Mark of the destiny

I won’t allow someone else to steal you

I won’t allow someone else to steal you


Feng Junjie pulled the recliner next to Wang Shi's and started giving him looks by wiggling his brows. "Oww…" Wang Shi pushed his annoying face away and walked out to talk to Suyin.     

"JUNJIE…" Jianyu called, "Stop poking into Wang Shi's business if you love your kidneys. Concentrate on Hong instead."     

"Wh-what, Hong? I've nothing to do with her. We are just best-friends…. Cough…only friends." His words said something, but the expression said otherwise.     

"A minute of silence for you…."     

Feng Junjie "…."     

Wang Shi walked till the end of the corridor and rested his hips against the railing of the balcony. "Miss. Zhao…"     

In the studio Suyin reluctantly replied, "Dr. Wang Shi…"     

"Just now I come to know that you were the student of a world-famous social worker and philanthropist Gong Tuan. My decision to collaborate with you was right."     

Suyin "…"     

"H-How do you know about it, Dr. Wang?"     

"I keep an eye on the people of my interest."     

Suyin "…" 'Why does it sound like a cheesy line out of fashion?'     

Fei Hong gasped. "Suyin, you were the student of Gong Tuan? He never accepted any student in his life!"     

Suyin, "Yeah… he was my therapist and mentor. That's why I could easily enter the social services despite my records."     

"Right. Now I can't take the risk of letting go of Gong Tuan's one and only student. After all, we are CO-HEADING the project. It would be a learning experience for us BOTH." Wang Shi continued using a tone that makes her feel restless. He was speaking something else, but only she knew the real meaning.     


"Of course… We are a wonderful TEAM. I won't allow someone else to steal you. It should be ME. Otherwise, they'll have to face the People's group." He directly announced that the People's group had been backing Zhao Suyin and going against her equal to challenging him. Whether it's business-related or anything, she's out of the question for everyone.     

Suyin "…" 'Aiyooo… he's giving me heart-attack. The entire nation is hearing us, and this man is talking as if he's her man. But at the same time she liked the feeling of being protected. It's like he was the anchor in a storm she could hold on to.     

By now Fei Hong got a hunch this conversation was something else. Dr. Wang Shi's tone was ambiguous and teasing for Suyin, but contained a hidden threat for everyone. How cute, Dr. Wang Shi in protection mode!     

"Dr. Wang Shi, thank you for giving us your time and clear some doubts." Fei Hong took over once more and requested, "Before we wrap up the interview, any last words for Suyin?"     

"She's a beautiful soul that people crave for her vibes. Looking forward to working with her and learn something new."     

Suyin pulled her lips in. The more she stays in his company or listens to him, the more her heart craves for him. But sadly… they were miles apart!     

They don't have a future together!     

"Thank You, Dr. Wang." Suyin hung up before he could say something else and she lost control completely.     

At the end of the interview, Suyin answered a few more questions about her hobbies and friends before leaving the studio with Fei Hong who took the responsibility to drop her, despite her reluctance.     

"Suyin, please wait for five minutes, I have got urgent work to do." Fei Hong excused herself and ran to the director Neo Huo's office. She barged in without knocking and drop her purse at the table before slamming at his table.     

"Mr. Neo Huo, what was that call you connected during my show?"     

"Just a random caller. How would I know?"     

"Keep your shit in your mouth. Don't think I don't know it was from a rich VIP who shoved good money up your ass to buy you."     

"MIND YOUR WORDS, HONG." Neo Huo got up from his swivel chair aggressively, "Don't forget I'm your boss."     

"I don't want a sleazy boss like you who can be easily be bought with some money. Until now I was quiet because you never meddled with my show, but this time you crossed that limit by messing with my guest."     

"And what will you do? Don't forget you are famous because of the platform we gave you." he sneered.     

With a gaze full of condescension, Fei Hong reminded, "But it was me who made the show 'my two cents' famous. You know what…. I've mailed you my resignation already. As per the contract, I'll serve two more months and in the meantime, you can start auditioning for RJ" She flicked her curls, "Goodbye… and all the best,"     

"You'll be unemployed,"     

"Opportunities are everywhere."     

She heard a sound of something crashing but didn't turn; probably he swiped off the contents at the table.     


"Sorry, it took me a little longer,"     

Suyin turned to face Fei Hong, who was visibly guilty for something. She grabbed her hands, "Don't blame yourself for that call. I know it was not you. Getting angry is not worth it when everything is solved and I'm not holding you liable."     

"I'm not angry,"     

��Pulse rate approx. 150 bpm whereas the average should be somewhere around 80-100 bpm." Fei Hong looked down at her hands in Suyin's and instantly pulled them away.     

"You're scary."     

"And so as you," Suyin deadpanned. "I'm not sitting on your iron horse,"     

"Oh! So you fear bikes," Fei Hong giggled seeing Suyin's white face.     

"No. Not scared…. I just don't find them attractive. Enjoy your ride on it and I'll just hail a cab," saying she grabbed her phone to get a cab and Fei Hong tried to stop.     




"Not listening,"     

"How about this iron horse?" A beautiful orange BMW was pulled over at the side and Fei Hong pointed at it.     

"Is this your car?" Suyin's first thought was how weird the color was. Orange! Who goes for such a color? Hold on! Isn't Wang Shi's car yellow? The only thing she doesn't like about him! Yukkk!     

She looked as the door was pushed open and a woman stepped outside, flashing her charming smile with two predominantly noticeable dimples.     

Oh hell! She was simply the prettiest. Her eyes were spellbinding, cheeks a little chubby, skin glowing and flawless, and she has the correct amount of fat on her body. Neither too little nor too much.     

"Baby girl!" Fei Hong hugged the woman.     

Hold on!     

Suyin recalled, 'Isn't she the famous President XM aka Xiu Mei of R-tech companies. Wang Shi's sister-in-law. Yuyu and Lan's mother.'     

Xiu Mei took a step and extended her hand. "I'm Xiu Mei. Fei Hong's best friend."     

"Zhao Suyin," She shook back, pleasantly surprised that Xiu Mei didn't introduce herself with any of her extraordinary identities and just introduced herself humbly.     

No wonder Yuyu and Lan don't have that air of proudness or smug and had kept their innocence. Speaking of which, even Honey doesn't have that air. He's just grumpy but not snobbish.     


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