Mark of the destiny

He killed her son!

He killed her son!

"I-I was aware of the risks involved. Had anything happened wrong, they would have framed me without a second thought." By 'they' Zhao Feiyan referred to the one who offered her five million. "S-so as a precautionary measure I bribed the floor janitor of the hospital and asked him to keep a watch for me. T-There he saw a man entering your son's room and and....."     

Feiyan's throat parched, the next few words just refused to come out in the pressure of Suyin's gaze that held the power of a wildfire, ready to set everything ablaze that comes in contact with.     

"----and and he t-turned off the o-oxygen."     

What followed was silence.      

A silence that made everyone's blood as cold as Siberian wind. There was no whispering, rustling, or noise. The silence was a poison, for in the void of the sound the bitter truth of the past was laid bare.     

"A-After a few minutes the man left, and a doctor stepped into the room to--" Zhao Feiyan knew tensing against the shaking of her limbs was useless, but she still tried it, hoping to counteract the fear standing before her. "-- to do something.... maybe it was to help the baby, I don't know exactly. The janitor didn't saw thereafter as he left in a hurry to follow the man who turned off the oxygen. There he saw Gilbert exchanging a look with the man and after that Gilbert walked to your baby's room to take over."     

Suyin staggered, a bodyguard rushed to help, but she raised her palm, moving away from everyone to comprehend everything. She looked around, her head spun.      

[Cause of death- Fluid developed around the lungs which put pressure on the heart and lungs. After draining 30ml of fluid through thoracentesis, the patient entered a state of shock and his heart rate dropped because of cardiac tamponade. He was taken into emergency surgery to relieve the pressure but the heart--]     

Suyin shook her head to stop her brain from recalling the words printed on the papers given to her. None of them was true! None!      

Sweat trickled down her face, her breathing refused to go back to normal.     

She understood everything....     

Time is important when a person is not breathing. Permanent brain damage occurs after 4 minutes without oxygen, and the heart stops beating anywhere after 5-7 minutes. They turned off the oxygen deliberately and waited for a few minutes before intubating him. This turned her son brain dead....     

Since, only a beating heart can be transplanted, they deprived him of oxygen to steal his heart!     


Over four minutes!     

Just the thought of how much her son suffered during that time strikes a radiating pain that shattered her heart.     

"S-Suyin.... My son--"     

"Where is the janitor?" Without looking at Zhao Feiyan, Suyin asked. The evidence against Gilbert was none other than the floor janitor who not only witnessed everything but also saw the man who turned off the oxygen. This much information was enough to nab Gilbert and from him, she could get information on the man who got her son's heart.     

"All these years I've kept him hidden, will give you his address." Feiyan took off the gold chain she always wears and Suyin's bodyguard accepted it, "It's written on this, even the phone number from which I received the phone call. Take whatever you want from me, but my son--"     

Suyin turned, her eyes turning colder. "Didn't I say he's dead? What are you crying for?"     

"D-Don't say like this. Please... I know, my Kun is alive...." she mauled herself to reach for Suyin's feet, "I know you can't be heartless to kill him, he's your brother after all. Please.... punish me, but let go of my son."     

"You are right, I'm not heartless but--" Suyin's gaze met with Feiyan's, "I'm not a saint either. You cannot deny your hand in my son's death, so I could I let go of your son? But you know what--" ignoring Feiyan's pale face, she glanced at Song Xianxi, "this time it's your husband who helped me. I didn't even have to lift a finger. Why not ask him where your son is?"     

Song Xianxi failed to control the tremors in his voice, "W-what do you mean?"      

Zhao Feiyan, "Xianxi, where is Kun?"     

"I don't know. She's lying. Suyin, where is my son?"     

Feiyan, "SUYIN, WHERE IS OUR SON?"     

Suyin grabbed her bag, and took a step away, her mocking smile robs them of their senses, replacing it with pure, unadulterated terror. "Didn't I say, you will never be able to see your son again? But, let me show you your husband's handiwork. Guards, show them the footage...." saying, she walked away, the sound of her heels soon replacing with laptops'....     




What followed was the most hysterical crying, the screaming sobs only interrupted by the person's need to draw breath. They cried, cursed each other as if by the sheer force of their grief everything could be undone.      

Yeah, the karma just sharpened her nails and finished her drink....Now she's here to serve you what you deserve.      

Right outside, she saw Daiyu waiting for her near the car. It was him who planted a bug in Zhao Feiyan's phone when she came to meet Suyin in her office. With that bug, they came to know that Feiyan had evidence against Gilbert when she blackmailed him to kill Elder Song.     

"Everything recorded?"      

"Loud and clear."     

"You may go,"     

Daiyu looked at the bodyguard behind her, following her like a shadow, and left. He had heard everything and understands how difficult it must be for her.     

"I asked you not to come with me," Suyin said, her voice hoarse as if she was holding herself from something. She didn't turn to look at the masked bodyguard following her, taking care of her from the beginning. Unknowingly, her shoulder shook, she touched her forehead on the rim of the door.      

A gentle touch caressed her back making her shoulders shook harder, she was done holding back the feelings rumbling inside her. "How can I not," he said, taking her in his embrace. A tight hug!     

"Yes, yes, yes.... Thank you for coming, thank you, Shishi, I need this.... I need you...." the world turned into a blur, so did all the sounds. She cried like her spirit needed to break loose from her skin. Every sob escaped her mouth was set to the frequency that shattered his heart again and again and again.      

He was right. The medical reports in his hands were true. Her baby indeed died of anoxia and was later sent to the OT to let him harvest the heart for Honey. Tears fell thick and fast from his eyes too, he looked up at the sky and apologized for the sin he had done. His throat burned from the silent scream....     

Even the God will never forgive him. He himself harvested that heart and put it inside Honey. Indirectly, directly, he was the killer she's looking for!     

He killed her son!     

"Shh... Suyin... love," Unmoving. Unblinking. Unthinking. It was all Suyin he could think of now. It feels like an eternity that she had been crying in his embrace, she was beyond all natural ways of coaxing and was desperate to release her emotional pain once.     


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