Mark of the destiny

Bring her up

Bring her up

"Make her sit, and give her some water to drink. Rub her palm and feet. " Suyin jogged across the table to check her pulse. A minute later her expression turned into a shock as she cast a meaningful look at Xiu Mei.     

Xiu Mei pressed at Suyin's hand, hinting her to hold her silence.     

"What is it?" Wang Shi asked.     

"Um, nothing. Her pulse is coming back to normal."     

Wang Shi nodded, not doubting Suyin a bit. "Must be low BP. She has this problem for years. Give her sugar and saltwater first."     

One minute it seemed things were getting normal, and the other second Jianyu picked the half-full jug of water and emptied it at Xion's face.      


"Not now, Mei. He knows everything, yet--" something stopped Jianyu from speaking any further.     

Suyin felt uncomfortable, aware there's a secret circulating between the three. One that Wang Shi was unaware of. "Mr. Xion, I'll deal with the fox. But giving panthers to kids is not acceptable. They are wild animals who feed on flesh; they kill for food." She breaks the tension.     

Xion's gaze moved to her face, "I'm not stupid to let them have panther without understanding consequences. But what other option I had when they literally cried to let them have one? When Honey heard about it from Yuyu and Lan, he came to me and asked for the third one. This is the first time that child has asked something from his uncle, the first time he ever spoke to me. How could I have said no?"     

He cursed viciously and wiped his hand across his face.     

"Just because they are not mine, doesn't mean my love is any lesser than yours. I'm equally concerned about their safety. Professional trainers will train cubs and kids both so they learn to get along with each other. If anytime cubs showed feral or threatening behavior, they will be euthanized. Kids already know of this. They agreed to my conditions."      

That was a sigh of relief for Suyin and Xiu Mei.      

"However of my explanation, you are their mothers and have full right to make the last call. But I will not ask kids about that. Do the honors."      

"What about the fox?" Suyin questioned, but Xion pointed her attention to the man beside her.      

"The fox is one of the many animals rescued by forest rangers from Gong Tuan's base. They found many exotic animals there. When Honey accompanied them to see those animals, somehow this little one snuck inside his backpack." Wang Shi explained. "The decision is yours, but I think we should let him keep the fox. He's deeply attached to the baby."      

Suyin and Xiu Mei shared a glance, both worried for kids, but none want to break their little hearts.     

"We'll watch. If anytime we feel it's not safe, animals are to be taken away with no further discussion." Xiu Mei said.     

"No matter if they cry or throw tantrums," Suyin added, and everyone agreed.     



After breakfast, Suyin stopped Xion before he could leave for his room and it becomes impossible to talk. Talking with Jianyu and Wang Shi was far easy. You just have to call or walk into their rooms as they were at hospital premises. However, Xion was staying near the docks, where they had set the temporary camps.     

"You said you have something important to talk about?" He guessed immediately.     

"Yeah. I want two things from you. Your ship and Gong Tuan." Suyin felt several gazes drawn to her. Xion shoved his hand into pockets.     

"Gong Tuan is yours. I'm holding him until you decide his fate. Why my ship?"     

"To take Gong Tuan on his last ride."     


Suyin could only hear the loud hum of the ship as it slides off from the docks, into the water. Today the wooden deck of the luxurious ship Marius was her land and sky her blanket. The seagulls and albatross shrieking overhead and the people accompanying her were her witnesses.     

She leaned out over the railing, listening as the bilge cut through the water smoothly, making its way ahead. Loud yet calm.     

The feeling of someone's warm hand curling into hers broke her attention. She knew whose hands could be this warm and didn't turn to look.     

Neither he questioned, nor he said a word, and she's thankful for that. Unknowingly, she intertwined her shaky fingers into his.      

On the balcony of the bridge, she heard Xion's voice calling for birds. He was standing barefoot, hair left open, holding a wooden bowl in hand, his eyes in the sky. The birds flapped their wings, crowding him as they pecked in the bowl, taking whatever offered.     

When his gaze met with hers, he passed the bowl to one of his men, gesturing another as he came to stand holding the railing.     

A man came to Suyin and tipped his hat. "I'm the navigator of the ship, Harun. Where should I instruct the captain to take the ship?"     

"To the deepest. Where the hungry sharks and dangerous creatures live," she answered without a speck of emotion, and turned to look at the horizon. The man, as professional as he seems, didn't cast a judgemental glance or either question her. Of course, living alongside the king of the underworld, he must have witnessed cruelty many times.     

When at sea, the scorching sun becomes your clock. Judging how it was shining above head, she calculated it was noon. A perfect time to have lunch. They sure were right on time.     

The anchors dropped in the middle of somewhere, and once again she leaned over the railing to check if this was their destination. Her brows scrunched. The water was as calm as sky. No sharks or deadly sea creatures.      




She looked as someone emptied a bucket of something into the ocean. Followed by another. And another. The stench of raw fish, and iron permeated the air. She realized, it was fish chunks, mollusks, and blood was thrown into the ocean to attract sharks by their smell.     

Soon, the calm water turned into a wave of chorus dance of beautiful yet dangerous creatures, swimming everywhere, only the top fins and faint shadow visible in the deep blue. There was a grace to their movement, yet a fierce fight for food. Hungry. Blood thirsty.     

"Bring her up." Suyin said.     

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