Under the Veil of Night

Sudden Interruption

Sudden Interruption


"We've arrived, let's talk while walking."     


Stepping out of the elevator, Kanae looked at her surroundings curiously. Just like the lobby, this area was also decorated, mostly with plants. It looked far more lively, but at the same time, the color choice was a bit messy.     

"I think that you will need someone to redecorate this floor."     

Kevin nodded. He might not be one to care too much about interior design, but he had to agree with Kanae. This room looked worse than before with the new decorations that Neo added.     

'I need to reevaluate Neo's skill in decorating.'     

Several people noticed their presence and immediately greeted them with polite bows.     

"Boss, Miss Secretary."     

"Good morning, Boss."     

"It's nice to see you again, Miss Secretary."     

Hearing what they called her, Kanae turned to look at Kevin. She leaned in and whispered. "Is it alright to let them treat me as your secretary?"     

"It's fine."     

"Are you sure?"     


Kanae felt that it was a bit unsuitable, but seeing how Kevin didn't seem to mind, she tried to ignore it. Most of the people she was were strangers to her, but she had seen them a few times in the past when she was still working in the company for Kevin.     

It was then did she realize that a lot of people were looking at them strangely. She furrowed her brows as she looked at Kevin and then at them…     



Kanae soon realized that when she was whispering to him, they were extremely close to one another. Because she had often done that in the past when they were working together, she didn't really realize how close they were. As Kevin usually kept his distance from everyone, it wouldn't be weird for people to think that it was strange.     

'I should pay more attention.'     

As Kanae moved a few centimeters away from Kevin, Kevin glared at his employees. They seemed to understand his meaning as they averted their gazes and concentrated on working once again. Kanae could only try to forget about the matter.     

The two of them lined up as they looked at the menu that was posted on the wall.     

"Kevin, what do you want to eat?" Kanae asked, trying to change the topic.     

Kevin arched his eyebrows. "It was lunchtime not long ago. Are you sure that you want to eat again?"     

"I'm asking about you, not me. I already said that I can't eat again right now," Kanae recalled her lunch. She had eaten so much food that she nearly emptied the refrigerator. Her sister even complained about the excessive expenditure on food. If she ate again, she doubted that her stomach would agree.     

"I'm not a big eater like you."     

"Well, I asked just in case you didn't have lunch yet," Kanae defended herself.     

Shaking his head, Kevin pointed to the list of drinks. "I already had lunch. Now what would you like?"     

"I'll just have juice."     

"Which one do you want?"     

"I want avocado."     

"I got it."     

It took him a few seconds to get what she wanted. Handing over the cold glass, he watched as the girl drank the juice delightfully with the straw. Her slightly pursed lips looked extremely enchanting in his eyes. Chuckling slightly, he circled his hand around her waist.     

"Kevin?" Kanae was startled.     

"Let's go up."     

"Mhm," she sucked the juice from the straw as Kevin guided her back to the lift. The juice felt cool and nice on this hot day.     

She eyed the hand that he placed on her back. It was weird to be escorted this way by other people, but she didn't feel uncomfortable from his touch. If anything, she liked his attention right now.     

While waiting, Kevin took the chance to examine the girl's expression. The last time he saw her was during the meeting when she dressed up as Laura. At that time, he didn't manage to take a good look at her because she put on a lot of makeup to make herself look like her sister. She hadn't changed much, but she had a healthier countenance. It seemed that she was enjoying her free time lately.     

When his thoughts reached this point, he felt glad. At the very least, she still took care of herself and didn't let other matters trouble her. What he wanted the most was for her to be happy.     


A few people walked out of the elevator. They were surprised when they saw these two. But with a look from Kevin, they quickly averted their eyes. Their boss was glaring at them, who would dare to stare back?     

They still wanted to keep their lives!     

"Let's go in."     

"Mhm," Kanae was still sipping her juice as they entered the elevator. Kevin bought her the larger size, so it would take her a few minutes to finish all of it.     

Kevin chuckled a bit when he saw how Kanae kept on sucking the juice. "You don't have to hurry. It's not like I'll steal it from you."     

"Do you want some?" Kanae opened her mouth and raised the glass slightly, asking the young man.     

"Are you sure that you want to give me your juice?"     


"There's only one straw," Kevin replied indirectly. He did want to drink from the same straw as her because it would be an indirect kiss, but it would be better if she realized it first. After all, he didn't want to take advantage of her.     

At least, for now.     

"One straw?" Kanae repeated before what he implied struck her mind. Her cheeks turned red as she lowered her glass again. "I changed my mind. If you want a drink, you should just buy one."     

"I don't mind drinking yours."     

"I mind."     


"Because a glass is already too little for me."     

Hearing her reason, Kevin's lips curled up even further. He knew that she was hiding her embarrassment for not realizing it before, but the way she made up a random reason just made it more amusing for him. Her reason was not bad, but only a fool would believe it.     

She might be a glutton, but she would still share her food with others at times.     


"We've arrived."     

Kanae heaved a sigh when they reached the floor to his office. She was worried that Kevin would continue to tease her because she didn't realize something so obvious. Looking at the familiar hall, she smiled internally. It looked like Neo didn't redecorate this area.     

Well, if he did, he might need to face Kevin's wrath since this was Kevin's office.     

Kevin pointed to his office as the two of them walked out together. "Do you want to come inside? There's nothing much there as Neo works in a different room, but it still should look the same as before you left."     

"I do. Let's go inside."     


Kevin approached the door when he sensed something. His gaze sharpened as he sensed that something was wrong in the room. By his side, Kanae put the glass on the table. She also could feel that something terrible would happen if they opened this door.     

It was purely instinct, but their instincts had already been proven right countless times before.     

"There's something wrong," Kevin said unhurriedly. "Let's go back."     

"Alright," Kanae readily agreed.     

Turning his body around, he was about to make a call to the others to check the room when he felt a sudden force coming from behind him. The pressure rose abruptly to an unimaginable degree, threatening to push everything away. Kevin's face turned ashen. It took him a split second to realize what it was.     

Someone had planted a bomb in his company!     

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