Under the Veil of Night

Invitation to Come

Invitation to Come

Laura's Mansion, Present Time     

"Sis, how long do you plan to watch the television?" Laura waved her hand in front of Kanae's face perplexedly. Why did her sister suddenly become so fixated on the news of the school?     

Kanae blinked as she pulled her attention back to the present. Just now, she recalled her past battle in the school not long ago. It was this harsh battle that completely changed her fate.     

"It's nothing, but you should know that Dad and Mom don't want us to go there, right? If not because of that, they wouldn't have tried so hard to get us out of there."     

"I know."     

"Why are you talking about attending the school, then?" Kanae looked at Laura in confusion.     

Laura sighed. She strode to the table and picked up a letter, which she shoved at Kanae.     

"I got this invitation this morning."     


Greetings, Laura Nali:     

Lima School invites you to the opening of the school to the public on XX/XX/XXXX for a special tour. This letter serves as proof that you can enroll in the school. We always welcome talented youths like you.     

Best regards,     

Representative of Lima School, Ferdinand.'     

The letter was quite short since it was only a single piece of paper. Kanae glanced at the paper for a few seconds before looking up at Laura.     

"Do you know why they invited you?"     

Laura stared back at her sister. "Sis, did you hit your head? Did you forget that I'm a silver letter holder?"     

"I didn't hit my head," Kanae rolled her eyes. "I just thought that you still didn't know much about it."     

"I learned about it from various sources when I was still overseas," Laura replied. She had heard about the history of the letter from her teachers overseas because the system in this city was extremely unique. This also allowed her to know the true reason why the two letters existed in the first place.     

The first letter one received upon being recognized to have some anomaly was called the silver letter. If their talent was recognized to be higher at the time they were tested again at the age of 8-10, they could get the golden letter and be admitted directly into the hidden group of the government.     

The primary reason why the letter was created was to make sure that there would be no repeat of an incident in the past. At that time, an awakened didn't know that he awakened his power. Harnessing the power that was beyond logic, he was treated as a freak.     

The stress and peer pressure caused him to turn crazy. Several people died because he lost control of his power. As this alarmed the government greatly, they created the letter. On the outside, they told the people that this was given to talented people, while in truth, this was to prevent the same incident from repeating itself again.     

With time, they found out that the awakened could only result from a certain degree of anomaly, which became clear when they were 8-10 years old. As a result, those who passed the threshold were given the golden letter and a higher priority in their system. At the same time, the government would watch the owners carefully in fear that they would awaken their power accidentally without realizing it.     

It took the government some time to find the conditions for golden letter holders to awaken their talent. Since then, they would try to prevent that kind of experience from happening to those golden letter holders.     

But things changed in the last few decades.     

Kanae looked into Laura's eyes. "Do you remember when they tested you again at the age of 8?"     

Laura nodded. "I remember, but I didn't pass their exam, so I didn't continue. However, I remember that you went missing for days, Sis. Dad and Mom were also busy with work, but they still tried to search for you."     

"I was still a naughty kid at that time."     

"I believe that you're still very naughty even now, Sis."     

"What? I'm a good kid," Kanae immediately defended herself.     

Laura crossed her arms. "I made a series of new sweets not long ago and placed them in the refrigerator. But when I went to check on them again, they had already disappeared."     

"Uh…" she couldn't say that they already moved to her stomach, could she?     

Seeing her sister become speechless, Laura smiled triumphantly. "Anyway, do you think I should go to this school? You also got one, Sis."     

Kanae folded the invitation letter and sighed. Even though they already left the school a long time ago, their data was still inside the school, letting the school know that they were given letters. The accursed silver letter that would make them targets.     

"Do you want to go?"     

"I'm not sure myself, but I know that I'm not allowed to ignore anything that comes from the government," Laura answered.     

Anything that came from the government was the very first priority. Those at the very peak followed this rule strictly because they very much understood the power behind the government.     

"We'll go together," Kanae smiled. "Nothing will happen to you."     

Laura beamed. "Thank you, Sis!"     

"Now, let me borrow the kitchen, I want to try the recipe that you taught me not long ago."     

"What? NO! You're not allowed to go to the kitchen and cook. The entire kitchen is going to be a mess."     

"Come on, you'll be busy at the company because of a meeting. Why can't I use the kitchen?"     

Laura snapped back to reality the moment Kanae said that. She nearly cursed out loud. A few minutes ago, she was already prepared to go after changing her clothes and carrying the materials. However, upon seeing her sister still blanking out, she walked over in curiosity to ask.     

"I'll be late! Don't mess up the kitchen, Sis!" Laura yelled and grabbed her phone that she placed on the table.     

Kanae smiled and waved her hand. "I'll do my best to not mess it up."     

"If you mess up the kitchen, I won't cook for you for a week!"     

"Hey! Don't threaten me with food!"     

Laura stuck out her tongue before running out of the room. Kanae shook her head with a wry smile. That little sister of hers was truly devious, she knew how to make sure that her older sister wouldn't enter the kitchen at all.     

Placing the invitation letter on the table, she read the one directed to her. It used the exact same wording.     

"Silver letter holders don't mean much for them," Kanae placed it back on the table. "They're nothing more than experiment rats for the medicine."     

Her body tensed up the moment she recalled what she had seen in that school. From the records that Jason showed her, she knew that many of the missing students were actually silver letter holders. It was clear that they were targeting silver letter holders only for use in their experiments.     

'We're going to be alright.'     

Calming herself down, Kanae headed to her room. She couldn't change the past no matter what she did. Her decision to go to the school in that battle changed her life forever, making her become decisive and ruthless. Staining her hands with blood, it was the path that dragged her to the underworld forever, unable to leave the path of blood.     

Kanae heaved a sigh. She knew how bloodthirsty she became after that incident as she was extremely unforgiving to whoever dared to offend her or hurt her family.     

Walking to her bed, she lay down slowly. Even though she has already gotten used to fighting by now, that incident in Lima School was still not a good experience to remember. She needed some rest to clear her mind.     

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