Mark of the destiny

This was right.....

This was right.....

"Mrs. Gu—"     

"Call me Gu Yuan. Stop being formal." Gu Yuan said with a warm smile, gesturing her to take a seat. "Don't make me wait anymore. Tell me."     

Suyin understood her eagerness and explained everything. A strong woman like Gu Yuan would behave similarly if given an opportunity to become independent once again.     

On the surface, Gu Yuan remained calm as Suyin explained, but inside the death of those 75 women caused by the use of Unicharm's tampons shocked her.     

"…. You have been a doctor and understand everything about TSS and Tampons. Now that the issue is under light, I want your help to educate women about the correct usage of the product, precautions, safe fiber components, and the risks associated."     

If the women are educated it will help them understand things clearly when the truth of Unicharm comes out.     

Gu Yuan glanced at Suyin, her mouth tight, "I don't have a problem in educating them, but why did you choose me? Don't you think by advocating tampons I'll be attracting public rage?"     

She smiled, "I'm not asking you to advocate but educate by putting the facts ahead. Be neutral! This way you will attract both public and the tampon manufacturers' attention, whereas the companies would despise me. Against all my accusations, they will approach you to justify themselves and seek support, giving us an opening to get evidence against them."     

Though Suyin didn't reveal her entire plan, Gu Yuan understood Suyin was setting a golden trap for Unicharm. A trap which will look attractive but once entangled, it's a death trap.     

She continued, "I've collaborated with Dr. Wang Shi. Your husband and Dr. Wang Shi's father are from opposite parties. Rivals. No one will doubt we have allied to trap Unicharm, making you my best option. In the end, we will reveal the truth. It's a win-win for both of us."     

Seeing Gu Yuan hesitate, Suyin placed her phone ahead. "But…. I've recorded our conversation. You can take a copy as a piece of irrefutable evidence if you don't trust me."     

Pondering Gu Yuan looked at the phone, and then at Suyin. Not only was this an opportunity, but getting associated with Suyin was a bigger benefit. With that sharp mind of hers, it wouldn't be a surprise if Suyin becomes one of the most influential figures of the country.     

Least Gu Yuan knew that Suyin would exceed her expectations. But that story is for the latter part…..     

"Trust is the foundation of every cooperation." She pushed the phone back. "Let's do it."     

Suyin smiled, there was nothing fake or malicious in her actions.     

"Action starts from today. My assistant (Daiyu) will ensure you receive unbridled attention over the internet to raise your popularity."     


Two days had passed, the article posted by Daiyu had stirred a rage amongst the people who were concerned for women's health and risk associated with a basic but necessary product like tampon. They started a campaign asking to ban tampons and reveal the name of the concerned companies.     

On the other side, Gu Yuan was working hard, acting as the neutral party, educating people, and fighting for the companies against the argument that with correct usage it's a useful product.     

"WHAT ARE YOU PEOPLE DOING? STOP BEING LAZY," for the first time Suyin had lost her temper on her interns. Zero sleep, work pressure, and Sarah's worsening condition has made her crankier. Though she won't accept, she's desperately missing the two buns, especially the little bun. She has not received a kiss from Honey.      

Her phone rang, and she answered it without paying attention, but just then one of her interns dropped a stack of papers. "TSK…. CAREFUL. We need everything to be done by today." She put the phone aside, forgetting about it, and once more went to check on her interns.     


In People's Hospital, Wang Shi's condition was not good either. Apart from his scheduled surgeries and Sarah's deteriorating condition, the two days gap of not seeing Suyin made him restless. All this while they could only talk through messages to not hinder the other partner's work. But in that, too, the replies used to come in hours.     

On the other side, Honey was no different. He was still not allowed to go to school. Suyin forgot about her promise.     


Late at night, after getting the work done in the record time, and sending the interns back home, Suyin tossed her heels aside and deflated on the chair. Her hand went to rub the aching forehead. The tiring day it was.     

Out of habit, she checked for any message from Wang Shi and found one he had sent two hours back.     

[Come to the parking when you get free.]     


She dashed at the lightening speed. Barefoot.     

What does he mean by 'when you get free'?     

Was he still waiting for her?     

He was.     

As soon as the elevator door opened and she stepped out, his yellow car was parked in the corner.     

A tall man was leaned against the car with his arms crossed, calmly waiting for someone. He was in his scrubs, wrinkled badly; his hair was messy, untameable; with just a look at his face, she could tell he hasn't slept a wink and had come straight to her from work.     

He was a man of influential position; people wait for months to get an appointment. But for her, he willingly waited for two hours.     

Her eyes swelled up; the fatigue flew out of the window; problems took a back seat. Her work was important, but so as him. She was this man's girlfriend!     

Wang Shi's eyes met with hers, the surge of emotion was common between them.     

Smiling, he opened his arms…..     

….. without a delay, Suyin rushed to bury herself in his warmth.     

The momentum of colliding into him was so strong his back bumped with the car.     

"Easy, easy, sweetheart. I'm not going anywhere."     

"Hug me properly," his arms were warm, and his big strong arms seemed protective when wrapped around her. She didn't want to leave. She was greedy. "Tighter."     

"Is this fine?"     


"How will you breathe?"     

"Then make me breathless."     

Finally, he squeezed her in his arms, lifting her off of the floor, merging the two hearts into one. There was something so warm, something that felt right, smelt right.     

This was right…..     


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