Mark of the destiny

You are asking me to cover your hickies!?

You are asking me to cover your hickies!?

Wang Shi suppressed his laughter as Suyin puckered her moist dewy lips, waiting to receive a kiss. Teasing her has been so much that without even realizing it, it had become his favorite hobby. The cherry on top was her priceless expression!     

After waiting for like infinity, Suyin peeked and saw the tall man standing with a raised chin, and an annoying proud smirk pasted to his lips.     

"Wang Shi!" she stomped on his shoes.     

His brows raised, feigning ignorance, "You want something?"     


"You are deliberately doing this." She snapped, puffing her cheeks like Honey, beckoning Wang Shi to pinch them. "Don't forget I'm the savage and shameless Queen, Zhao Suyin. You better give me a kiss right now."     

Her demand and impatience warmed his heart. You only make demands in front of your loved ones. If she's making one to him, this shows how much she puts him in her heart.     

"'I can stare, touch, and do whatever I want. It's my birthright and no one can stop me from doing it.' Whose words were these? If you want something, don't expect others to do it." He gladly reminded, waiting to see what Queen Zhao Suyin would do next.     


He…. He's so shameless!     

How can he tease her like this!?     

She fumed, and Wang Shi could almost visualize the steam coming out of her ears.     

"What happened? Can't do it?" He leisurely turned around, mocking, "The Queen Zhao Suyin is a scary little cat! A cute one at that!" He moved to fold the blanket sprawled on the bed when a sudden push shoulder caught him off guard making him fell down on the bed.     

Without warning, Suyin climbed on top of him, straddled him on the stomach, and then cupped his cheeks, placing her lips over his.     

His heart raced, he was in deep astonishment for a long as she showed him how wild and free she was. She's indeed the Queen Zhao Suyin, ruling him, putting him off and taking the control. Breathing her sweet smell, he remained still as she moved her hand to his hair, and swiveled her head, trying to plunge into his sealed his lips by pressing the tip of her tongue.     

She kissed, licked, sucked, and nibbled, coaxing him to give access, but the joy of teasing her was not gone yet. He controlled his desire to embrace and kiss her back with equal passion, but wanted to see how his wild Queen will overcome this obstacle.     

Suyin opened her eyes, warning him with her grey ones, but he winked, teasing her further.     

'Hottie bum! You are a dead meat!'     

Wang Shi had a premonition when her beautiful yet mischievous grey orbs sparkled, and she grinned against his lips. Just when he was pondering to pull a full stop at his teasing, she dug her white fangs into his lips.     


'Such a wildcat!' he fumed.     

Suyin happily entered his mouth, not forgetting to give a wink. His entire body shuddered as she lie down over him flat and devoured his mouth. She was soft, fragrant, and warm.     

Why the hell she was moving so much!     

To torture him!     

It was the end of Wang Shi's patience, and he snaked his arms around her waist, pushing her into him. Their pace matched.     

She pulled back for a second to breathe, and looked at her bleeding artwork, guilt filing her. It was a nasty bite! She placed a gentle kiss, "Sorry,"     

He tilted his head in confusion but found her soothing the hurt softly with her wet tongue.     

"It won't go away like this." With a swift flip, he turned their position, pinning her down. "Do you have any idea how much attention it will attract? Even Honey will question it! My Queen, you deserve to be punished." He murmured against her chin, kissing the path down to her neck, sliding further to her collarbone.     

He pressed her, yet was careful of her injury. She wiggled against him, but a strange sensation penetrated into her. She had never felt this way, his body against her roused something more. She longed for more of him.     

Damn! Why was he moving so much?     

To torture her!     

Her body stiffened under him.     

She couldn't believe he had this effect on her! She was never roused for another man in her life after what Qi Wren did to her! How come now?     

She just 'like' him, yet her body was demanding more!     

On the other side, Wang Shi was feeling no different. She was driving him insane.     

He had never felt this way against a woman, even with the woman who had birthed Honey it was the evil plan set for someone else, but he was trapped because of his carelessness.     

He broke out in a cold sweat, burning inside out, growing frustrated at a certain troublesome organ. What more, he didn't want to make her uncomfortable. It's just the beginning of their relationship.     

"I-I think we should stop." Panting, Suyin saved him from the awkward situation and break the moment.     

"Yeah, we should."     

Hastily they detangled and shuffled away from each other.     

"I-I'm sorry." Wang Shi spoke, "If I made you uncom—"     

She placed her fingers over his lips and shook her head. The silent communication between them once more did the magic and eased the atmosphere.     

With flushed faces they were lost into each other's eyes, deep down blossoming in happiness.     

Suyin, "cough….You should bath."     

Wang Shi, "Cough… you too, and the bandages are in the first-aid box." Saying he grabbed the bathrobe and clothes and left to use the other bathroom, leaving her confused.     

Bandages? But her injury was already bandaged with waterproof!     

It confused her until she gets bathed and looked at herself in the mirror. Her eyes protrude out!     

'What the hell, God? How am I supposed to hide these hickies?' talking to the almighty, she looked for bandages and peeled them one by one to cover the marks. 'Argh! There are so many! Stop staring from the sky, do something. Honey will kill me! Disappear them once, please.'     

God resisted the urge to strike her with thunder. 'Shameless child! You are asking me to cover your hickies!? Seriously!!!'     

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