Mark of the destiny

It's not my loss, but yours.

It's not my loss, but yours.

Fei Hong's heart dropped into her stomach, freezing her on the spot while her brain malfunctioned. Junjie's possessive attitude was a warning bell, but she shrugged it assuming it a reaction to her abuse. Yet, here she was...     


It's the most difficult situation one can stuck in. There's nothing more romantic than two best friends falling in love, they have that understanding and chemistry- required to make a relationship work. However, her case was entirely different.      

Her best friend was a gem of a person, really she meant it. He would create havoc on earth if it comes to family and friends. By friends she means herself- she's his one and only friend after all. It's just he's not convincing enough to be a suitable life partner. Not yet. Amongst his brothers, Junjie was the most immature and impatient, somewhat his elder brothers were to be blamed for that. They shouldn't have been so indulging for him.      

And now she will not nurse an adult baby all her life. Selfish? Mean? Cruel? Yeah, she'd take the titles, but it's her life. If she's not sure she won't accept it. She wished for someone like his brothers- Feng Jianyu and Wang Shi- mature, reliable, and caring men who give the feeling of being loved and protected. With Junjie, she's certain they would only fight and pull each other's leg all their lives.      

Just the thought of getting into a relationship with Junjie gave her goosebumps. Nope. Impossible.     

A part of her regretted admitting that and hated more because she was about to break his heart. She felt sorry and just hoped he wouldn't take it to heart and accept her decision.....They can be friends forever though.     

Taking a deep breath, she composed herself. Her heart raced as she was about to disappoint him. Junjie's expression unreadable, he was feeling awful from the moment she kept staring at him instead of saying a word. Was it so difficult? Or was he really that bad in her eyes?     

He couldn't figure out why he was feeling pissed off even before her reply. Was he that certain she would turn him down? Maybe the look in her eyes disclosed everything.     

"I-I'll take my leave. Take care." It was already awkward for Zhao Zeng to witness this, he doesn't want to hear Fei Hong's answer next. They both needed privacy, and his presence was making things difficult.      

Fei Hong nodded. An appreciation in her eyes didn't go unnoticed from Junjie, pissing him further.     

As the door closed again, Fei Hong looked up, forcing a smile. "You should not joke like this. Save these words for your special someone and use it when the time comes. Maybe three-four years later."      

She tried not to be rude. The first step was to try escaping this conversation. Hope it works!     

Because he had already prepared himself for the worse, her words only swirled unknown emotions through his body. Special someone? Was she not? Now she can't even be honest with him. "You are the special someone and this is the right time. We can work on our relationship until you are certain." he still gave her a chance. Maybe with time things would change. There's no harm in trying.      

Fei Hong was taken aback, he was talking sensibly and not being impatient. "I'm sorry, but--"     

"--but you can't. Not interested. I'm not the one who fits into the criteria for your dream man. I'm childish. Impatient. Spoiled brat. Don't take things seriously. So what if I'm loaded with money, it can't buy everything. Especially not a woman's heart. You only see me as a friend, and nothing more." Junjie took off his hands from the pocket, his stare boring holes into her as he chuckled, describing accurately what she thinks of him. Inching forward, he gave his ever so charming smile with a tensed jaw, "All the best for your search. I won't bother you anymore."     

Junjie didn't wait for her response and turn on his shoes, ready to leave her in a shocking state. She had an incredulous look, this was easier than expected. He didn't force her, nor was he enraged as always or eat her brain with annoying questions. But what did he mean by- won't bother you anymore?      

She felt a sudden loss, making her breathless. Was he ending their friendship too? "W-Wait..." she struggled to get up, pulling her stomach wounds in the process and hissed. Junjie stabilized her, tucking her back to the bed. She ignored the pain, "W-We can still be friends."     

Smiled, "Do you think we can be friends after all this?" he distanced himself from her after ensuring she's fine. "No matter how much we try to cover up, from now onwards there will be some awkwardness between us. We can't go back to our old selves. But don't worry, I'm not cutting off completely. Let's be 'friends'. Just friends. I'm always there if you need me."     

He had to distance himself and can't let her mess with his heart and brain anymore. She didn't even ask him for some time to think over before answering him, which explained everything. Nothing more required.      

Sighing in disappointment, he's was satisfied he didn't drag it and just get over and done with confessing.      

She was guilty, feeling a prick that he was distancing himself. He doesn't have any other friends other than her. Must he do this? She knew he's angry, hiding his emotions. "This can't be forced.....You will find someone better than me. Don't be disheartened."     

Junjie cocked his head, "I'm not. It's not my loss, but yours. You lost some who would have loved you, and I lost someone who wouldn't."      

Junjie left the room even before Hong could understand or recover from her dazed state- shocked by his reply.      


With his hand on the doorknob, Junjie closed his raging eyes and breathed deeply to collect himself from his first heartbreak. Damn! It hurts! The answer was obvious with her actions, what the hell gets into him he proposed her? To hear a 'NO' on the face!      

He headed down to the parking where his Bentley was parked. Time to get back to work. But before that had to call his men, get the torture stopped so that the three bastar*s could be delivered to cops. She had asked for it!     

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