Mark of the destiny



"One day that bastar* yanked me by my hair when I refused to give in to his physical demands, and dragged me to his bedroom. Angry, drunken, proud, he gloated about his deed to my face." She leaned her back against the wall, her green eyes filled with pain and anger. "I barely remember pushing him against the drawer and climb on top. But I do remember squeezing the life out of him with my bare hands. I do remember his horrified eyes on me as his body convulsed. I do remember shoving his body inside a trunk and asking servants to help me get it into the car.     

"I do remember giving an excuse that I found a lead on Lucy and to inform the same to boys when they wake up. I do remember driving into a forest, digging a grave, and dumping the trunk inside. I do remember driving to Tamis's house only to find it vacant. The war had started and Tamis had taken a cover already. I could never find him.... Nor my Lucy..."     

It left with many unanswered questions. Suyin's brows wrinkled. "But Tamis was assumed dead. Even now when I saw him, he was hooked to a wheelchair, paralyzed. Master Gong was just using him. How did you end with Master Gong?" the question was for Evan, who instantly typed something on James' phone and hold it to Suyin.     

[Tamis had thrown me into a gruesome assassin training and had wiped my memory using drugs. In the attack, our assassin center was bombed, but someone saved me. When I opened my eyes, it was an unknown location and Tamis was in a wheelchair. He had started his operation again under a new name, Alpha. I never knew that it was master Gong at his place. Never]     

Now things made sense. Gong Tuan had somehow rescued Tamis and some of his men, including Evan. Until now, Gong Tuan was ordering everyone under the disguise of Tamis, like a puppeteer behind the curtains. That's why Evan never mentioned a thing about Gong Tuan. He himself was unaware of it.     

"Then what happened?" Suyin asked Ma Roma.     

"I spread the news that my husband was with Tamis when the attacks happened and died with him. Naturally, the property, money, and the kids' custody fell into my hands--"     

"And you let loose your anger on kids?"     

"At least I didn't do what their father did to my son," Ma Roma snapped. "Luo was the eldest, while the other two boys were still minors. My conditions were simple to him, I'll take care of his brothers, will give them a share in the property and not leave them to die on the street, and in return, he'll have to find my boy."     

"Why were you so sure that Evan was alive?"     

"Does that matter? I just never wanted to stop searching for him. He is my son, my only son."     

"Or maybe you never wanted to free Luo." Suyin said sharply, "Is he aware?"     

"About his father? Yes. I told him what his father did to my son. I reminded him daily. But he doesn't know I killed him, maybe he does, I don't care. My son is with me, he can just die."     

Suyin's eyes closed. That's why she sensed hatred for Ma Roma in Luo's words whenever they talked. Ma Roma had no feelings for his stepson, she was just using him.      

But why did Luo stick to her side even after so many years? Surely after some years, his brothers were old enough to earn. Speaking of which, he never mentioned them in any of their conversations. What made him keep returning to El Sandrios?      

The best who can answer was Luo, but he was in sleep currently. She couldn't possibly bother a sick person.     

"Why have you said you never loved me?" James asked, bringing another spoon to Evan's mouth.     

Evan softly pushed his hand away and picked the phone.     

[Alpha had to stop giving me drugs when it started affecting my organs. As the effect subsided, I started getting visions of my past life, faces of unknown people, and unheard names. Keeping it a secret, I began investigating based on my dreams. But somehow Alpha found out and threatened me to kill you and everyone close to me if I continued any further.]      

Before James could find a word to say, he saw Evan snatching the phone and writing something again and raise it to him in an unusual bit of clumsiness. [Had an agreement with Alpha. If I was ever caught, I wouldn't say a word about him or his organization. In return, he would do no harm to you.]     

James let the lunch box slide from his hand. The odd rush of warmth spread. It was love! Evan had always loved him! His heartbeat raced, but also calmed him down, his unnecessary worries.      

A faint sound barely reached the door, startling everyone.      

Before Suyin could think twice about it, she pushed the door every so lightly and peered inside to check.      

Amara was helping Luo to have water. Why didn't she notice her before? Where was she?      

Suyin's action must have caught Luo's attention that he nodded at her. She self thrust the wheels to step in.     

 Just when others followed, Luo raised his palm. His voice came slow and heavy as if in pain. "You got your son, this is where we end everything. The ship belongs to me. Get out."     

Ma Roma didn't bother to stay another second and turned.     

Evan tried to stay something, but, "GET OUT!" Luo yelled, collecting every ounce of energy. The lack of air drove him to gasp as he pressed at his chest. Numbers jumped on the monitor.     

Amara turned to the door, "Bad people, bad people, out out. You are disturbing LuLu. Only Zeke will stay with us."      

Suyin didn't bother paying attention to anything else, but thrust the wheels to come near Luo's bed and picked his chart. She faintly registered Amara closing the door while preparing an injection and waited until the medicine kicks in, heaving a relieved breath when the numbers return to normal. "Don't do that again."     

"Keep them away, and it won't happen. Murderer."     

Suyin's brows rose. "You already know about Ma Roma's deeds?"     

"I'm living by her side for over two decades. I'm not a fool."     

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