Mark of the destiny

I am angry

I am angry

The next morning Suyin woke up groaning, feeling a weight pressing against her stomach. She wiggled, trying to get free of the object buckling her to the bed. But failed. Her eyes flung wide open taking in every ray of light, giving an unrestricted view of the face right in front of her.     

A nudge to her ribs makes her wince in pain, jerking away from the last trace of drowsiness. "Wake up. Wake up, WAKE UP!!!!"     

Suyin glared at the little fairy who was definitely not a fairy but a devil at the moment, sitting right above her. She poked his puffed cheeks, "Next time I'll do the same while waking you up. You better be ready."     

"Hmpf," Honey slapped her hands. "I'm angry,"     

"Bad for your health,"     

"I AM ANGRY."     

"Not my problem."     

"I. AM. ANGRY. Shouldn't you do something?"     


"I told you not to disturb her," Their heads snapped towards the bathroom; an instant blush creeping on Suyin's cheeks.      

"Don't look," Honey slapped his hand over Suyin's eyes like a concerned parent stopping a kid from watching something bad. Wang Shi had stepped out of the bathroom in briefs, clumsily trying to tie the belt of his bathrobe with one hand. "Dad, how can you--" Honey sent a warning gaze, reminding his father of a certain someone's presence. Bundling the blanket on Suyin's face he warned her, "Ducky, be good, don't peek. It's bad to see a naked man." and jumped off Suyin to help Wang Shi with the belt.     

"Thank you for saving me from an embarrassing moment in front of the lady,"     

"Anytime, dad. I know how much shame it is to let your protruding belly be seen by someone." Honey said prompting Wang Shi to take a look at his flat tummy.      

"Brat, get ready for school," Wang Shi grumbled, hiding his smile, and strode to Suyin to check on her. Suyin's eyes fluttered, feeling a warm hand on her forehead, "How are you feeling?"     

"Headache." she groaned, watching the man pass her a tablet and a glass of water prepared beforehand. "How did I--"     

"Last night you dialed my number taking it to be of James."     

Suyin set the glass down and get off the bed taking in fairy lights set around the spacious balcony. As she walked closer, the sight of a beautifully set dinner table for three with aroma candle and lily flowers in the middle caught her attention.      

On the right corner, a bed and a blanket were sprawled, opposite which a projector, a huge popcorn bucket, chocolates, candied fruits, and a bottle of mango juice thoughtfully kept. It was a heart-warming setup for a family and judging by the selection of the movie 'The croods' she could tell it was Honey's efforts.     

She lifted the food bowl lids, finding everything untouched.      

She turned to face the little human who was pretending to arrange his school bag while his eyes were taking Suyin's actions. A knowing accusing look and snort as she came closer told her he's showing his disappointment.      

She apologized by crouching down and pinched her ears. Unknown to her, Honey waited for her until sleep took him over and was jolted awake by the noises Suyin made when Wang Shi and Feng Junjie brought her to the lounge.     

Since Wang Shi couldn't pick her up with one hand, reluctantly he called Junjie to help him with the task. Calling Jianyu was futile, he wouldn't touch another woman other than his wifey.     

Not surprisingly she turned docile seeing Honey and hugged him to sleep. Though angry, Honey couldn't bring himself to push her away in this condition. Especially when he knew her mood was damp since morning.     

"I am angry."     

"Understood. Sorry."     

"Will you do this again?" Honey pointed his stubby finger to Suyin's nose.     


"Will you compensate us?"     



"I don't know."     



"I really don't know. You tell me what can I do? But please don't be angry. I love you the most."     

"Dad, did you see that? I can ask anything." All this while Wang Shi was away from the limelight, making efforts to get ready with a single hand. He hummed, struggling with the zip of his trousers.     

"Yes, please ask me to marry you."     

"Ducky! The first thing is~ you will never ask me to marry you from now on. You are too old for me."     

"I will wait until you grow up and gain some muscles--" Honey's squinting eyes were enough to shut her mouth. She zipped her mouth and put the invisible key in Honey's pocket. No matter how worse her mood or whatever problem life throws at her, she'd let nothing affect these precious moments. It was a mistake she didn't come to Honey last night, and she'd never repeat it.     

Even in fights, she'd keep Honey away from it and pretend nothing happened.     

Honey glanced at the ben10 watch on his wrist and jumped from the couch. He patted Suyin's cheeks, "It's a rare opportunity. I will make sure to curry maximum benefits from you..... Weirdo ducky." he called her name teasingly like a syllable and was ready to sprint out but Suyin captured him in her claws and peppered kisses all over his face.      

"Hey, ducky, leave me..... yukkk.... let go.... I'm getting late for more kisses..... it's an order....."     

Wang Shi looked at the two from the mirror. Things seem so normal that no one can guess there's a storm brewing within, ready to erupt once Honey leaves for school.      

..... And that's exactly what happened.     

Her smile faded with Honey's steps. It was just a momentary relaxation, the stray thoughts, and negativity took over her once again. Even if there were 0.001% chances for it to be true, everything she had gained will turn to ashes.     

She was tensed, helpless, desperate....wish someone could give answers.     

"Is something bothering you?" Suyin looked up and walked up to Wang Shi to tie the sling properly hanging loosely on his shoulder. "I can manage."     

"I'm doing it."     

"No need."      

Ignoring him, she stabilized him by the shoulder and tied the sling. Occasionally her stern eyes meeting his in a warning. Wang Shi looked away, the irresistible urge to talk to her taking over. But she herself asked for 'space' yesterday. Didn't she?      

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