Mark of the destiny

Difference between sounds?

Difference between sounds?

"I'm fine," Without turning Wang Shi picked the half-filled glass of water probably left by Honey earlier and drink it. He needed it to loosen the lump in his throat.     

Honey walked closer and stood, "Don't tell me you are emotional now? Men don't Cry."      

"And who said that?" Wang Shi set the glass down and crouched to come at Honey's height. He held Honey's shoulder, "Another lesson, pay attention." Honey's ears perked, this was something between them where Wang Shi would often enlighten him and teach about life. "Crying is a powerful emotion and just like all the emotions, we have the equal right to express it. We should."     

"But it will portray us as a weak person, only girls cry,"     

"So.... you mean girls are weak because they express their emotions? Crying is gender-oriented?"     

"Isn't it?"     

"In that case, why are babies born crying irrespective of their gender? God should set rules- if the baby is male he won't cry but if she's female, she will." Honey carefully listened, and genuinely it made sense to him, "Crying does not define if a person is weak or strong. In fact, only a strong man cries, it tells they have a heart. So whenever you feel like crying, cry. You will feel better."     

"Are you feeling better?" his small hands reached to feel Wang Shi's cold cheeks.      

"I'm." Wang Shi gave an assuring smile to his worrywart son, "Why did you come back?"     

Honey hit his head, "I forgot to ask something important. Um.... that.... Aunty Suyin said something about talking..." he paused, waiting for Wang Shi's reaction nervously.     

The restless Liu Jeilan was pacing back and forth outside his office, her gaze would occasionally drift into the room worried if Honey would ditch her at the last moment. Wang Shi ignored her.     

"I will." He said, "You just concentrate on taking care of mom and dad." his assurance brings a beautiful smile to Honey's face. "Let me drop you to the car,"     

Seeing Wang Shi coming with Honey, Liu Jeilan's heart raced. She strode in her heels, "You promised to come with me. If you didn't come, that wom..." Honey's rose his brows, "--Cough.... I mean... Suyin... Suyin will not forgive you. So...."     

"Hm, Suyin, SUYIN. Beautiful name it is." Wang Shi did that only to tease his mother.      

Honey pecked his head like a chicken.     

Liu Jeilan gritted her teeth, she kept her expression and action in check for Honey's sake. To her shock, Honey let go of Wang Shi's hand and grabbed hers. "Let's go, grandma. I will tell you more about Aunty Suyin on the way."     


Wang Shi had a hard time containing his laughter. His son was in savage mode, and the target was none other than the President couple of the nation.      

Downstairs, the entire security was waiting for the lady to escort her back to the President's house. Despite protests from his mother, Wang Shi commanded his most trusted bodyguard and driver, Lee, to follow Honey until his stay at the President's house.      

It was for his peace of mind, at least he would be updated about the events happening there. He can't take the risk.     

"Oh, I forgot one thing,"      

Honey halted in steps, "What?"     

The next second Wang Shi's reached to squeeze Honey in his strong arms and kiss his cheeks the way Suyin do. Today his son was irresistible. How can he not? "AHHHH, DADDDDD, I HATE YOU," He reacted the same way he expected an angry puppy to react. Honey wriggled, smacked his shoulders, scratch at his arms.      

"Bye son,"     

"Yukkkk," Honey wiped the wetness on his cheeks, "Child abuse. I hate you and that weirdo ducky, bullies."     

"And I love you both." Wang Shi waved his hand until the entire convoy was out of the parking. Turning, he muttered, "Suyin, wish you were here! Our son is the best-est." Reminded of her, he glanced at the wristwatch, frowning it was about six in the evening. Suyin had skipped coming to the hospital today. He takes out the phone to call her but saw a message from Dr. He Jeff.     

As the elevator to the emergency parted, Dr. he Jeff who was standing behind the station, working on the computer, greeted him, "Hey,"     

"You messaged?"     

Yeah, three hours before. Finally, got time to check it? Now follow me. I have this super annoying uncooperative patient who is not letting me examine him. And I think only you can convince him."     

"Why me?"     

"Don't ask. Follow me,"     


Suyin had just finished with the last lecture of the day and gotten back to her office to gather her stuff before calling the day off when she checked a series of missed calls and messages.     

To her disappointment, none of them was from Wang Shi but James. She checked and found a picture send by James. It was of him pouting while Evan was sleeping beside him in bed.      

Guess, they were overthinking. Evan must have had planned a surprise for James. She texted him back, [Looks like someone had fun last night! :winking_face: So did you take the lead this time or was it Evan as always?]     

The very next moment, James called.      

Suyin plucked the hands-free while hastily stuffing her belongings in the bag, "Evan it was," his voice came hoarse, and Suyin understood he was still in bed.     

"Weak," she snorted,     

"I'm not. It's just kind of thrilling and sexy when your man takes the lead and pleasure you in bed. I enjoy being the submissive one."      

Suyin's mouth twisted at the sound of the creak of the bed and the sound of kisses.      

"Either get out of bed and talk to me or first finish what you are doing," She yelled. Gosh, the sounds coming from the phone had her blushing profusely. Shameless Jamie at it again!     

"You seriously need to get laid to understand the difference between sounds. I was barely kissing my sleeping beauty," James' voice started to come clear, "Next time I will send you the recording of the sound when we are in action. At least you won't be this dumb,"     

"Ah, Jamie, you shameless creature. I will kill you," He fell silent for a minute, and in that space of time Suyin was already on her way to the parking. Inwardly, she was really pondering over the difference between sounds as said by Jamie. Did she and Wang Shi also make such voices while kissing? She never realized it!     

"Hey," She heard James's, "You were right, Evan wanted to surprise me that's why he lied. Last night he turned up at my place with flowers and... made the most beautiful confession of how much he missed me these days and can't live without me. I'm over the clouds, Susu!"     

She could sense the excitement, happiness, and his tears from the phone. Wish she could be there to see it with her own eyes. "I'm happy for you Jamie," suddenly her thoughts drifted to last night when Honey witnessed everything. She couldn't help but imagine the 'what if'...     

What if Honey accepts her.....     

Ah, she'll probably die of happiness!      

She only realized she was smiling foolishly when the passerbys gave her a look. Her stony expression returning, and she hastened the walk to the parking.      

"Susu, you there?" He asked, "What happen? You seemed to be quiet today?"      

Suyin wanted to tell him about last night's incident, but thinking how happy he was, she decided not to. "Just tired, Jamie. I got off work just now,"     

"Are you at the ministry? Shouldn't you be at People's at this time, doing some lovey-dovey with your hubby,"     

She massaged her forehead. Jamie! "I-I took a day off. Had some pending work,"     

"You know--" He drawled, "-- I should give you some tips to spice up the things between you two. You two are going at the speed of turtles. I'm afraid, I won't be getting a little Susu anywhere soon,"     

"Shut up," he laughed, "Think over it, darling. Ahh--" she heard him yelp paused in her steps, the next second Evan's voice sounded, "Wifey, looks like I didn't work hard last night. You can still walk."     

Jamie whispered, probably covering the mouthpiece, "I'm on phone with Susu,"     

Suyin smiled, frowning at another beep sound, and pulled the phone to check who else was calling. "Jamie, someone's calling. I'll talk later. Bye bye bye," she didn't wait to hear Jamie's reply. It was Wang Shi calling after all!     


"Come to the People's," Wang Shi's came straight to the point, his voice sounded serious.     

"Is something the matter?"      

"Your brother. He was brought to the hospital last night and is now resisting treatment." He said, she could faintly hear Zeng yelling at someone in the background. "Only you can convince him,"     

Goosebumps swept across her skin, "I'm on my way,"     


Suyin ran her car with utmost focus, her driving skill was top-notch and she reached the destination in the shortest possible time while making sure not to lose her mind or drive rashly.      

Daiyu was waiting for her as soon as she pulled over. Another man opened the door for her, and took over the white Audi, helping her save time in parking.     

"Take me there," She stepped into the elevator with Daiyu. As soon as she stepped into the VIP room, her eyes fell on Wang Shi and Dr. He Jeff. On the bed Zeng was sitting with a morose face, his face turning worse at the sight of Suyin.     

"You called Suyin!? I told you not to! Isn't there a rule of doctor-patient confidentiality?"      

"Zip it up, Ge," Suyin snapped. Taking fast strides she snatched the tab from Wang Shi's hand to read the patient report.      

"I'm fine Yiny, they are forcing me here,"     

"That's not for you to decide,"     

"But I have the right to deny,"     

"I won't let you," She said tightly without taking her eyes off of the tab, "Now if you utter another word, I'll ask the doctor to put you under. Do you want that?"     


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