Mark of the destiny

I'm sure it's fake

I'm sure it's fake

"You…" Honey covered his cheeks and ran behind the desk. "I got rashes because of you. The doctor has asked to refrain anyone from kissing me."     

Suyin "…"     

Wang Shi narrowed his eyes, "Which doctor?"     

"Dr. He Jeff."     

"He's a psychiatrist, not a skin specialist." Because of his smooth interactions and bantering with Suyin, there had been a significant change in Honey. Not only had he started being vocal, but his weekly therapy session with He Jeff had turned into a complaining session.     

Unlike the other time where he remained silent, these days all he does was talk and complain about Suyin.     

A sign of improvement!     

Surely, it was one of Dr. He's idea to instigate Honey and ignite another interesting bantering between them.     

Unlike her true self, Suyin didn't speak a word or argue with him and sat down on the couch with the help of Wang Shi. Her lips twitched to the side, showing her disapproval.     

Honey climbed on Wang Shi's swivel chair, and then on his desk to sit down on it with his legs dangling. "Dad, tell her not to act. I was already tricked by her this morning. There's no way she can do that again."     

Suyin, "Dr. Wang Shi, tell him I don't talk to brats. Let's order food, my treat. After all, it was the first successful project of our collaboration."     

"Dad, ask her not to call me a brat."     

"Ask him not to use that tone on me."     


"Wang Shi,"     

"Shut up, both of you. I'm not your pigeon who would carry messages. Talk yourself." Wang Shi picked the phone to order the food, looking as his two kids stick out tongue at each other. Tom and Jerry!     

The dinner was awkwardly quiet, much to Honey's shock. Suyin's behavior bothered him. It was as if he couldn't digest the food.     

Finishing whatever it was on his plate, he excused himself to wash his hands, gesturing Wang Shi to follow him to the bathroom.     

Behind them, Suyin giggled…..     

"Dad, what's wrong with her?" her abnormal behavior was giving him mixed feelings and he cannot stop himself from asking. "Is she still in pain?"     

Wang Shi knew it must be one of Suyin's tricks, otherwise there's no way she would behaved in front of Honey. Maybe it's a good idea to play along. "Yes. She didn't follow my advice and end up worsening her old injury while helping some underprivileged kids."     

He stomped at Wang Shi's foot, "Why did you let her go? You should have tied her. She's stubborn!"     

"Son, are you concerned for her?"     

Honey "…"     

Honey placed hands at his hips; an aggressive posture that looked cute on his little frame. "W-Why would I be? Isn't it your responsibility to take care of your patients? I'm just saving you from trouble. Haven't you once said she's an influential woman? What if she cancels the contract?"     

Wang Shi "…."     

"She won't. I have you."     


"Don't think I'll save you again by sacrificing my kisses. She's such a pain in my ass." he pondered for a moment, then went for it. "What now?"     

Now, Wang Shi hesitated for a moment, and leaned forward, "I have urgent work to do. Can I leave her here? Will you keep an eye?"     


"NO!" Honey showed his palm, "I don't feel safe with her alone."     


A few minutes later….     

Honey was seated on the couch, facing Suyin, holding a ruler which he use in mathematics class to draw lines. In front of him was a box containing Suyin's medicine, which she was supposed to take after an hour.     

Cunning Wang Shi was able to trick him as always…..     

Wang Shi had changed his clothes and grabbed some files from the drawer. He glanced at the two, "Honey, remember about the medicines. And Suyin, take plenty of rest. Honey is your nurse for the night. Careful, he's strict."     

Honey, "Grrrrrrrrr..."     

Suyin giggled, "Nurse wearing a dungaree. How cute."     

Honey hit the ruler on the table, "Lie down."     

Suyin "…."     

Wang Shi loved both the person at that moment. And the moment after that. And the many more moments following that….. They have lightened his monotonous life.     


"It's been four hours; you have read these files hundreds of times." Feng Jianyu looked at Wang Shi's exhausted appearance. Since he had heard about Suyin's baby, he was going through the old records of Honey's case. Amongst them were a few files of Suyin's baby too, showing he was the perfect HLA match as Honey's donor.     

He closed the files in anger, "According to her, the baby was brought to the surgery for treatment and later died of heart failure. But according to me, he was brain dead when the heart was harvested. His chest was untouched, which means no one operated on him before. How can the heart fail, when it's beating inside Honey?"     

"We both know what does this means." Jianyu didn���t want to say it, but he had to. "Did you ask her if she had donated the heart?"     

"Can I?" he snapped, "Besides, I have her signed consent. What will you say about it?"     

"I'm sure it's fake."     

Every day over fifty people dies while waiting on the donor list. The death rate in kids are worse, only a few lucky ones make it alive.     

Years back, Wang Shi was desperate to get a heart for his dying son, who was living a borrowed life on machines. Time was running against them; he was at number six on the donor list. To make a heart available, they needed six hearts…. And what were the chances one of them would be a perfect match for Honey?     

The chances were negative.     

"D-Do you think it was because of me? I-I just wanted to save Honey…."     

At that time, a desperate father took a drastic move of buying a heart for his son. Every day thousands of babies are born, and the mortality rate is over 7% per thousand within 28 days of birth. If he could get a heart from any of them….     

He did!     

Not from them, but from a two-month-old baby….     

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