Mark of the destiny

Suicide mission

Suicide mission

Suyin looked up at the hurdles placed for Honey, deeply worried- what if he got hurt or strain his heart? There were two hurdles, one was passing through the tunnel, and the other was jumping the obstacles.     

She looked around and beckoned a child who was not part of the race. He was wearing knee and elbow caps and a helmet. She requested him to give it for some time to Honey. The child hesitated but anyway compiled on Suyin's request.     

"Qiang, use my protective gear for the race."     

"Did she ask you?" Honey gestured at Suyin.     

"Yes, your mother is really cute and has a sweet voice. She gave me this chocolate."     

"She always lures kids with sweet words and chocolate," Honey muttered under breath. "I don't want this."     


"Clear the tracks. The race is about to begin."     

The boy stepped away and shook his head at Suyin.     




Wang Shi was first to cross the net hurdle and pass the first baton to Suyin who ran as fast as she could, picked the skipping rope, and cross the remaining distance with it. She joined the two batons and passed it to Honey. "You are already leading. Don't stress yourself and take it slow, otherwise, you will be out of breath."     

"Don't mother me." he snatched the baton and ran as fast as he could, pushing his body to limits. It was only a hundred meters.... but it was A HUNDRED METERS! His body was not used to it.     

Barely fifty meters- the exertion started sucking the oxygen out of his lungs. He was breathing, but the air won't go in as if choking his lungs. His heart pounded wildly against his chest, raising the dizzy feeling and the urge to lie on the ground.      

With a hand clutched at his chest, Honey slowed down to breathe....     

Yuyu and Lan shouted in sync, "Honey bro!" Their anxiety escalated watching their parents ran towards the track.      

Soon Honey was surpassed by a boy, seeing him Honey forced himself to run. Struggling. Greedily sucking air.      

Wang Shi and Suyin rushed to the tracks. Since Honey would not listen to her, Suyin urged Wang Shi to stop him, but he shook his head. "I know my son, he won't listen to me."     

"Then use force. Can't you see he's struggling to breathe? His heart!"     

"Nothing will happen. He has a very strong heart. Let's wait at the finishing point."     

But was Suyin going to listen to him? She beckoned Dr. He Jeff and the entire medical team to be ready.      

At the finishing point, Wang Shi caught Honey, who came third.      


In the medical camp,     

"I don't want it. I'm fine." Wang Shi tried to massage Honey's chest, but the latter avoided it. His gaze never for once landed on anxious Suyin standing at a distance. Saying he was avoiding it would be a better word.      

"Honey, what's wrong with you? Let brother Shishi do it," Xiu Mei reprimanded. "You should have slowed down when the problem started first. Why did you push yourself?"     

"Because I don't want to be lectured by dad later."     

Xiu Mei noticed the obvious bitterness and alternated her gaze between Wang Shi and Suyin, but none answered. She saw Suyin restlessly stroking the pendant of her gold chain, her eyes glued at Honey.      

Feng Jianyu, "Shishi,"     

Wang Shi moved back, Honey was a lot better and just needed some rest. He undid the sleeves of his shirt, giving a slight nod to Suyin. "I'll tell you later."      

Dr. He Jeff noticed Honey's odd behavior and the tension between the three. Not to ignore, Suyin didn't dare to step up to check on Honey. That's not her usual self!     

"Is everything fine, Miss. Zhao?" Dr. Jeff asked, getting just a nod as the woman shuffled on her heels, peeking a look at the little child she adores. "How did that happen? Should I get you a bandage?" Suyin looked down and instantly covered the bite mark on her hand.     

"Um, no. It's nothing. I'm fine--" Suyin paused. From a distance, Andrea's father was running in her direction. His expression singled danger sign. "Mr. Bing, what happen?"     

"Andrea! Miss Zhao--" he tried to catch up his breath, "--she's missing. We have checked in the classrooms, cafeteria, and had asked her friends. But no one has seen her." he had the guilty expression on his face which didn't go unnoticed from Suyin.     

"DAMN, did you two fought again?" Subconsciously, her voice rose. This was the last nail in her patience. "I told you Andrea is sensitive and is deeply bothered by your constant fights. Where is your wife?"     

"S-She's still looking for Andrea. But please help us. If it's--" Suddenly Suyin's words started making more sense, leaving him in guilt. "--if it's what you have said... than Andrea.... my daughter.... she..."     

Suyin turned to Wang Shi and saw Feng Jianyu standing beside him and choose to ask him for help in order to not disturb Honey. "Ask the security to seal the exits. No car should leave the campus without checking. Deploy a team to look around the campus.... probably an area that's secluded, like the terrace, storeroom, unused rooms, or anything where a child should not be." then she looked at Dr. He Jeff, "Be prepared for any medical emergency." and then she turned to Xiu Mei, "Help me,"     

Xiu Mei, "Wow, what is happening?"     

"We are looking for a five-year-old girl with a cast on left hand.... she is on a suicide mission. Before she takes any drastic step, we have to find her." Suyin's words and Xiu Mei instantly fished out her phone from her pocket, simultaneously grabbing the laptop from one of the medical staff.     

Honey looked puzzled as everyone moved around him in a jiff. He doesn't understand what Suyin mean by suicide mission. Wang Shi smirked, easing his confusion, "Confused? Let me help you. They are looking for Andrea, she's missing."     

Honey bolted up, "I knew it. I have told her to help Andrea. It must be her mother agai--"     

"SHUT UP AND LISTEN TO ME. I'm not done yet." Wang Shi said in a serious and heavy tone, "Suicide mission means Andrea is hurting herself. It's her subconscious way of trying to stop her parents from fighting and bring them together. But look what have you done!"     


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