Mark of the destiny

Title is a spoiler.

Title is a spoiler.

"Let's take a break from each other."     

These words fell out of her mouth easily but landed into his heart like shrapnel. He could feel his insides tear and his jaw clenched. He would have laughed, but she's serious. It's visible in her eyes. "Say. That. Again."     

Suyin stayed rooted, lowered her lashes. She had spent the best time of her life with him, feeling loved, secure, pampered, and respected. But how can she be selfish to put his and Honey's life in danger for her personal revenge? "L-let's call it off-- ah!"     

He pinched her chin, pressing it hard, and forced her to make eye-contact. Then he spoke with the voice that doesn't take no for an answer. "Every relationship requires efforts from both sides. If your resolution was this weak why did you agree at the start then? To play with me! Where goes your promise that you made me?"     

Suyin reached to place her hand on his cheek, but he slapped it away and continued to attack her with his sharp words. "Don't! Just one problem and you decided to break up already! Is this all you committed to our relationship? Was everything between us fake, Suyin?"     

"Answer me, dammit!" he snarled.     

"I don't have an answer." She tried to break her gaze, preferring to rest her eyes somewhere else, but his firm grip on her chin didn't let her move an inch. "JUST LET ME BE--mmph!" he dipped to capture her lips. Rough. Hard. Knocking all oxygen from her lungs.     

Unexpectedly he let half his body weight on hers, his hand moved to wrap around her waist while the other under her head, pulling her closer. Close-est. Her struggles fell weak, and he dominated her easily, pushing past her clenched lips to taste her.     

She could feel his body against hers, their wet-sticky clothes made things apparent. He pulled back for a second to let her breathe, a smirk came seeing her dazed as she greedily filled her lungs. Her expressions and emotions were still the same whenever he kisses her. She's always lost!     

Suyin could never resist him. Her body reacts naturally to his touch. Treacherous! The kiss was no different. It's the most sensual happenings between them, and of course she loves it.      

He kissed her again. The passion escalated. When she winced at his bite, he coaxed her by licking. The hand under her head stroked her.      

Don't know when he stopped, but thankfully he stopped before she faints. Finally, he loosened his grip and turned their position to bring her above him. His thumb rubbed her swollen red lips. "Your response is the answer, sweetheart. You might want a break-up, but how will you control your heart and body? Even in denial, you want me, kiss me, and hug me. Not to forget, Honey! Can you really stay from us?"     

"Stop it! Stop it! Stop it!" Suyin buried her head in his chest, hitting him, but those were just pats for him. "Don't make it difficult for me."     

"Sweetheart," he called, but she kept her head buried.     

"Answer my one question and I will let you go. I promise," he said. "What if you were at my place?"     

He felt her body stiffened. Her fingers clenched his wet scrubs.      

He let out a chuckle, "I got the answer. Do you want me to say it?"     

She shook her head and looked up.      

He cupped her face. "There's no power in this country who can dare to hurt me or anyone near me. And..... this includes you too. Don't take me as just a rich doctor with a powerful family behind. There are things that no one knows about me other than my brothers. With me by your side, not only will you be able to investigate freely, but be safe."     

"H-Honey.... he--" her lips quivered.     

"Yes. I know that brat broke the security and followed you out. I'll make sure it never happens again. My security will be punished, and that bratty-- cough,"     

She pressed his Adam's apple with her finger, squinting her eyes.     

"Alright, allright.... only scolding."      

She pressed harder, "Just a light warning and tighten the security."     

"Only if you won't bring up the topic of break up again," he demanded.     

"Tsk," she looked away. The man before her was adamant to keep things on with her. Even though he's powerful, how will she be at rest? There's always an uncertainty!     

Wang Shi understood her concerns and why she's so determined to leave him. But he's as helpless. She's the woman he had set his eyes on. She's the ONLY woman who had awakened his desires and shown him the beautiful dream of having a loving family of three.     

No four!     

She. He. Honey. And a cute little addition.     

Now he's determined to devote his entire life to this woman who's still thinking about him and Honey in such crazy situation. No matter what life's holding for them, he's not going to let her go nor will he allow her to leave him.      

He's hers! She's his. Forever and ever!     

He wonder how many people in this world are like her- despite getting hurt, struggling with problems, she's always up to help others and keeps up with the courage. Despite her previous failed relationship, she was willing to give another chance. Not to forget her unconditional love for Honey.      

It would be a mad, blind, deaf, and insane person who would not cherish her.      

Seeing her unconscious, he realized how much he missed talking to her..... her smile... her kisses....Everything about her.     


Though the little brat beside him won't say a word, his worried expression was a giveaway.     

They say- you are in love when you are fearful of losing that person.      

He is fearful of losing her!     

He is in love!     

She is his first love!     

Only love!     

She would be his wife. One and only wife! Honey and his pampered queen! The two men of the house will spoil her rotten, and when she would make senseless demands like today..... they will kiss her! They will kiss her until she surrenders.     

Wang Shi pulled her towards him and kissed her forehead. His lips lingered there for long. "I..."     

He deep breathed.     

"I love you."     

"Hm, me too-- wait what?"     

"I love you! I love you 2, 3, 4."     

Title- "I love you 2, 3, 4."     

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