      

Gosh, and she loves this little fluff ball.     

However, what matters right now was the man standing before her. This won't be easy. Wish she was aware appeasing angry Wang Shi was this difficult she would have come prepared with her dramatic family.     

"I know what Honey did after I left. Don't worry, I will talk to him about it. You don't have to do this to get him back."     

"Not Honey. I'm doing this to get Honey's dad."     


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