Under the Veil of Night

Advance Preparation

Advance Preparation

The Wells Family Residence     

Jason returned back to his home after sending Kanae home. He didn't park the car inside his house but rather hid it away in some remote place in Black Street. Afterwards, he walked directly to his home while fiddling on his phone to make sure that he erased the traces of his trip just now.     


"Young Master, welcome back home," Jason's butler greeted him directly as soon as he opened the gate.     

Seeing the old man before him, Jason pursed his lips. "It's already late at night. Did anyone come searching for me?"     

"Company A CEO came to…."     

Listening to the list of the powerful people who made a visit, Jason made a mental note to talk to them later. He entered the living room and called the servant to prepare hot water for him to wash up.     

His house was large, but there was barely anyone here. He had so few servants that one might wonder if he was truly a young master. However, they were each very capable as they had to take care of this large residence by themselves.     

Jason sighed. "Right, did my father call?"     

"No, Master didn't call."     

"I see. You may leave now."     

The butler bowed. He had gotten used to Jason's temperament. Even though the world saw this man as the perfect young master, he knew very well that his young master was not perfect. It was only recently that he didn't look like a robot who only performed his assigned tasks every single day.     

He didn't know what Jason did when he went out without notice, but whatever it was, he felt happy for him. At the very least, Jason looked more like a mortal after going out.     

He also didn't smell any alcohol, perfume, or cigarette smoke on him, so he was not worried at all. He believed that their young master wouldn't do something harmful to his future.     

"Oh right, tell someone to tidy up my other residence. I'll be staying there later."     

"Young Master, do you need to bring a servant…?"     

"There's no need. You just need to come by once a week to clean up," Jason refused immediately. He could do simple housework if it was just to make himself comfortable. There was no need to have so many servants around him all the time.     

"I understand. I'll arrange it immediately, Young Master."     

"If my father asks, just say that I'm planning to take care of some matters in that area since there's a sudden change in Black Street," Jason added.     

"Yes, Young Master."     

Thinking of their companies in the clans' territory, Jason felt a headache. He knew that there would be a need for someone from Black Street to take over immediately, or it would be a problem. However, there was no one strong enough to take care of the matter so soon.     

Ring! Ring!     

"Hello, this is Jason Wells speaking…. Ah, I understand, I'll make arrangements."     

Soon afterwards, he was back in his work mode, despite how late it was into the night.     


Laura's Mansion     

Kanae returned back home late at night. She was feeling refreshed after taking a stroll and talking business with the other three. Even though Tommy barely listened because he fell asleep in the middle, the other two were quite helpful because they could quickly understand what she was talking about.     

'Master tells me that I should rest, so I���ll just stay at home these few days.'     

Heading inside, Kanae noticed that Laura hadn't come back home yet. She went into the kitchen and peeked into the fridge. Seeing the stack of sweets that Laura made, her eyes sparkled.     

Time to take some to eat~     

Her sister had already rebuked her for using the kitchen and turning it upside down, but Kanae had already forgotten about that. She brought some of them back to her room to enjoy while doing her work.     

There were a lot of papers on her table as the result of her favor to Jason. Since the schools had closed down and many students couldn't go to school, it was obvious that this semester was directly 'erased.' Some schools were planning to create special classes to make up this missing semester while others just arranged for their students to repeat the year.     

Either way, that was not important to her right now.     

Kanae started typing on the keyboard and sorted out the businesses that she has been taking care for the past few weeks. Some of them were located in the former Tamari Clan's location, so she had to do something before trouble cropped up.     

'Let's see, I'll need to make a deal with the local gangs to make sure that they don't create trouble. I can also dispatch some men, but this small number is not enough to cover all bases.'     

Ring! Ring!     

Seeing the caller ID, Kanae was stunned. She picked it up without hesitation. "Brother Jason, why are you calling me so late? Didn't we just see each other just now?"     

"I just heard from some of the companies' CEOs that they received news that the Ryukalin Clan is the one taking care of the area."     

"The Ryukalin Clan? Are you serious?"     


"But, how do they have enough members to cover the entire area? It's not a small area."     

"Apparently, the Tamari Clan handed over some of their men to the Ryukalin Clan previously. Since the Tamari Clan has retreated from the scene, those men now pledged their loyalty to the Ryukalin Clan and have started to approach the business owners and those living there to make statements. I just got the news not long ago, so you might receive news too since you're managing a few companies there."     

Kanae frowned. "I understand, thanks for the information."     

"You're welcome."     

As Jason predicted, she soon received notification of the new ruler of the area and the change in rules. There was also a clear division of the new power structure for the areas that didn't previously fall under the Ryukalin Clan's control. Some of the rules even considered the situation of the area perfectly, benefiting both the businessmen and the Underworld.     

Kanae skimmed through several of the issued statements quickly. Seeing how they were all very thorough and detailed, Kanae had the feeling that the Ryukalin Clan has been preparing for this for a long time.     

But how?     

Tapping the table, Kanae pushed her questions to the back of her head. It was not important right now. What she had to do was make sure that these companies stayed afloat and could still function in this situation. A lot of people have started to move away due to the decline in the city.     

With that, Kanae began to furiously type on her laptop, planning to work through the night.     

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