Mark of the destiny

Code Blue

Code Blue

"Beware. Don't forget who you are talking to." Icy yet strangely calm, Wang Shi's voice forced the remaining words down into Ling Gilbert's throat. Li Han's position in the hospital was next to Wang Shi, he wouldn't tolerate a word against him.     

"I-I barely said—"     

He was ignored as Wang Shi turned to Li Han. "Only family members are allowed. Don't let random people cross the restricted area."     

"W-What is she doing there? Dad..."     

At Xeumo's words, Gilbert turned to look at the glass wall and was shocked to see Suyin standing near Gong Li and it seemed they were interacting. At that very moment, Suyin turned and walked to draw curtains, shutting them from looking in.     

Gilbert cast his questionable gaze to Wang Shi but wisely kept his mouth close, least he gets humiliated or something worse. However, his daughter was not wise enough and questioned.     

"What is she doing in? She's not a family member either."     

Wang Shi revealed a smile, so amused that she questioned him, "Guess what! This is my hospital and I write the rules."     

Xeumo face turned red bright red in anger but she couldn't even say a word to him and turned to Gilbert. His face was even paler as if sucked dry of blood. "What if she harms Gong Li? They are enemies after all."     

Wang Shi's face twisted; his hands fisted inside the pockets of his scrubs. "Are you sure you are talking about Suyin and not yourself?"     

She shuddered at Wang Shi's comment, a fear sunk inside that matches with her father's. "W-what do you mean? I'm Gong Li's fiancée, why would I harm him?"     

Wang Shi did not bother to waste another second to respond. Instead, he waited for her outside and let the two unwanted people wait as well. Though his intention was to get them thrown out, Gilbert's uncomfortableness intrigued him and he waited to see more.     


Inside of the room,     

As the father poured his emotions in front of his dying son, Suyin didn't even dare to look. For some reason, she didn't want to let Gong Li and his father see her face emotionless face as if nothing matters to her. Which was true!     

 Though Gong Li had been her mentor, he lost her respect years back.     

However, that does not stop Gong Li to talk to her before dying. He saw her standing and gestured his father towards her.     

It confused Gong Li's father, but he asked Suyin to come over anyway, oblivious of her identity.     

"Dr. Gong,"     

"YOU…" as she pulled down the mask, the old man jumped to his feet enraged. "HOW DARE YOU COME HERE? Want to kill my son as well?"     

Ignoring him Suyin came near Gong Li who grew restless and started making low grunting sounds. She held his palm when he tried to lift his hand. No words came out of her mouth as she saw tears rolled down from the corner of his eyes.     

The scene even silenced the old man. "H-He….. he's…. he's apologizing!?"     

"He was on his way to meet me when the accident happened," she naturally kept her hand holding Gong Li's bandaged ones. Giving off an aloof and distant air.     


Instead of answering, she frowned when Gong Li didn't stop grunting, and grazed at her palm, pointing at the glass window. Suyin bolted up and drew the curtains, rushing back to him.     

She held his palm again, "Tell me."     

His restlessness reduced, but didn't stop grunting and grazing at Suyin's palm.     

It was then that Gong Li's father -pulled out a pen from his pocket and place it in Gong Li's hand in the writing position and brought over a paper. "Son,"     

The pen dropped.     

He failed to hold it.     

The old man's gaze questioned Suyin, "Just what's bothering him?"     

"He wants to tell me something, but the tube in his throat--" she paused, struck with a thought, and concentrated on what he was grazing on her palm.     


He shook his eyes sideways and drew it again.     

This time Suyin closed her eyes and thought of the picture from his angle to understand it. "M,"     

He blinked.     










"Magazine?" the word came.     








Before he could draw something more, his hand dropped.     

Machines beeped and Suyin hastily pressed the red button on the wall behind…..     

The mechanical sound of 'CODE BLUE' echoed, making Wang Shi rush inside along with his team….     

Sure enough, Suyin walked outside, she knew what would happen and what the result was. Behind her, she heard Wang Shi trying to resuscitate Gong Li thrice, and the old man stopped him on the fourth attempt. His heart-wrenching shrill echoed, "STOP IT NOW. He's already been through a lot. Just stop it….."     

Amidst all the chaos, Xeumo sneaked in and was shocked to hear Gong Li's father's words. "No! Don't stop. Save him. He's my fianc—" She gagged and covered her mouth, taking her eyes off of Gong Li's burned face. It was frightful. The word fiancée flew out of her mind at the very instant.     

She might have tried to hide her action, but failed to keep it from Gong Li's father's eyes. Hurting him. Enraging him. He already knew she was not a good woman for his son, but don't know why Gong Li kept her by his side despite he disliked her.     

"GET OUT OF HERE." He yelled, forgetting the decorum of the hospital for a second. He thought back to the past when both Suyin and Xeumo were Gong Li's students, but it was only Suyin about whom he used to talk a lot and call her the future of medicine. He had heard how good of a person she was, with skills parallel to the doctor with decades of experience. If it was not for the death of his son and wife, there wasn't a chance Gong Li would have had let her go.     

But thinking about the incident just now, Gong Li apologized to her and tried to say something. Does this mean Suyin was not guilty but framed by someone? Why did he point at the window and Suyin drew the curtains before talking?     

The more he thought, the more he smells a conspiracy.     

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