Mark of the destiny

I don't know!!

I don't know!!

Don't know how long it passed when Wang Shi finally let her go. He leans in so that his forehead rested against Suyin's. He saw her eyes close, eyelids fluttering, wet and swollen cherry lips, and cheeks beet red.     

God, she looked so adorable as their breaths shake. "Thank you, Suyin," he spoke barely in a whisper.     

"For what?" Suyin opened her eyes, her voice wavered from the moment they shared.     

"For being you, for letting me know you too feel something and for the second chance,"     

"Delusional! When did I do all that?"     

"Really?" he freed her from his arms and took a step back, "Then why am I in single piece yet? Knowing how savage you are, the moment I confessed you should've slapped me or to worse give the same kick as before."     

"B-b-because…. Because….Ah!!! F-For my Little Fairy. Since you are my Little Fairy's father, I didn't harm you," mortified by what just happened, it became impossible for her to stay still anymore longer. "J-just…. Unlock the door, please,"     

Like a little mouse, she scrambled in as soon as the door opened, but once more Wang Shi held her hand, "You okay?"     

She looked up, "What do you think?"     

"I think it's going to be a sleepless night for both of us. Try sleeping, okay?" He held the door handle, "Getting a hot bath with lavender oil work wonders. Good night."     

She stared at the closed door.     

'I don't have lavender oil. Even if I had, I'm afraid nothing can help me tonight.'     

Suyin thumped on the floor and held her head….     


The next day sun rose like a flower opening, gifting its petals to the world. Amidst the coolness in the air was the fragrance of flowers and chirping of birds.     

However, a silhouette was sitting on the couch after failing many attempts to sleep. Lifting her panda eyes at the floor to ceiling window as the morning golden hue filtered in, Suyin felt scared in a way she never had before.     

Getting Wang Shi was the best thing of her life, and she was very satisfied with seeing him from far. But yesterday an unknown fear housed into her heart. The fear of 'What if'….     

What if things don't work? What if they go separate ways? What if Honey never accept her? What if... With anything gone wrong, they will probably never see each other again. It would be a full stop to everything...     


The chain of her thoughts broke at the sound of the doorbell. Subconsciously, her gaze fell on the wall clock. 8:15 a.m. it was!     

"Hey!" just as the door opened, she was greeted by another panda holding a pillow in hand. "Jamie??"     

"Two days; I'm unable to sleep," He moved Suyin to the side and welcomed himself in. "Susu, let's talk. This insomnia will kill me otherwise. But before that give me a hug." he opened his arms wide and Suyin went into his arms without a delay.     

"En, I need it too,"     

"Why? Did something happen? Don't tell me Evan did something behind my back,"     

"Wang Shi confessed to me,"     

"Oh, thank God!! WAIT!! He did what?" he pulled her away from his hug, "Oh no! Your eyes are like panda's, other than Wang Shi, no one can affect your sleep. I got the answer already,"     

"Anyway, why have you become panda? Is it that Evan again? I swear I'll kill him this time." She grabbed a bottle of water from the fridge and tossed it at James. "He pissed me off by bringing Dr. Gong."     

"I know. We had a fight over it. He pissed me off as well by his insecure behavior. Anyway, we've taken a time off from our relationship. It was becoming suffocating." He walked to her, turned off the kitchen light, and dragged her back to the living room. "Don't be upset Susu. Please. I'm willing to do anything, just don't break up with me."     

"Stupid, silly, idiot. Why would I? Stop thinking too much with that pea-sized brain of yours."     

"so… you are not upset?"     

"I never was." Suyin has a lot to say to James about Evan and his relationship, but some matters are best if they are left untouched. She was sure James will handle it well and if it requires help, he would come to her. But before that, she will not interfere in his personal matter.     

"I knew it, we just needed to talk and everything would return to normal." He rested his head at her shoulder, "Now tell me about your Mr. Right. Did you say yes? I'm sure you did. After all, he's your heartthrob."     

"Don't bullshit. I didn't say yes."     

"WHAT? DID YOU SAY NO? Is your brain at its place?"     

"I didn't say No either. It was inconclusive," she moved onto the other couch and sprawled on it.     

He gasped, "What do you mean it was inconclusive? Either it can be a yes or a no. What does inconclusive mean?"     

"It means I DON'T KNOW," she snapped. "I like him. But it's a crush. I've never imagined him to be in my life as a partner. And now, all of a sudden, he confessed."     

"You never imagined him in your life, but always wished to be with him." He sat down on the floor near her, "I've seen it in his eyes. The way he cared for you in front of Dr. Gong, it was his genuine concern. Just try it once. Maybe this is.... It."     

"Tomorrow, we've to go to the airport to pick mom, you better spare some time for her." She changed the topic.     

"I know. Don't change the topic,"     

Suyin took a deep breath and closed her eyes, but James poked her cheeks. "Are you listening, Susu? I don't mean to pry into your personal life, but don't drown yourself in uncertain thoughts….. Suyin? Are you listening? Suyin? I'm talking to you....."     

 "I know you are not sleeping. He snorted and got up, "If you won't try, you will be unfair to him and to yourself."     

As he left, Suyin opened her eyes and closed again.     

I don't know!!     


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