Mark of the destiny

Meditating buddha

Meditating buddha

"Hi, Zeng,"      

Fei Hong turned her head to see the most gorgeous woman standing near their table. Her long wavy hair, tall frame and slender figure were like of a model straight out of the magazine cover. She was dressed in a shimmery dress in blue that rested way above her thighs, complementing her olive skin perfectly but barely hiding her asset.     

It barely took Hong a few seconds to recognize she's the famous supermodel, Sophia.      

"Sophia," Zeng greeted her.     

Sophia eyed Fei Hong; to be exact, she eyed Hong's dress dismissively and shifted her attention to Zeng. "Long time it is. Why didn't you call me after coming back? I would have planned a party for you."     

"You know I don't like these parties but anyway thanks for the thought. I'm here for some personal work," Fei Hong could tell Sophia was here with some purpose. The way she was looking at Zeng was baring her feelings. Zeng drew Fei Hong to his side, "She's Fei Hong, my friend. And Hong, she's Sophia, an acquaintance."     

Sophia's mouth twitched at the introduction but she anyway shook hands with Fei Hong. "Nice dress, which designer?" It was a deliberate attempt to embarrass Fei Hong in front of everyone as many heads turned in their direction. The dress she was wearing was a simple LBD. Nothing extraordinary.     

Fei Hong smiled at Sophia's naivety. "It's from Zara. You should buy something from there, at least the dresses there are long enough to hide panties and prevent any wardrobe malfunction.." subconsciously Sophia tugged her dress down. The people watching them looked away, hiding their smiles.     

Zeng almost spurted out his drink. The sharpness of a woman's tongue ah! "I would love to buy something from there. Don't forget to take me there someday." He extended his hand to her, "But for now, I'd like to dance with the beautiful lady."     

Arm in arm, he took Hong to the dance floor, leaving Sophia fuming at the table. The music was loud and wild; one can just let loose and feel the madness.      

"So, was she your girlfriend?"      

"Hahaha.... you think so?" he twirled her, taking her by surprise.     

Fei Hong giggled, letting her mind nurture with a free sense of joy. "You should have seen her face when you introduced her as an acquaintance."     

"She's not. She had tried a lot though."     

"What's the story?"     

"I can see you are interested in my stories a lot,"     

"Can't help. You are one hell of a storyteller." instead of letting him take the lead, she takes over and placed a hand on his shoulder, directing him to follow her moves.     

"It's nothing... I just took her with me to a party. After that, she insisted to take her to my place but I declined." He finished.     

"What? Is that the end? You didn't sleep with her?"     

Zeng flashed his charismatic laughter, "Hell no. Looks like my image in your mind is at rock bottom? Now before you present my questionable image in front of my scary mother and sister, let me tell you I don't sleep around with every woman I take to parties."     

"Selective, huh?"     

"I won't comment on that. But yes, I'm not a goodie-good boy who doesn't indulge in sexual activities to keep my chastity intact for one and only." he pulled Fei Hong closer, taking over the dance the way he takes over on the racing track. Dominant. Confident.     

Fei Hong's brow arched, his straightforwardness amused her, "I'm glad you didn't hide the fact," They filled the rest of the dance talking to each other, it only stopped when Zeng received a call. He checked the number and cut the call. It repeated thrice. "It must be something important, take it."     

"It's an unknown number," he said. "Don't know how people get someone's private number. Let me see...." he left to take the call. Surprisingly, many people turn to Fei Hong to initiate a small talk as soon as Zeng left. Many of whom even recognized her as the ex radio jockey who had fought the molestation case bravely.     

Minutes turned into hours, but Zeng didn't return. Confused, Fei Hong left to check where he had gone but even after scanning the entire place there was no sign of him. She called him multiple times, but none answered.     

Upon asking around she got the information that they have seen him heading towards the exit. By now she had this much understanding he's not an irresponsible man who would abandon his female partner like this. There's something wrong.     

His words echoed 'there are things I do and don't that don't have an explanation for'. Her steps hurried towards the exit.....     

She continued calling his number.....      

Helpless, she asked the hotel security to help her find him. Their car was still in the parking, and the security guard at the gates had not seen him leaving the premises.     



"ZENG!" After a thorough search of the hotel, they found him in a half-unconscious state in the garden. He was sweating, restless, had puked on himself, and was howling holding his head. "Zeng, what happen? Call the ambulance," she ordered the Hotel manager.      

"Ah.... Ah... stop.... stop... my head..... stop it...." The pain throbbed so violently that he curled around on the floor. Squeezing his eyes shut, he clutched his head between hands. The world detached, he could barely hear the surrounding people. All he felt and knew was the throbbing- unbearable pain.     

Hong placed his head on her lap and checked for physical injury. Other than some bruises which he probably got because of the fall, she couldn't find anything serious.      

"How much time for the ambulance?"     

"Just fifteen minutes, mam,"     


The next day Suyin was crankier than ever. Why not? She had spent the entire night tossing and turning.... and cursing the God!      

Thinking about Honey's outburst, she didn't even dare to call or message Wang Shi. It's better to coax your heart with false hopes rather than face the reality. Yes, she doesn't want to face the truth.     

Early morning she left the bed early hoping Honey would join her on jogging tracks as usual, but he didn't come. Disappointed. Hoping to see the little one in the parking, she waited for him hiding behind the pillar, but the father-son duo didn't come even after an hour long wait....     

Another disappointment.     

Since she didn't want to torment herself with negative thoughts, she got to work at her usual timing.     

When she reached the office, her interns greeted her as usual. They were ready with their assignments and reports, reminding her of a workload she's buried in. But she was happy by the progress of these young ones.     

"Submit the reports--"     

"Submit the reports to me." Some interrupted Suyin. Just as she turned, a smile bloomed on her face. It was her old assistant, Long Tao. He was back! "Good morning mam, Assistant Long reporting on duty." He had arrived in high spirits and was ready to take over his job.      

"Assistant Long," Suyin's eyes sparkled with excitement that matches with everyone's as she gave him a hug. "I missed you. How is everyone at home?" she asked carefully.     

"By your and Dr. Wang Shi's grace everyone is fine, It's just...." there was a sadness in Long Tao's voice and Suyin knows why. When the infection in Sarah's body subsided, Wang Shi woke her from a coma after three weeks. She was over a 70 pounds heavier due to the number of pressers and fluids circulating in her body to save her organs from shutting down. Sadly, everything comes at a cost.     

Those pressers only focus was to protect the vital organs from shutting down, but the limbs don't get enough blood supply because of continuously lying on the bed and non-movement.     

Unfortunately, gangrene developed in her right leg and was spreading. To save Sarah's life, a tough decision was taken and her right leg was amputated above the knees.      

"Mam, I'm tired of staying at home. I need a break from all that, so.... can I resume my job?"     

"You can." She answered without a second thought, "Just don't stress yourself," Suyin knows how exhausting it must be for him to see his daughter in that state. It's a long battle, and for that Long Tao would have to keep his mental health in check. "And I promise to talk to Sarah."     

"Thank you," it was much needed relief. People take a break from work to refresh their mind, but he has to come to work to seek mental peace. He clapped his hands, "C'mon everyone, submit the reports and report to room number 3 for the lecture."     

With such a busy schedule, time flew faster, but for Suyin, it was as if the entire month had folded itself into a single day. In her entire life, this was the maximum she had checked her phone or glanced at the wall clock.     

Not to ignore the number of curses she threw at poor God and Wang Shi.      

'Wang Shi you *******, I'll kill you one day. Didn't I say to keep me updated? Just what on Earth is happening at your home?'     

Wang Shi sneezed. The entire day he was sneezing.      

'This must be Suyin cursing me. But what am I supposed to tell her?' Sitting in his luxurious office, he eyed the little Buddha who was tormenting his soul since yesterday.     

No no no.... Honey didn't throw any tantrum, neither he caused a ruckus, nor he did anything which shows his anger or disappointment.     

Wish he had shown some reaction!     

On the contrary, the little human went on a silent mode. Meditating buddha he should be!     

Just then the door to his office was pushed open and in walked the person he had least expected. To his utter shock, Honey even gave a smile and ran to the lounge, returning after a minute with a trolly bag.     


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