Mark of the destiny

Am I dead?

Am I dead?

"Ow....ow...Shishi, you are hurting me," lying on her stomach, Suyin's fingers curled around the bed-sheet as Wang Shi pressed around the tender area on her naked back. She let out a breath when he withdrew his cold fingers, halting the torture. Warmth flooded when he pulled the blanket on her back.      

Lying on the pillow which had a faint fragrance of Honey, she looked sideways, shuddering as the man was now ready with a portable ultrasound machine to begin another round of torture. "Not again."     

Brushing the strand of hair off of her face, he caressed her cheek, "Sorry, but there's swelling, and the skin has turned blueish. Promise it will be quick," she turned her face to the other side, squeezed her eyes shut and bite down the corner of the pillow to not let him hear her. Thankfully, he was quicker, and the torture lasted barely a few seconds.      

She opened her eyes when he pulled out the fabric from her mouth and placed a long kiss on her cheek. "Brave girl! No internal injury." he wiped the gel from her back, "I'll prepare the bath. Or do you not want to bathe and just apply the ointment and sleep?"     

"Bathe bathe. Just get Nurse Miya to help me with bathe, and later she'll help me apply the ointment and maybe consider giving me a massage."     

Wang Shi frowned, glaring dagger at the woman lying naked back on his bed but asking for someone else to help her with bathe and massage. Is she for real?     

When a moment passed without a word from him, Suyin turned her head with great efforts and saw him staring at her as if he'd never seen her before. Her heart skipped a beat, "What?"     

His nostrils flared on a deep breath, "Am I dead?"     


"No. You are alive, but why are you asking that?"     

He face palmed, and picked her up along with the blanket trailing behind. She gasped when he sat her down on the sink top and went to fill the bathtub. She bit her lips, "N-Nurse Mia,"     

"I'm Nurse Mia for you." He wasn't kidding. Reaching he placed his hands at the straps of her black uniform and paused. "I'm assuming over the past two months we have already crossed the barrier of feeling shy and uncomfortable in each other's presence. But if you are still unwilling, I'll get the blindfold and then help you with bathe rather than asking Nurse Mia. My woman, my responsibility!" When she pursed her lips and didn't reply, he smiled, "It's okay, I'll get the blindfold,"     

She stopped him by the elbow, "Er, this dress is body fitted; am unable to get out of it because of the pain. Get a scissor," She register a faint smile on his face as he went to fetch a scissor from the lounge. Behind him, Suyin glanced at the bathtub and then at her blushing face in the mirror, trying to absorb the fact he was about to see her body.     

"Curb down you stupid blush, I'm not shy. No, I'm not nervous either. He's my man after all, hmpf." she flicked the hair from her shoulder.     

He returned with a scissor and helped her get down from the sink top first. Hooking the pointed end at the end of the back zipper, he fumbled to cut the dress all the way down. Don't know if it was the cold metal or Wang Shi's fingers rubbing against her skin that made her jumpy.      

Gently he pulled the dress off her shoulders, leaving just the piece of two cotton undergarments in black. His throat bobbed at her gorgeous body, blessed with soft curves and perfect baby fat. Her skin as if washed in milk, flawless, soft, smooth. He doubts she uses any expensive products. She's more about simplicity, making things easy, and whatever he was seeing, that's the natural beauty she has.      

"You are beautiful, Suyin. Beautiful, inside out." He didn't hold himself from speaking his heart. She was beautiful and sexy in a different way- something robust and real. And this woman belongs to him.      

With those sweet words she became a mushy mess, and glanced at him, looking herself from his eyes. Without a delay, he picked her to the bathtub and gently helped her down. She let out a soft moan at the touch of warm water on her skin, soothing the strained, achy muscles.     

She expected him to join her, but instead he sat down at the edge of the tub, "Move to your side, let me massage your back," he said, placing a hand at her waist. She didn't buzz.      

This was his office, his hospital, from where he rules and commands the entire People's Group at the tip of his finger~ today the same king-like man was willing to do something as small as this? There was not a single line of displeasure on his face.      

He might not be feeling bad and was willing to do this, but she won't let him.      

"What are you looking at? Move," he said.     

"Join me in," she sat down straight and waited for him. She saw him frown.     

"You don't have t--"     

"What were those lines-- I'm assuming over the past two months...comfortable in each other's presence. But if you are still unwilling, I'll bear the pain rather than watching you sitting like this, nursing me like a patient. My man, my pride."      

He let out a growl, before taking off his scrubs, "Impossible you are," she happily snuggled on his chest as soon as he settled and pulled her. A long moan and the serene expression was the sign she was comfortable as he worked the magic of his hands to massage her back. The essential oils in water working the magic, putting her to sleep.     

She woke up an hour later when he nudged her and stood from the bathtub. "What happen?"     

"Looks like you had a good nap? But it's been an hour, my love. Stay any more, we both will look like dried prunes." he sat the carpet of dry towels on the floor to prevent her from another fall, and sat a basket containing new undergarments, fresh towels, and one of his shirts. "Change," saying he turned to the other side and covered his eyes.     

Suyin chuckled, her gaze raking his hot masculine body from top to bottom, settling on the particular asset highlighted by the wet briefs- The asset she had nicknamed him after. 'Hottie bum'     

Oh my! She had fantasied about his body in her dreams thousands of times, and here she admits.... Her imagination was nowhere closer to reality.      

But one thing that's constant.... he's a gentleman! Just like always.     


"Ah, no, just a minute." she slapped her head to stop the perverted thoughts. It must be the effect of the good news about Honey that her thoughts grew bolder. 'Control Suyin, Control.'     

Setting her on the bed, he went to wear a night-suit before applying ointment to her back. Not so surprisingly by the time he returned, she was already asleep, hugging Honey's pillow. She had a serene expression that touched him more. "Any good news related to Honey, and it's enough to take away all your worries and put you to sleep."      

"Mmmm..... Shishi, I love....." Wang Shi leaned to hear her, but she just hummed and pulled the pillow closer.      

He let out a chuckle and pinched her nose. She behaved just like Honey by wrinkling it, and scratching it like a cat in sleep. "Teasing me, huh?" Reaching he lifted the bottom of her shirt to expose her back.      

To not disturb her sleep, his actions were slow and soft as he massaged the ointment in circular motions.      


Meanwhile, Dr. Colton had caused a commotion in the black market by sending his men to inquire about the heart stolen from the body of a two-month-old baby.      

In Lu Xion's underworld, there were over twenty men already send to the infamous torture chamber for interrogation. They were the high-profile dealers, deployed by the trafficking mafias to find the target.     

Dr. Colton... Naah! Call him Dr. Scalpel, infamously nicknamed for the number of surgeries he had performed in his entire career. The numbers can only be speculated considering he was in medicine for over five decades.      

The man suspended through the metal chain tremble watching him prepare a long needle. On either side, there were two men lying face down. Don't know if they were dead or just unconscious. Hope only unconscious.     

"I-I don't know... I really don't know who was the buyer of the heart....I haven't heard of it before.....Please let me go....."      

"In that case, you are of no use to me," Colton smiled, his eerie smile and naturally fuzzy bird's nest hair scaring the shit out of the man. He looked down, feeling a warm liquid flowing between his legs.      

"Dr. Colton," someone pushed open the door and saw the scary scientist experimenting one of his drugs on the man hanging from the ceiling. He pursed his lips, don't know what fetish Dr. Colton has, he never experiments on animals but only humans. Anyway, not like these humans were saints.     

Colton raised his finger asking him to wait for a minute and administer the drug. "Now tell me," he moved away and sat down at the table, noting the physical changes in the man as the effect of drugs takes over his body.     

"No information about the man who bought the heart. Looks like he was someone high profile, or maybe someone better than us, and had erased the traces that may lead to him."     

"hm, veins protrude out and turned darker," Colton observed and note it down, ignoring the eerie scream. "Did you do as I say?"     

"Yes, our activities have caused a commotion in the black market that people from the underworld are investigating about the heart, stolen five years back from the Ace hospital."     

Colton added another point to his notes, "Good. Let the rats come out of their bill,"     


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