Mark of the destiny

Midlife crisis

Midlife crisis

"You accepted his gift but had been ignoring his phone calls from yesterday. And now… Your phone's been ringing since morning. Just answer him once." Suyin heard James's voice from the living room as she watered the plants in the balcony.     

She tipped her head back, "You know what he has to say. I'm not answering,"     

Though she was dying to hear his voice once, she was afraid of giving in to his demands considering how persistent he was the other day. Moreover, his collaboration offer had given her the itch to give it a second thought... excluding the condition attached.     

"You should consider it once. Maybe you two….." he trailed, walking to the balcony.     

She glared, "Which side are you on?"     

"Of course yours. But…. I still think you should talk to him…. So here it goes-"     

He took the water can from her hand, flashing his attractive yet mischievous smile as if cooked a plan in his beain. Suyin's eyes widened when she saw her 'new' phone in his other hand, realizing what he was up to, but she was a second late.     

"NO!" she yelled as he ran away after placing the phone against her ear. Reflexively her hand went to hold the 'precious' phone before it drops. "BASTARD, I'M GOING TO SPANK YOU. JUST YOU WAIT."     

"WANG SHI HEARD THAT," was his reply which came from the other corner of the apartment.     


With shivering hands, she checked the phone…..     

Wang Shi was on call for the last 58 seconds…..     

And the next second the call went off…     

Suyin, "…."     


City Spire- Wang Shi's penthouse.     


The voice rang so loud that Wang Shi covered the phone with his palm and bring it down instantly. His eyes bulged out comically, looking right and left as if assuring no one has heard it. He couldn't believe his ears that a woman had cursed at him with these words.     

He looked at the phone to check if the number dialed was correct. Yes, it was! A shiver racked him, thinking it was not the correct time to talk, he cut the call a second later.     

"What happened dad? Honey's sweet voice sounded from behind as he padded over on bare-foot, balancing a tray with two mugs. Coffe for Wang Shi and milk for him! "What's with the reaction?"     

"Nothing," Wang Shi took the tray and placed it on the table before he caught Honey by the waist, choosing to make him sit on his lap. He kissed his soft cheeks, "Good morning,"     

"Dad, how many times do I've to remind you? We both are men! Man to man kiss is not allowed." shoving Wang Shi's face away, he wiped his cheek, before jumping out of his lap to take the seat across.     

Wang Shi glared at his son, but the little version of him just pulled his signature stoic face, lifted the milk cup in the style of elders, and took a sip. Humming to himself in satisfaction at the taste of chocolate.     


He could see Honey watching him out of the corner of his eyes, looking for conversation. "What happened dad, you seem upset? Need help? Just ask for it."     


"Don't forget who amongst us is the father, okay? And Yes I'm upset, but you can't help me with this." He scowled at him unhappily for a second and then suddenly perked up as if something came across his mind.     

Not a second later his expression changed as he exhaled in a rush and rubbed his forehead, pretending to be stressed as if a midlife crisis hit him hard! "Tsh… Don't know why Suyi…. Miss. Zhao is not willing to collaborate with me. It's such a good cause, yet she lashed at me just now."     


With a loud noise, Honey put the milk cup on the table and got up, fuming like a bull, "THAT DUCK LASHED AT YOU? Grrrrrr…..I'll show her-"     

"Son, behave," Wang Shi tugged the back of his collar and pulled him back onto the couch. "Don't mess with her. She's the Secretary-General."     

"So what? I'm Wang Qiang, age 6, Grade 2, Junior school head boy, and a great martial artist."     


"Great martial artist? With just two months into learning, you became Great already? Wanna spar?"     

The chest Honey expanded sucking in a deep breath, deflated in a rush, "Cough…. in yesterday's practice I hurt my finger. N-next time," he turned his face away from Wang Shi to hide his embarrassment. How could he dare to spar against his 6'3 tall father?     

"I really need her help. Don't know what happened, that she's not willing to talk to me." Wang Shi continued his Oscar-winning acting and slammed his phone on his palm. "What's making her not to even answer my phone calls? Damn!"     

Honey slowly turned and saw Wang Shi distressed. "Dad, why do you need her help? You are the owner of so many hospitals and have lots of people working for you." He touched his face, his gaze searching.     

"I have got a CSR project proposal that I want to start with the collaboration of her ministry. We gain so much from the society that it's our moral responsibility to contribute a part of it to support good causes."     

"What will you get in return? We are businessmen after all! And why only her? "     

"In return the company becomes most trusted and lovable amongst the people, raising our brand value." He explained in laymen's language. "Look, I know you don't like her, but she's the best in her work. Number one! That's why I want her to co-head the project."     

Honey frowned, "If it's a good thing. Why is she saying no?"     

Wang Shi thinned his lips, "No idea! Actually, I think her problem is with me. Don't you remember she even tried to ignore us on the road the other day? And then she spoke to all of you in the car but treated me like air. It's like she's avoiding me for a REASON."     

Honey stiffened and fidgeted with his hands as if he got the answer. "Is this because of me?"     

"No son, you haven't done anything wrong. Did you?" Wang Shi's voice remained steady, but he was thoroughly satisfied and excited with the outcome. Not only will Honey apologize to Suyin but will convince her to join him on the project. Killing two birds with one stone!     

"Is that a taunt?" He looked up, puckering his lips in an adorable pout. "Your tone was not right,"     

"No son, I shared my problem because you asked. Let it be." leaving a kiss on his silk-soft hair, Wang Shi got up, "Get ready. Its weekend, we've to go to Jianyu's house." hiding the evil smile he left for his room, leaving the phone on the couch. If he knows his son better, he would definitely call Suyin and ask her to meet him.     

And… saying no to Honey is impossible!     

There was a terrible stretch of silence in the living room. All Honey could do was look at his father's departing figure in guilt.     

Indeed his words were harsh that day, but he gets restless seeing a woman come near him or his father. His mother had already done so much harm that he cannot bear to let it repeat.     

As if his system was programmed, when he saw Suyin getting closer to him and Wang Shi, his guards rose and he ended up yelling. This was the best way to keep her away… but least he knew that Wang Shi would need her help one day.     

He sighed….     

'Buck up Honey… You have to help dad… Everything's happening because of you….'     

His gaze fell on Wang Shi's phone….     

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