Mark of the destiny

Her own family!

Her own family!

Xeumo jumped in fear and stood with clasped hands. "S-Sorry dad, I'll prepare another."     

"Fool. That old man already disliked you before, do you think after your today's act, he would let Gong Li's share passed on to you? GET LOST! GOOD FOR NOTHING!" He snarled, but as she turned, his voice rang again, "Don't think I missed my aim. If it was not for the fact, I need this face of yours intact, this tea would have been over you instead. One more mistake, and I'll skin you alive."     

She bit down on her lips to hide her trembling lips and bowed before leaving.     

After she left, Gilbert stood up to access his safe and took out a phone and a sim.     

"It's me!" he said, "Gong Li died before he could reach the hospital, but I doubt he had said something to Suyin before dying. She's going to investigate the case."     


"No, I don't know what she knows. But judging by how controlled she was, I doubt she's anywhere near the truth."     


"Don't you kill her. She's holding a voice recording against me when I threatened her. If anything happened, I will be the first one to come under the hammer. Besides, Gong Li is dead already, if something happened to her as well, things will become suspicious."     


"Fine, I'll stay put for now and keep an eye on her."     



The next morning Wang Shi woke up hugging the two soft humans in his arms, among which one was literally sandwiched between him and Suyin. Waking up to such beautiful scenery was a good start for the day.     

 He saw Honey had not changed his position a bit and was deep in sleep while facing Suyin. Not even once, he turned to face his father. Meanie! He caressed their cheeks one by one and leaned to kiss. Gosh! They both smelled heavenly! One kiss was not enough, he wants more. So he kissed until it satisfied him.     

Scratch that!     

If it was not for the annoying vibration of his phone that stopped him from creating a new Guinness Record, he wouldn't have stopped so early. Gently, he detangled himself from the two, not forgetting to place a last kiss and tuck them properly. "Sleep well, sweethearts."     

He picked the robe while walking to the balcony and put the Bluetooth on. "What did you find?"     

The entire day and night Daiyu worked to get as much information as possible and called as soon as he was done. "Sir, from the orphanage where you donated money years back, all the amount was transferred to a swiss account leaving just a million-dollar for orphanage's caretaker and transferring another five million to another account."     

"The money transferred to a swiss account is untraceable, but I found some useful information. First, Ling Gilbert had purchased a major stake in Ace hospital during that time and secured a position in management. The source of the money is suspicious, apparently he received it as a gift from one of his patients. Second, its Mrs. Zhao Feiyan who had received the five million."     

It surprised Wang Shi, 'Zhao Feiyan! Suyin's evil aunt!'     

Her own family!     

"However, the way Zhao Feiyan's name came out so easily, it seems weird. As if they did it intentionally."     

Of course, it was done intentionally. A master set-up it was!     

If anything went wrong, the culprit would be tracked as Zhao Feiyan, who had a potent reason to ploy against Suyin. According to her, Suyin was responsible for the loss of family business and property, therefore Zhao Feiyan did everything for money.     

"What else?" While talking Wang Shi looked back into the direction of the room at the slight noise of fluttering of papers kept on the table. Thank god they were still sleeping.     

"Qi Wren and Hui Chouming were in Mauritius at that time, holidaying. Nothing suspicious found. I even checked their bank statements and phone records, other than family and business partners, they didn't speak to anyone during that time."     

Family and business partners!? This does not mean they were not involved in the incident. It just reduced Wang Shi's investigation to a handful of people.     

"List out the names of these family and business partners." He instructed, "what about the other task?"     

"All done. The results are already up." He heard Daiyu's proud tone laced with evil. It reminded him his assistant was once a part of a dangerous syndicate dealing in everything illegal. "If you order, I'll—'     

"No need. Just continue playing." Saying, Wang Shi hung up. He could destroy Qi Wren with just a lift of his finger, but why ruin Suyin's fun of playing with him.     


Suyin blissfully woke up with something soft squeezed into her arms. Out of love, she squeezed it tighter, but the thing was abnormally softer. This can't be—Her eyes flew open, instead of Honey, it was a pillow squeezed into her arms.     

"Naughty, brat. You dare run away without giving my kiss." She punched the pillow several times and buried her face into it. Her hands roamed around, looking for the phone. After trying for good five minutes she groggily woke up, and stretched herself on the bed, briefly taking a glance at the watch.     

"Two?" She shot out of the bed and looked around. The father and son duo were already gone to their respective duties. As her hand went to comb her hair, she found a sticky note on her forehead.     

[Not allowed to go anywhere. Will ask nurses after I return from school. If found guilty, I will deduct twenty kisses. *evil laughter*]     


"Tsundere!" she kissed the hand-written note and placed it safely in the drawer before she grabbed her phone from the side table. Why didn't she find it earlier?     

Wow! It had over fifteen missed calls from an unknown private number. Why? Not to ignore, it had a call from James and her mother as well.     

Just when she get down from the bed to pour a cup of tea for herself, she checked the message send by James.     

[My Susu is the best! Can't believe you exposed that trashy Qi Wren. Muahh! I love you! He deserved it.]     

Oh! So the unknown private number could be from Qi Wren or Hui Chouming!     

Suyin checked the latest news….     

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