Mark of the destiny

Who cares? Suyin cares.

Who cares? Suyin cares.

"What now? I.... we.... I mean, I did it many times. . Tell me he's some big-shot and not an ordinary man. He's my only bargaining chip to control dad and brother." Zena continued.     

"Sorry to disappoint you--" amidst the sound of someone pacing in the room, the female on the other end chuckled. The phone was on speaker. "I checked, he was staying in a deluxe room with XYZ identity. Just an ordinary man you screwed yourself with."     

"Argh, so he's just a commoner who maintains his physique. Bummer." the woman threw the cold rug from the floor on Wang Shi's naked butt. Probably she was disgusted by him.     

"By the way, was he good?"     

"I told you, he was a pain, and I had to use the entire quantity meant for two uses at once. Even then he resisted for don't know how long. I even got hurt in the process of controlling him."     

"Chill sweetie, it was just sex. Not like you haven't done it before. And he got a free night with a hot chick like you. Who's complaining? Come to our old place, I'll treat you with some new stuff I bought."     

"Yeah. I need a break after this disappointment."     


One day he received a parcel containing some documents, photographs, birth certificates, and two hair samples. The attached letter and the documents prompted him to order DNA tests.      

99.99% matched.     

Within three days, his charter plane landed in the country he swore never to return. San Marcos.      

His year-old kids were in the hospital, battling with their lives. Right beside their bed, he saw Zena crying her eyes out. Crocodile tears. She stumbled upon Wang Shi's identity when he saw his picture in Forbes magazine.      

"YOU.... You are the man from that night. UGLY BASTARD, why have you come here now? Go away."      

Apparently, she claimed to be the victim of Wang Shi's evil planning and everything happened against her wishes. He took advantage of her. Scared, embarrassed, and shameful she left the hotel that night before he could wake up.     

Does she think this was a CEO novel and now she has a bright future? Does she think he was asleep that day as she talked to her friend over the phone?      


"You are again thinking about it." Jianyu jolted out Wang Shi from his tangle of emotions. The past still bothers him. It took him a month to recover from the effects of the drug. To worse, he was alone at that time and didn't tell anyone. Because~ Sexual abuse is exclusive to women. It's funny, weird, unbelievable if the opposite happens.     

"As if you are not." Wang Shi stood and walked to the window. Everything was so haunting that he kept everything from Feng Jianyu as well. But hiding secrets from this stubborn brother was impossible- he found everything with the help of his genius hacker wife.     

Wang Shi told the family about Honey after ensuring he was out of danger and doing well with the donor heart.      

The family asked many questions, and Wang Shi lied it was just an affair and the woman got pregnant. She died because of cancer and left him with two kids. Since the chances of survival for kids were bleak, he kept everything from the family to prevent them from emotional distress.     

"I think you should talk to Suyin."      

"You made it sound as if it's a cakewalk," To tell Suyin about his abuse was simply ridiculous, who would believe?      

Feng Jianyu joined Wang Shi at the window, "Fine. Let's talk about something else. How about Suyin? Strong, but not rude. Kind, not weak. Humble, not timid. Proud, not arrogant. I like her."     

It's rare for Feng Jianyu to pay attention to another woman other than his Wifey. The fact he had been paying attention was only because of Wang Shi. Wang Shi frowned, the thought of approaching thunder that would shake his life unsettles him. "She asked Daiyu to investigate Ling Gilbert and Zhao Feiyan."     


"I asked him to pass all the information about her."     

Jianyu glanced at him. "About the five million transferred from the orphanage's account into Zhao Feiyan's?"     

"Yes, including the hundred million I transferred from my Swiss account. It's just Suyin doesn't know it was me." It was important for Suyin not to miss the source of the money, least it delays her investigation. "Daiyu even passed the information on Ling Gilbert purchasing a stake in Ace during that time. The source of money is unknown."     

Jianyu nodded, it wouldn't be rocket science for Suyin to guess that Ling Gilbert received a major chunk from that hundred million too.      

"Did Mei find anything?"     

"Not yet. But don't know for what reasons she had concentrated her search on Hui Chouming and her family." From the time Xiu Mei had promised Wang Shi to help him, she started with prime suspects, but now her sole concentration was Hui Chouming and family.     

Wang Shi's phone beeped, it was Chen Wenwei's message. Unusual. [Any idea what's wrong with Suyin today? The entire office is bearing the heat of her anger.]      

Wang Shi's chest fell rapidly. It must be because of the information Daiyu had passed. [I'll talk to her.]      

He had just finished replying when Daiyu called. He had just touched the answer key, when Daiyu's anxious sounded, "M-madam had asked me to get a list of things, none of which is legal. She has given me a deadline of twenty-four hours to get every item."     

"Give her whatever she asked for. In the least possible time." Wang Shi headed to get his jacket. Suyin wouldn't do anything stupid, but he wanted to see what she's up to and help her in case she got herself in trouble. "Got to go. Important work."     

"Consider my words."     

And here Wang Shi thought Zena's topic was dropped. "I've other things to handle right now. Who cares what happened with me years back. Do me a favor, take Honey with you."     

Jianyu saw his brother's departing back, "Suyin cares. Just open up to her once."     


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