Mark of the destiny

That’s what I’m most afraid of

That’s what I’m most afraid of

Out of option, Wang Shi had to lead the way to his office. Before leaving, he didn't forget to grit his teeth at the oldie Li Han, who gave a mocking thumbs up.     

The three entered the elevator, Wang Shi's heart raced at the sight of the numbers flashing at the control panel, knowing there's no escape.     

They stepped out and turned to take a quick walk to his office. Wang Shi's eyes riveted at the end of the corridor, hoping Suyin would come out of his office in search of him. Gaah! The chances were negative. The medicines she had taken would keep her in deep slumber.     

From the corner of his eyes, he looked at Si Han's confused, suspected, and frowning face. Even James was walking at a distance, afraid of the beating he might get.     

"This doesn't look like a patient's ward." The marble floor and wooden ceiling conveyed the aura of an office of a powerful CEO or President while the luxurious furniture and intricate glasswork was a mismatch from the other places she had seen in the hospital.     

Wan Shi cleared his throat, "It's my office."     

Si Han paused and gave a look to Wang Shi, her eyes squinted.     

"Rest assured, she's just sleeping here. Nothing else."     

Si Han's mouth twisted, she shifted her scrutinizing gaze to James, who forced a cheeky smile. "Just sleeping. Nothing else."     

This shocking information made her uncomfortable, but she knows her daughter very well and trusted her.     

Wang Shi scanned his thumb at the door and took them straight to his lounge. However, just as he stepped in, he was welcomed by the sight of Suyin's beautiful legs, peeking out of the blanket below the thighs. She was sleeping with her back facing him.     

Dang it! She had kicked the blanket again.     

This woman!     

What more, her own clothes were thrown on the couch, while she was sleeping in one of Wang Shi's shirts.     

He hastily turned around to stop the two but they were already in.     

Si Han :face_with_raised_eyebrow:     

James ::flushed_face::exploding_head:     

Wang Shi rushed to cover her…..     



Wang Shi's hand paused.     

"Don't touch my daughter and step back." Si Han scowled and moved to cover Suyin's legs with a blanket. "This girl, when will she learn how to sleep? Let her come home—" her eyes caught the attention of the little boy in her arms, only his small head peeking out. Suyin had literally squeezed him in her arms, as they both slept peacefully.     

It reminded si Han of something painful. She bent down to caress their faces….     

Wang Shi, "I-I…. We have not done anything. Trust me, she was just—"     

"Is he your boy?" she asked. Other things don't matter anymore.     


"The man she is dating is you,"     


There was a terrible stretch of silence.     

Si Han grabbed Wang Shi's arm and pulled him to the office. "What are you doing to my daughter? Come, clear."     

"As I've said, she's just sleep—"     

"For God's sake, I'm not talking about that." She snapped, "I trust my daughter! I don't need your or anyone else's words to get her character certificate."     

James, "Aunty—"     

Words stuck at the back of his throat as Si Han raised her palm.     

"I don't care how influential or powerful you are. My daughter is no lesser in talent and career opportunities. But I do care that she's dating a man who has a son already."     

The only thing that makes Suyin vulnerable and hinders her judgment had been her love for kids. Si Han was scared that Suyin had taken this decision under the influence of her affection for Wang Shi's son. If at any point, they go separate ways, coping from Wang Shi would be possible, hurting her less. But from his son- IMPOSSIBLE.     

She's scared Suyin might attach herself emotionally to the little boy that her fragile emotional self might not withstand another separation, pushing her back to the dark abyss she was once in.     

"Just because I have a son, does not make me less qualified to have Suyin. In fact, my son is the strongest connection between us. He is and he will keep us together." Wang Shi's sounded as if it's written in their destiny, and he had taken a peek. His voice was supremely contained and powerful.     

"Trust me, I don't have any ulterior motives against Suyin. I know I don't hold a candle to her. She's far amazing and best. But I do know that I have something special in me that made your daughter say yes. Otherwise, why hasn't she dated anyone in the past years? I don't believe no one had ever proposed to her."     

Si Han was tongue-tied. What he said was true. In fact, Suyin had never considered entering a relationship before that night when they had a talk. She had received proposals from many men, but other than Wang Shi, she had never considered for anyone's proposal for even a single minute.     

It can't be just because of his son!     

Then what is it?     

"My daughter had lost her child once. I'm sure you know that! Do you have any idea, what will become of her if she attaches herself to your son, and at any point in time you decide to discontinue this relationship?"     

He let out a dry chuckle, confusing her and James. "That's what I'm most afraid of. What if she decides to leave me at a certain point in life, how will I and my son would cope up? Look, she's tying us with her."     

He didn't lie. Genuinely it was his biggest fear.     

His words shocked Si Han. She stared at him, looking if he was just making things up, but her heart says he was true to her.     

"So, you won't leave her ever? What if your wife comes back? Or creates any problem? Or your family refuses to accept your relationship?"     

"I- I don't have a wife. Never had one! Something happened years back which I'll only talk to Suyin." He explained calmly, "However, the woman who gave birth to my son is still out, but I won't let her come anywhere near to my son. Honey's legal custody is with me. As far as my family is concerned, It's the decision of MY LIFE. I'm not giving them the option to express opinions."     

"Mum, James…. What are you doing here?" They were interrupted by Suyin as she came barefoot, supporting her aching back. It's normal to hurt maximum upon waking up. "I heard you talking," she said with a heavy voice.     

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