Mark of the destiny

Slowly but surely

Slowly but surely



I'm shocked why none of you complained that I have jumbled up the chapters. Did you guys not caught the mistake?     

Anyways, I'm correcting it now.     

The chapters will be--     

319 And you are the reason why God created middle finger.     

320- Slowly but surely     

321- He was dying     

322- Ma Roma     

323- Murderer     

324- They just love kissing me, just like you     

Please refresh if you see anything different.     


"Idiot. Just what are you thinking? Did I say I'm staying?"     

"But you--"     

"I barely asked you to stop the wheelchair, and your non-existent brain made up non-existent things." Zeng opened his mouth but Suyin cut him to that. "Shut up now, and take me to Honey."     

"So you are not--"     

"Zip it up, ge!" Suyin watched him staring at her in doubt. They both knew if she had decided on something, none can stop her. But this time he wanted to be with her, and not let the past repeat.     


"Never force someone. Life isn't meant to be filled with force and pushing. You shouldn't have done that." Suyin heard Wang Shi.     

Just as she went to the room, she saw the two sitting facing the window. Honey in Wang Shi's lap, letting his father caress his hair.     

She pulled Zeng's t-shirt, "Ask Jamie to stop hiding from me, and get his ass here. I know you two are hiding something from me, you better puke it out before I castrate one of you to set an example. Now go, shu shu. Don't eavesdrop. Its a bad manner."     

Zeng yanked his t-shirt away. "Bully. I'll tell mom you spoke the dirty word. They shouldn't have picked you from the garbage."      

Suyin, "You----" he covered her mouth.     

"Silence, baby sharky. Your two monsters will get disturbed. Now you continue eavesdropping on their conversation. I was right, you were a lizard in your previous birth."     


Suyin stomped her foot in anger.     

"But dad, she's mom." Honey said.     

"So what? The rule applies to everyone. If you really want her in your life, ease up your grip and let the universe do the outcome. Trust it, everything will happen at its right time. You just focus your energy on loving her."     

"I do love her. I love her the most. But-- but every time I'm scared she might leave us. Why can't we be like Yuyu and Lan's family? Why this fear?"     

Suyin slunk back farther, watching them. Honey's choked-up voice twisted her heart. True, her actions contributed to his insecurity. She failed to make him believe that she'd be here for him. Forever and ever.     

Wang Shi brought Honey's hand to his heart. "She was not even aware you had this heart when she started loving you. Your connection to her can't be put in words. Loving you come to her naturally, as if it's as normal as breathing or beating of a heart. When you have such deep connection there shouldn't be a place for fear."     

"Then what about you? Are you not scared? You don't have that connection. I want the same happiness for you as well."     

Wang Shi rubbed his back. "It will happen, son. One day it will. And I will wait for that day till my last breath. "     

"Yes!" His voice suddenly containing the determination, "And I will wait with you. Our ducky is stubborn, but we are double stubborn-- no-no, ten times stubborn. We will get her--"     

Wang Shi made a sound from his throat in warning, and Honey instantly corrected himself.     

"I-I mean.... Help the universe in bringing her home. Not forced, not coerced, just love. And then we will be like Yuyu and Lan's family. Slowly but surely." the orange hue from sunset makes their hair almost glow. They literally were each other's copy. One big, one small.      

"Slowly but surely."     

Suyin bit her lips, her chin dipping down, breathing through tears.     

"But don't stop the teasing. Ducky looks cute when she flusters at our teasing." Wang Shi pinched Honey's nose, to which he yanked his hand down. "What about now? She's angry and not talking to me."     

"If I know ducky well, she'd be here any moment. Or maybe she's already at the door."     

Honey looked over Wang Shi'sshoulder, checking the validity of his words.     

Suyin froze. It happened so quickly that she didn't get time to hide.     

"Ducky!" Honey jumped from Wang Shi's lap and sprinted towards her, stopping two feet away. He pinched his earlobe and started doing sit-ups. "Scold me, beat me, or get angry. But do something to vent out... don't be like this to me. I won't repeat it. Promise."     

Suyin's eyes met with Wang Shi's, his knowing smile doing every wicked things to her heart. The worse, it's thawing the ice.      

"Silly boy," Suyin spread her arms, and that's exactly what Honey wanted most. The next second he was in her arms, peppered with wet kisses all over. His giggles occupying the room.      

Wang Shi raised his phone and captured the moment as always, typing a message for Suyin the next.      

Abruptly she let out a grunt, Honey realized why when she pulled out her vibrating phone from pocket. "It must be mom. Let me coax this fireball first."      

"Ducky fears her mother. Everyone does. Me too." as he peered at the screen, his lips rolling in a big O, head moving back comically.     

[I'm going to let gravity do the motion then to forcefully grab your affection without attraction. Beware, this is the second crack in your icy heart. You are melting, my love. Muahh! :face_blowing_a_kiss:]     

Her breath left her in a rush, stirring an alarming blush. Emotions are always real, and Suyin had some serious inability to cover them. She instantly pressed her cheek to Honey's head.      

Honey, "What is it?"     

S"Message offering bank loan. Do you want one?"     

Wang shi, "..."     

Honey, "...."     


Important, author's note....     

Firstly, you are not charged for these extra words. I made sure you don't.      



** I can't believe it's June already and just a few days more this book will end. But do you want more of Honey? Only Honey, and not Suyin. I'm planning to start a short book with Junjie and Honey as the major characters. It will be an adventure based story- something on the lines of Indiana Jones, The mummy, or Lara Croft. Yeah, finding a lost treasure! Obviously, a touch of love as we need a love story for Junjie.      

Tell me your thoughts in the comments section.... It will help me a lot.     


*** To the readers who are worried about Evan, James, and Junjie, Zeng, and Fei Hong's part of the story. Rest assured I'll give a satisfactory ending to their parts. Junjie's story will continue in the next with little Honey tagging along.     

I know I have planned to write three love stories in this book, but instead, I'll be giving you two. Suyin and Wang Shi; Evan and James. These are the two stories going on from the beginning.... So let us keep it that way.      


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