Under the Veil of Night

Nali Family Elders

Nali Family Elders

Ring! Ring!     


"Is this Laura Nali? There's a meeting at the family residence in half an hour to discuss the businesses. We expect you to come as fast as possible."     

Kanae stared coldly at the phone in her hand. It was the mansion's phone and not her sister's personal phone, so she was the one who picked it up. Laura came home late last night because of a meeting regarding Kara Company's future direction. She was not exactly sure of the content, but it seemed that they wished to expand the business even when the situation in the city was unstable.     

After all, they couldn't bear to lose the opportunity to earn more profit just because the condition on the street turned unsafe.     

'They truly love to dictate her.'     

Kanae walked to her sister's bedroom and took out the makeup. She had learned how to use it in the past and recently, Laura made her remember it again by dolling her up. Thanks to that, she could use it adeptly despite the fact that she didn't really have the time to put on makeup anymore.     

'Laura always wears light makeup and this device over here that I don't know the name of can turn my hair straight….'     

It took her a few minutes to change her appearance to that of her sister's. The two of them had similar builds anyways. She was slightly muscular thanks to her practice, but her weight remained the same as usual. As long as she wore a long-sleeved dress, they wouldn't be able to differentiate the two of them.     

Her hair was normally wavy after letting it down because she kept it in braids, but hair turned straight again with the help of the straightening iron. She didn't know why her sister had it in the first place, but it was pretty handy now since the largest difference between her and her sister would be their hair.     

Looking at the mirror in front of her, Kanae smiled wryly. She had become the exact copy of her sister. She put down her glasses and used contact lenses, turning her into a completely different person immediately.     

Kanae took out her phone and made a call to Shiro.     

"What is it, I'm busy right now?"     

"Shiro, can you act as my driver for a few hours? I need to visit the Nali Family Residence."     

"Now?" Shiro frowned. He had just finished writing a prescription and handed it to the man before him. "Why are you going there again when you have already cut off your relationship with them? Also, I heard that the Nali Family has their own drivers."     

"They do, but it's my sisters," Kanae replied. Oh, right, she needed to start speaking in her sister's voice. "I might need you to cover for me if they find out, so can you help me out?"     

Shiro sighed. "Are you up to no good again, Captain?"     

"Just a little bit…. I don't want to bother Laura with this matter since she's already overwhelmed from just the company alone," Kanae replied. She knew how it was to handle documents from completely different companies at the same time. As Laura was exhausted from her work, she wanted to help her sister a bit.     

"And how do you also plan to have her work on this matter?"     

"I'll give her the report and ask Brother Jason to help her familiarize with it. It'll take time, so I wish to handle the elders for now."     

"Fine. I'll come."     

"Great! Thank you, Shiro!"     

Kanae walked out of her room in that getup. The guards didn't notice that she wasn't Laura as they bowed when she passed by. Shiro would only arrive in a few minutes, so she took this time to stroll the courtyard. Her eyes noticed a few servants sitting in the shade, lazing around.     

She was about to reprimand them when a woman in a guard uniform walked up to them with a stern expression. "What are you doing here? You should be working."     

"Come one, no one is looking…"     

"Yeah, just a minute."     

"No, get back to work right now," the woman in the guard uniform said sternly.     

Just when the two servants were about to rebuke the woman in the guard uniform, they noticed Kanae standing behind her. Their faces paled immediately.     

"We'll go back to work now!"     

The woman in the guard uniform stiffened for a moment and turned around. She bowed in respect to Kanae. "Guard Mona greets Miss Laura."     


Kanae recalled that she was one of the new recruits she chose from the Black Street. This woman was pretty good at using a sword, so she would be able to do splendid work in the mansion as a guard.     

"You can go back to work, Mona."     


Turning around, Kanae headed to the gate and quickly dismissed this little incident.     

It took Shiro a few minutes to arrive at Kanae's mansion. Looking at the person in front of him, he sighed. "No one will be able to differentiate the two of you with this appearance."     

"I hope so."     

"You even imitate your sister's voice," Shiro felt a chill down his back at the thought of mistaking the two of them. From the bottom of his heart, he was glad that their hairstyles were usually different, or he might mistake them. At that time, it might be a disaster…     

"I need to practice," Kanae replied with a smile. "I have to at least do this much. I'm sure that the elders are not totally stupid to be unable to recognize us normally."     

"You're scary, Kanae."     

"Thank you for your compliment."     

"Also, why are you substituting for Laura? Are you sure that she'll be okay with you doing this?"     

Kanae looked out the window. "She doesn't need to know. They made a sudden call just earlier, so I believe that something they didn't expect happened this morning."     

"I see."     

Afterwards, Kanae started to talk about random things to familiarize herself with her sister's voice. It felt a bit weird to hear her sister's voice coming out from her own mouth, but she soon got used to it.     

They arrived at the temporary meeting hall that the elders picked since the previous one was destroyed in the fire and explosion. Kanae alighted from the car and entered the hall confidently. She didn't show the slightest bit of fear.     

"Yes, Miss?"     

"Laura Nali is here. Can you take me to the meeting location?" Kanae replied while giving the guard a sharp gaze.     

The guard bowed politely. "Please follow after me, Miss."     

Kanae nodded and followed after the man. This hall was pretty well-furnished, but it was just a temporary one. Upon entering the hall, her eyes narrowed. There were a lot of people there, including a lot of other prominent businessmen and businesswomen in the city.     

It seemed like they purposely didn't tell Laura about this in advance to make fun of the girl.     

'What a good Nali Family.'     

"Miss, over here."     

Kanae nodded and continued following the man. Even though she didn't know what the people there were talking about nor have any other clue that could help her, she kept her composure and didn't allow anyone to know her thoughts. Her clear eyes swept the entire hall, and she nearly halted upon seeing familiar faces.     

'Neo and Kevin… What are they doing here?'     

At the same time, Kevin was also gazing sharply in Kanae's direction. This was not the first time he saw Laura, but the person in front of him gave him a completely different impression. He felt as if he were looking at Kanae and not Laura.     

"Boss, that's Kanae's sister," Neo reminded.     

"I know."     

Neo looked quizzically at Kevin's detached expression. If this man knew that woman was Laura, why would he continue looking at the young girl? Was he interested in the sister too?     

"Neo, pay attention to the meeting."     

As if knowing what he was thinking, Kevin shot him a cold gaze. Neo quickly turned his head. "Yes."     

He sighed internally as he felt that Kevin always got provoked so easily whenever it concerned Kanae. They only came here because this was the first meeting the Nali Family was hosting since stabilizing their position. There was a discussion about their cooperation with various companies, so a lot of representatives came here today.     

However, it didn't seem like the Nali Family prepared themselves for this. Even their head was nearly late to the meeting.     

As soon as Kanae sat down, a man stood up.     

"Now that everyone is here, let's start the meeting."     

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