Mark of the destiny

I-I had some urgent work….. mommy

I-I had some urgent work….. mommy

Suyin marched into Wang Shi's office lounge and was welcomed by a mouth-watering aroma of something cooking in the kitchen.     

"Mmmm…. My Hottie bum has arranged something yummy for me." She mumbled, hastily changing into house slippers which he had kept arranged for her when his arms came around her from behind, taking her by surprise. "Ahh!"     

"What took you so long?" he hummed near her ear, his hot breath tickled her skin, lifting her shoulder up. "You washed your hair? I told you not to let water touch your bandages?"     

She turned before he could lift her top to check bandages, "Nurse Miya helped me to cover it. Now can I see what's cooking, I'm starving, Ahh!"     

To which he pinched her cheeks, "Careless!"     

Her eyes caught something, "Hey, why is my fairy sleeping on the couch?"     

"I don't know. When I come here, he was already there. Let him sleep."     

"Yeah, let's not disturb him." She was satisfied he was tucked properly and Wang Shi had joined the heavy glass table to the edge of the couch to make sure he doesn't fall.     

He laced their fingers and drew her towards the kitchen from which the heavenly aroma was coming from. "Potato Gnocchi with bacon. It's almost done just ten more minutes." He released her and opened the lid to check.     

"You cooked it?"     

"Nope. Chef prepared everything; I'm just assembling." He checked the seasoning, "A little more salt! other than Honey and kids, the only thing that brings a similar smile to your face is good food." Yup! He had confirmed and experienced it many times before.     

"Trying to impress me with food?"     

"Aren't you already impressed?"     

"That's because of my little fairy."     

"But I've caught you gawking at me many times. Not to forget you have called me Hottie Bum."     

"That's not you. Delusional!" He made her comfortable by settling her on the counter and gave a peck on her nose before heading to concentrate on the dish. She was touched by how he was making efforts to lighten her mood. "Hottie bum is my decade long crush."     

He shot her an unpleasant look, to which she batted her eyes innocently. "Last time! This is the last time you mentioned him, Suyin. Now I'm your hottie bum! Remember it."     

"Yes, you are." A smile curved her lips, and she pulled him by his arm, letting him stand facing her. "The only man that comes before you- is my Little fairy. You don't have to be jealous, though I liked it."     

For two minutes he didn't say a word and concentrated on the dish, making her question if he heard her or not. He did!     

After he was done pouring the dish in a bowl and garnishing it with extra parmesan, he glanced at her. The corner of lips has that subtle warm smile unique to him, bringing a smile of Suyin's face as well.     

He tossed the glove onto the counter, placed the dish on the four-seater dining table, and moved to lift her in his arms in one powerful lift as if her weight matters nothing. Her eyes widened, and she wrapped her arms around his neck, letting him carry her to the dining table.     

His hand came to caress her cheek, silently looking into her eyes.     

Understanding, she reached to cover the back of his hand on her cheek, "Worrywart, I'm fine. Should I write it for you to believe me?"     

"No," he mumbled and hugged her. Squeezing her in a tight hug, without even asking.     

His action worried her. She could feel his tense body. "Wang Shi, is there something bothering you?"     

Sighing, he admitted, "Yes….. but I'll tell you once it's the correct time."     

"Ok, I'm always here, just tell me whenever you feel comfortable." She pulled herself from his embrace and picked the beautiful dish arranged by him, "Where's your—"     

"This is mine," he answered even before she could question and forked a piece into her mouth to which she hummed in satisfaction. The next, he took a bite himself.     

One bowl! One fork! And they two….     

"Magazine, Boy, and a half complete word 'PH'..." she said, "That's all Gong Li could tell me."     

"These are unrelated words." he forked another piece, lacing it with cheese sauce, "Do you think he was aware that his life was at risk and made some arrangement to let the message passed to you?"     

"He could have called me?"     

"On checking, nurses didn't find any phone on him."     

"Uh, one more thing." She accepted another bite, "Gilbert's expressions. He seemed nervous."     

Licking the dab of cheese from the corner of her mouth, he told her about another fact. "Nurse Miya had only informed Gong Li's father. But it was Gilbert who came before him, despite Ace is at a distance of an hour almost, while Gong Li's house is barely at twenty minutes' drive."     

This clears that even if they assume that Gong Li's father had called Gilbert, which doesn't seem so, he shouldn't have had arrived before.     

"What about his daughter?"     

"She came last."     

Suyin looked at the bowl to make sure food was enough for two. It was! "I'll ask Daiyu to get me the CCTV videos of the accident site. Maybe it could help."     

"Right, I'll ask Mei to get us the videos of the nearby shops as well. Who knows, they might be usefu—" out of blue, he moved away from her and took the farthest chair on the dining table, leaving the bowl in her hand but the fork in his.     

Suyin "…"     

"Cough," he answered her questionable gaze gesturing at the door, "So…. I think this is the perfect plan to continue from here….."     

From the corner of her eyes, she saw a tiny human standing, rubbing off the sleep from his eyes. Adorable. "Okay. That's a good set-up. I'll inform my team." She played along.     

"YOU…." Hearing Suyin's voice, the little human bolted at the speed of light. His beautiful peach blossom eyes narrowed down at her, lips puckered as if in deep anger. "WHERE WERE YOU THE ENTIRE DAY?"     



"I-I had some urgent work….. mommy." She answered.     

Honey "…"     

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