Under the Veil of Night

Why are You Still So Ignorant?

Why are You Still So Ignorant?

Some hidden place in Black Street     

Kevin was looking coldly towards the men before him. They were the people responsible for the attack on the company not long ago. Through the clan's means, he managed to find them rather quickly. Of course, many of them had died before they managed to capture them.     

"Who ordered you to plant the bomb?"     

"No one!"     

Kevin glanced at Neo. Without waiting for an order, Neo took out his gun and shot the man's toes, sending pain coursing through the man's body.     

"You'd better answer, the next one will be your third leg," Neo smiled deviously.     

The man shuddered, but he couldn't tell them the truth. If he told them, he would be killed by those people.     

Kevin's gaze turned colder. He turned around. "Neo, you can do anything to him. Skin him alive if necessary. Just make sure that you get the information needed."     

"Yes, Boss," Neo reloaded his gun with a grin on his face. "I'm not good with knives, so I'll continue with a gun for now. Now, shall we have some fun?"     

As Neo was handling the men, Kevin kept quiet, watching the entire process coldly. His back still hurt, but it was nothing compared to his rage right now.     

A hand approached his head from the side. He tilted his head slightly and raised his hand, catching the hand right when it was nearly about to hit him.     

"Is there anything you want to say, Uncle?" he asked coldly.     

Patrick grinned. He tried retracting his hand but he could feel his nephew's strong grip. It was so strong that he knew he wouldn't be able to release himself unless he used his real power seriously. "Do you want to crush my hand, Brat? Let me go!"     

"You're the one asking for a beating, Uncle."     

Patrick snorted. "I heard what you did at the hospital. I never thought that you would do something like that."     

"I know."     

"Brat, can't you answer with a longer sentence?"     

Kevin looked back at his uncle, but he didn't say anything more. He also never thought that there would come a day when he would bow down to other people, but he had just done it. Still, he didn't feel that it was wrong for him to do so because he knew very well that he did take a lot from the girl.     

Patrick leaned on the wall. "After the incident with my girlfriend, I thought that you would forever be a cold person, unable to have feelings for anyone. You clamped down your feelings and never let us see them anymore. It's so hard to make even your eyebrows twitch, Brat. Even my brother was always troubled when he saw your indifferent expression every single time."     

Kevin didn't answer. He knew very well that it was his father who taught him that he should hide his real feelings. Although it didn't mean that he had to hide them all the time, it had become the norm for him. Only in front of his father and his uncle did he show changes occasionally.     

"What do you plan to do with Kanae? I never knew that you two had such intertwined fates," Patrick chuckled. He knew about their relationship, but he didn't expect the two's past to also be related to one another. At that time, he was still in the prison as he didn't care to get out.     

"Uncle, don't make fun of me," Kevin said coldly.     

Patrick shrugged. "I'm not making fun. I'm just surprised that things turned out this way."     

When he heard about Kanae losing her parents because of an attack directed at Kevin, he didn't know whether to cry or feel pity. Hearing about Laura made him realize why Kanae always had a troubled expression whenever he mentioned joining the clan. Right now, he felt that the missing puzzles have started to connect together.     

If she had to choose, would she pick her sister that she cared so much about, or would she pick the man she loved?     

With her sister being the only family member who cared for her, it was inevitable that Kanae wouldn't want to put her sister in danger. At the same time, she was attracted to a man whose life would put her in constant danger. It was not an easy decision for her to make.     

Even Patrick himself didn't know what she would decide because it was hard to choose. These two cared for her so much, but at the same time, they couldn't accept each other because of what had happened in the past.     

"I never expected it, either," Kevin replied curtly.     

"Didn't you already know about her parents from a long time ago? You should have been able to predict this sooner," Patrick rolled his eyes.     

Kevin did hear about it in the past, but he never knew that things would end up this way. It would have been fine if he had only stayed as her friend and wished for nothing more. That way, she could just hate him when she heard the truth, and he would just compensate her with money like he did for the other victims.     

However, it was difficult right now because of their feelings for each other.     

"Do you think she'll forgive me?"     

Patrick opened his mouth before shutting it once again. Honestly, he didn't know what she would do because he too would find it hard to forgive someone who caused his parents' death.     

It would all depend on herself.     

But hearing the cold brat ask this question, he could see how much he cared for her. In the past, this cold-blooded man would never try to ask about these kinds of matters and only saw things from their rational side. Right now, he was trying to be considerate of her emotions too.     

He looked at Kevin. "I don't know what her answer will be, but I know one thing. Even if you try to get close to her, she won't end up like Yuki."     

The name 'Yuki' caused Kevin's pupils to flicker. Ever since he was young, he had always loved and respected this woman as a mother figure. The day he lost her because of an incident, he couldn't smile anymore, having lost someone so important during his childhood.     

If not because of his encounter with someone during an incident that nearly took his life, he would have never been able to recover.     

"How do you know that?" Kevin asked.     

Patrick smiled. "It's a secret."     

Unlike Yuki, Kanae had had a life in Black Street for a long time. After bothering Master Rudy for a long time, he came to know much more about Kanae's fighting prowess. At the same time, he was pretty sure that he knew how this girl awakened her talent after hearing about Kevin's incident.     

Kanae would surely be able to protect herself very well. Right now, only awakened people could match up to that girl now. Counting the times that such people have appeared until now, there should only be a few that were still alive.     

And unfortunately, those people might not be friendly to them.     

Kevin looked at his uncle with displeasure. "Are you hiding something from me?"     

Patrick smiled wryly. If she didn't want to tell this man, he wouldn't overstep his bounds. That girl was still his precious junior that he cared for so much.     

"How much do you know about her fighting prowess?"     

"Fighting?" Kevin had never seen Kanae fight with anyone. At most, he had only seen her running away from someone. The very first time he saw her fight was a few days ago, during the bombing incident at his company.     

She dealt a blow cleanly with a powerful kick and showed no hesitation in pulling the trigger when using a gun.     

Kevin's gaze sharpened. "Did the Nali Family make things difficult for her, so she has good fighting prowess?"     

Patrick: "…" Why did your thoughts end up that way?     

Right now, he doubted that Kevin had seen Kanae fight before since he seemed to be ignorant of her fighting prowess. If her fighting prowess was only considered to be good, then many of their elite members could only be categorized as trash because they wouldn't be able to defeat her.     

Patrick rubbed his forehead. If only Kanae wasn't bound by the life she had under the light, he would surely tell Kevin more.     

After all, under the veil of night, she was one of the greatest fighters in the underworld.     

"Brat, did you properly see her fight?"     

"I did. I saw her fight a few days ago."     

"…" then why are you still so ignorant?     

Just when Patrick felt extremely helpless and wanted to correct the young man, Kevin's phone vibrated.     

"What is it?"     

"Boss, she's awake and her sister has left. Do you want to meet with her?"     

"I'll be there."     

Kevin put down his phone. "I'll be going now, Uncle."     

Patrick nodded. He gazed at his nephew's back as he wondered about what would happen, especially concerning Kanae's answer to this man.     

'I'll just ask the little lass later about whether she showed him her fighting skill.'     

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