Mark of the destiny



However, just then the door was pulled open from the inside, and there stood Suyin with a smile plastered on her face, wiggling her brows comically. Thanks to Yuyu who was continuously looking back, Suyin saw Honey. Moreover, their short height was a giveaway.     

Honey gulped.     

The old butler stood rooted, battling if he should run or stay. He was pulled into this mess by force by the little masters of the house.     

"Little fairy, you want something?"      

Honey "...." 'Yes, my traitor sisters who are sitting on the couch, licking the cupcake.'     

Honey alternated his eyes at his sisters and then at Suyin.     


"I like it. Thanks for the gift."     


"My sisters,"     

"They are sleeping with me tonight. Thank you for sending them." Suyin beamed, looking over the shoulders, and the two girls pecked their heads like chicken. "I have taken permission from your aunt already."     

Honey "..."     

"B-But me--"     

"Oh, you want to sleep with us?" Suyin resisted the urge to kiss him, he looked so adorable in the blue night set.      

"WHAT? Of course not." Honey crossed his arms.     

"Then why are you still here? Go back to your house."     


"Bratty what are you doing at the door? Come inside." Si Han's voice interrupted their conversation.     

"Yes," Honey took a step in but was stopped by Suyin who nudged him out. She pointed her finger at herself.     

"I'm her bratty. She's calling for me." she turned her neck, "Two minutes mom.... Got to go little fairy. Have work tomorrow. Good night."     

Yuyu and Lan waved their hands, "Good night, bro. We love you."     

And just like that, Suyin slammed the door.     

Honey "..."     

Honey cast an incredulous look at the closed door and then looked behind at the old butler and then at the wooden ceiling. "She took my airplane, and my sisters too. Are you kidding me?"     

Butler, "Me?"     

"Not you," Honey continued talking, "She forgot everything. Just how quickly her preferences changed. Am I nothing to her? And my useless sisters, next time they are not coming here again. She stole my airplane too. Fine! Keep it. But... But....." he jutted his lips outward, angry at a certain almighty above, "You-- You--- everyone go to hell. You too."     

Butler, "Me?"     

"Tsk... not you."     

Butler "..."     

God opened his mouth to say something but closed it again. These two humans were giving him a headache now.      

How to tell this little tsundere what was happening inside Suyin's house?      

Inside Suyin's house,     

"Good job, bratty," Si Han extended her hand to pat Suyin's shoulder, but the latter dodged it and showed her fangs. "Control yourself. You are the dumbest person when it comes to these human puppies. Trust me, reverse psychology always works. If you dare to go after that little human, I will kick your ass, and this quarter is busy for me because of the upcoming fashion week."     

"Cruel. What if your reverse psychology doesn't work? My little fairy is angry. You didn't even let me kiss him, hug him, love him..... I hate you, Mrs. Si."     

"Shut up and go to sleep. You already got two lovely companions tonight." as Suyin opened her mouth to object Si Han warned, "Say anymore, and I will hug them to slee--" before she could complete her sentence, Suyin sprinted into her bedroom. Beggars are not choosers.     


Contrary to the warm atmosphere at Suyin's place, Xiu Mei, Feng Jianyu and Wang Shi stumbled into a shocking truth.....     

"It's been twenty minutes, but he's just standing there." It irritated Xiu Mei the maximum. She had planned to talk to her husband about having another baby, but before that her computer gave the signal of activity at Hui Chouming's side.     

She had been monitoring Hui Chouming and her family, suspecting them for having a hand in Suyin's baby's death. However, it was not Hui Chouming but her father Hui Guozhi who had driven to this abandoned place in the middle of the night.      

Surely he was not here to stargaze.      

Feng Jianyu and Xiu Mei followed him, hoping to get a lead.     

"Look, a car is coming in this direction." Feng Jianyu passed the binoculars to Xiu Mei, but she rejected him and instead lowered the window and let out a mechanic dragonfly. Soon a live video of Hui Guozhi appeared on her laptop.     

"With the help of this, we can hear and see everything."      

"Mei," Jianyu called, "There's another car following this one. Xiu Mei followed Jianyu's vision. The other car was secretly following the one which drove towards Hui Guozhi's parked one.      

"It's Wang Shi," Jianyu put the binocular down and dialed Wang Shi's number. If he was following Hui Guozhi, then who did Wang Shi was following. "Where are you?"     

"I'm on the outskirts of the city, following Song Xianxi." Wang Shi didn't lie. He had ordered his men to monitor Zhao Feiyan and her family, afraid they would do something to harm Suyin. However, an hour before his men informed him of Song Xianxi leaving the house suspiciously.     

"We are here too. Look at 2:00 clock."     

"I'm coming," Soon Wang Shi parked his car in an inconspicuous place and walked to Jianyu's car. Upon reaching there, he was not surprised to see Xiu Mei all prepared with her computer and gadgets. His brows twisted seeing Hui Guozhi on the screen, realizing what brought Xiu Mei and Jianyu here. "Mei, whatever they talk, keep a recording of this."     

She nodded, "Already doing."     


Hui Guozhi chuckled seeing the dark expression of Song Xianxi's face, "Are there any chances for Song Kun to come out of jail?"      

"Talking the one who is struggling to keep his business alive, begging investors not to withdraw." Song Xianxi leaned against the car, "I have also heard someone broke Qi Wren's jaw, which has forced your daughter to attend meetings and negotiate with clients. And she's having a hard time considering someone has leaked dirt on Qi Enterprises and your company."     

"Are you implying that I let the secret out, bringing all this upon us?" Guozhi's voice dripped with contempt.      

"It was a secret between us. If I didn't do it, who else is left? Tell me, how did Suyin know about her uncle Zhao Hede's death? What have you done?" he believed everything was happening because of this.      

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