Under the Veil of Night

31 December Incident: The Beginning

31 December Incident: The Beginning

Three years ago, 31st of December     

The sky was bright, and the people in the city were busy with their daily lives. The streets were crowded because it was lunchtime. This was also the peak hour for crimes because of the lack of security. However, this would never stop citizens from going out as they still had to go through their daily lives.     

"Sis, I want to play in the park, do you want to come with me?" The thirteen-year-old Laura asked excitedly.     

Kanae smiled. Today was her fourteenth birthday.     

"I want to wait here."     

Laura grinned. "Well, it's your birthday, so mom and dad will surely bring you a surprise."     

"I think they'll just bring me a cake."     

Laura rolled her eyes. "Sis, your mind is truly only filled with food."     

Kanae laughed. The best thing about birthdays was eating the cake that she normally couldn't eat. It was the only thing that she always looked forward to on her birthday.     

"I'm hungry."     

Laura puffed her cheeks. "I'm not cooking today. I want to play outside. The snow is piling up beautifully today."     

Kanae smiled, but then her eyes noticed the wallet that her father placed on the table not long ago. "Father forgot his wallet. Should I take it to him?"     

"I'm sure Mom brought hers. No need to worry. I want to play now, so see you later, Sis."     

Kanae waved her hand with a smile. "Have fun, Laura."     

As she watched Laura walk away excitedly, Kanae looked at the wallet hesitantly. It was rather unusual for her father to forget his wallet, especially since he and her mom had wanted to go to the square to buy a cake to celebrate her fourteenth birthday.     

"I'll try to search for them."     

Making her decision, Kanae proceeded to put the wallet into her pocket. She picked up her jacket and wore it. As it was already winter, the weather was rather cold, so she needed the jacket.     

Walking out of the mansion, Kanae paced along on the street. Compared to most children her age, she was considered rather brave since most of them wouldn't dare to go out by themselves. As for her, she learned at a young age that there were safe areas she could travel through that rarely had any kind of crime.     

Besides, she had learnt some martial arts, so she knew basic self-defense in case something happened. Not that she hoped that things would get to that point, but worrying about things too much was not something she liked to do.     

With light steps, she made her way through the streets. Her feet kicked the snow along the way as she hummed a winter-themed song. During this time, the streets were filled with people. They either had work or other errands to do. It was far safer for her to stride along the street as people wouldn't be so stupid as to commit crimes in broad daylight.     

Well, with some exceptions.     

Her legs brought her to the square, and her eyes immediately noticed her parents. They were sitting in front of a cafe, talking with a man she didn't know.     

'Should I intrude on them?'     

It would be impolite of her to just barge into their conversation just like that. She didn't even know that man. Wouldn't she become a joke if she just popped in on them?     

Deciding to wait, Kanae moved to the other side of the cafe. There were several chairs and tables outside. Since the outside area was rather empty, she decided to borrow one of the chairs and sat down. The owner was quite kind and let her rest there. After all, business was rather slow.     

From this distance, she could hear her parents' voices as they conversed with the man.     

"You should know better than to oppose us. It won't benefit you at all by keeping them away from us. You have seen for yourself how advanced our training is."     

Kanae's father shook his head. "It's not about that. I'll never involve my daughters in this matter."     

"Please, don't force me to make you accept. You know that your wife's genes are far superior, right? Their combination with yours truly created art in the form of little monsters."     

Kanae's mother slammed the table. "Don't you dare spout nonsense! They're normal!"     

"Normal? Can you say that they're normal after seeing their test results?"     

Kanae's mother's eyes watered. Could she really say that they were normal? The two of them knew better than anyone else what the two's results signified. Their children had inherited too much of their DNA.     

"Don't pressure my wife," Kanae's father threatened.     

The man sighed. "I don't have that intention, but you should know that they won't let you off. Your daughters, especially the older one, are extremely talented. The older one is also dangerous since she inherited your wife's family's strongest trait, while the younger one inherited your family's excellent genes. Don't you realize how amazing it is to see how different they are?"     

"Don��t talk about them as if they're test subjects!" Kanae's mother raised her voice. Her eyes were red from worry and fear. "They're just normal children… normal…"     

Even though that was what she said, her voice sounded like she was trying to convince herself. The two of them knew better than anyone how untrue those words were because they realized that their daughters have indeed inherited their respective families' abilities.     

It was something that not even they inherited but only carried, yet their daughters somehow managed to demonstrate those traits again.     

Not just simply showing a greater talent—the older one even surpassed the threshold. If… If something happened to her, the two of them knew that it would give birth to one of the greatest fighters in the entire world. Because her talent was exactly that.     

The man stared at the woman with pity in his eyes. "You know better than anyone that it's only because you agreed to work for us that they let you off from the research. After all, you are better at soft skills, despite the fact that you come from that family."     

"I know how dangerous it can be. That's why I wish for nothing other than their safety, away from those people."     

"Do you think it is possible?"     

Kanae's father stayed silent. He knew it was impossible, but he wanted to give his daughters a better future. They deserved a better life than forever being locked up as lab rats because of their genes. He didn't want his older daughter to be like those children who stayed in the institution their entire lives because of the possibility of awakening their powers.     

The man shook his head lightly. He glanced at his watch as resignation showed on his face.     

"You leave me with no choice. They'll come in a while."     

"What are you talking about?"     

"You understand what I'm talking about, don't you?" The man asked sorrowfully.     

"No! No way, you must be kidding!" Kanae's mother covered her mouth with her hand as disbelief filled her entire face.     

The man smiled sadly. "I'm sorry."     

As he stood up, Kanae's father also moved. He looked towards the other side of the square as a row of cars, seemingly carrying an important figure, drove across the road.     

Then, it happened.     


Sound of shattering glass and gunshots filled the streets. Kanae quickly hid below the table with her eyes still fixed on her parents. It was then that she saw it.     

Kanae's father fell to the ground, bleeding severely. Her mother was by his side, holding the man tightly. Cries and screams filled the square, including those of Kanae's mother. She was screaming as she shook his body but there was no response. He had died from those gunshots.     

The man they were talking to before had already fled. He scurried away to the other side of the building, avoiding the barrage of gunshots in the square. it was easy for him to slip away unnoticed in the chaos.     

She heard another barrage of gunshots.     


Her mother fell on top of her father before her eyes. Blood gushed out like crazy, dying the ground red with blood. Her eyes reflected the entire incident clearly as the blood drained from her face.     


At that very moment, Kanae dashed out from underneath the table, intending to reach them before it was too late. Her mind was screaming as she hoped that they were still alive. She didn't want to lose them.     

With chaos ensuing all over the square, she didn't pay attention to her surroundings. Suddenly, she heard the loud sound of gunshots once again.     


From the corner of her eyes, she saw a car veering towards her. In the next second, it crashed at her loudly.     


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