Under the Veil of Night

Moving In

Moving In

Mansion of the Fifth Branch of the Nali Family (Kanae and Laura's Mansion)     

"Sis, are you sure that you don't need my help?" Laura looked worriedly towards Kanae, who was busy carrying their belongings inside. As she was the one who packed the boxes, she knew very well that many of the boxes were extremely heavy, yet Kanae was treating them as if they were as light as feathers.     

Kanae nodded. "There aren't that many. Besides, the bigger items are already inside with the workers' help."     

Laura smiled wryly. Well, since her sister volunteered to do the job, she wouldn't ask anything anymore. With light steps, she walked inside. The outer section, which was previously destroyed in the collapse has returned back to normal. In fact, it seemed even better than before.     

The wall was painted in cream and light blue colors, painting a picturesque view. The floor was tiled with unique patterns, and added with the shimmering light from the chandelier , it created extraordinary images. Towards this newly renovated mansion, Laura was extremely satisfied. She couldn't ask for a more beautiful building.     

Kanae glanced towards the main hall and she noticed that the layout was mostly still the same as before. A faint smile made its way to her lips. She missed this place so much. It has been two years and a half since she last stepped in here.     

"Sis, did you ask the contractors to replicate our old place?" Laura asked excitedly.     

Kanae nodded. "Didn't you see in the plan that I gave you?"     

Laura stuck out her tongue. Her gesture made it clear; she didn't read it as she believed her sister would take care of everything. Since Kanae already said that she wanted to do it that way, she just followed what her sister wanted.     

"I'll return the mansion's deed to its place. It has served its purpose in front of the officials and lawyers for now."     

"I'll unpack some of the things first," Kanae said as she picked up some of the luggage.     

Although she hasn't been back here for nearly three years, she still remembered the location of the various rooms. Her feet made its way to her bedroom and she opened it. As the inner part of the mansion was not disturbed by the collapse, this place was still the same as before.     

When Sakura lived in this mansion, she didn't use all the rooms. Kanae and Laura's old rooms were untouched. Kanae already asked for a housekeeping service to clean the entire building before they moved in, so there wasn't any dust left.     

Putting down the luggage on the side, she opened one of suitcases and took out a framed photo. In the picture were her and Laura when they were still younger. Kanae was showing a goofy smile while Laura was giggling. The background of the picture was the courtyard where the two of them were playing hide and seek. Their parents happened to see Kanae finding Laura very quickly and took a picture of the two.     

Kanae smiled and put the photo frame on the table near her bed. That was one of the most precious moments in her life. There was no way she was going to forget about it.     

'I wish I can return to the past when everything hadn't happened yet.'     

It was a foolish dream that she has had for years. There was no way she could return to the past, so this dream remained a wish that could never be fulfilled. Although she still thought about it occasionally, she had mostly accepted the situation as through the difficulties, she met her true friends.     

After that, Kanae proceeded to take out her clothing and put everything in the closet. As for Laura's luggage, she only put it in the girl's room.     

"Laura, where are you?" Kanae walked out of Laura's room after she finished.     

"I'm in the kitchen, Sis."     

Hearing the faint answer, Kanae made her way to the kitchen. Laura was filling the refrigerator with the food that she brought over. Considering Kanae's appetite, there was no doubt that the food would disappear in a matter of days.     

"You're not allowed to cook, Sis," Laura reminded Kanae again.     

Hearing the same warning, Kanae rolled her eyes. "I already know that. You keep reminding me."     

"That's because you still come into the kitchen."     

"I want to learn how to cook."     

"…If I let you in, the kitchen is going to end up as a disaster site," Laura pouted.     

Kanae smiled wryly. "Well, you're the best teacher around. So of course, I'm going to ask you."     

"I will help you in any way aside from teaching you how to cook, Sis. You should remember how badly the kitchen ends up whenever you finish using it."     

Well, Kanae couldn't refute that. In the end, she only helped Laura put the food into the refrigerator before heading to the study. It was a small room filled with books. Most of the books were already pretty old, though.     

"Sis, now that we have the mansion, we have to make sure that we keep it," Laura grinned.     

Kanae nodded. "I already thought about it before. Laura, are you interested in starting a company?"     

"Company?" Laura was startled. She did study business during her time overseas, but that was not enough for her to start a new company by herself. Moreover, she would only be 16 years old in two months.     

"Yeah, I'm thinking about starting a company with you as the president. Of course, if you think that you can't do it, I won't force you."     

Laura thought about the matter for a moment. Her school life was basically boring since she already mastered most of the lessons. The learning standard of this city was far lower than those overseas. In addition, if she could help her sister by managing this company, she would do it.     

"What should I do, Sis?"     

"I'll ask my friend to deal with the necessary procedures with starting up a new company. You'll be the one in charge after he finishes the setup."     

"What is the purpose of this company, Sis?"     

"This is a way for us to earn a living outside the family. If this company becomes big and successful, even the Nali Family won't be able to do anything to us. Besides, we're going to need a cover for our work," Kanae explained.     

Laura nodded her head. It sounded interesting as she has long wished to leave the Nali Family. Since her sister was going to leave first, the company should belong to Kanae.     

"Sure, I'll do it."     

"Great, what kind of company would you like to create?" Kanae asked.     

Laura pondered for a moment before raising her head. Her eyes were glittering as she thought about something that she loved.     


Kanae blanked for a moment. She laughed. "Alright, I'll tell him that. You're going to manage all the matters regarding the company. I won't interfere at all. Is that fine?"     


"Good girl."     

"Stop treating me like a kid!"     

The two of them stopped bantering when Kanae got a phone call. She hurriedly picked it up while wondering when she ever gave out her number since it was an unfamiliar number.     

"This is Kanae."     

"Kanae, this is Neo. Do you have time for a work trip?"     

Kanae glanced to Laura. Her sister was going to be alright if she asked Jason and the others to protect her, so she basically didn't have anything to do right now.     


"Good, pack up and come to the company tomorrow morning. We're going for another work trip."     

Tomorrow? "…Okay."     

As she ended the call, Kanae sighed to herself. Does it have to be so sudden?     

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